Conscientious Work, Loyalty to Occupation, Enjoying Your Career and Good Health
Sometimes all it takes is a tarot card to remind you that you deserve the wealth, exhilaration or elation that comes from doing the work you’re passionate about, and that you’re skilled at.
Does work require conscious effort? Of course. But if it’s work that aligns with your spirit, it will seem effortless. It’s a way to express your true, authentic self. That’s why you feel good while engaged in it.
Work was never meant to be dreaded drudgery. Your occupation is the primary way you share yourself, connect with, and contribute to your world. It’s possible to enjoy activity, as long as you use it to express your true self.
The 2 of Pentacles wants you to know that you have permission to thoroughly enjoy your work, occupation, passion and subsequently, your wealth.
This card is also a good omen for flourishing health. When you’re fulfilled in your occupation, this sensation naturally flows through the rest of your life.

When The 2 of Pentacles Shows Up In A Reading
Health and Body Image: The 2 of Pentacles is a promising sign for good health. This is due to your inner bliss and tranquility which has a strong, vigorous effect on your nervous system.
Occupation and Finances: The 2 of Pentacles is a good omen for your occupation, especially work that involves machinery or technology. If you have employees, ensure you’re compensating them well, and they’ll bring you wealth and work enjoyment. Overall, this card is a sign that you’ll find gratification and feel satisfied with your occupation, as well as those you work with. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Relationships: If you’re wondering about whether a particular person is trustworthy or not, the 2 of Pentacles would say ‘yes.’ This card is a sign of an amiable relationship that will bring you comfort and contentment.
Hidden Meaning: There’s no true satisfaction in life, health and relationships unless one also enjoys their primary occupation.
Reversed: This is the instant gratifications card – gratifications that can never fulfill you. The 2 of Pentacles reversed might indicate there’s a waste of energy, money or resources spent on paltry, subpar things or persons, resulting in embarrassment or humiliation. You might find yourself in a restricted material state due to a lack of managing resources. Or perhaps more labor is going out than profit coming in. Or maybe you’re faced with a difficult choice in some life area, with one option hindering the other. Focus on prioritizing commitments, budgeting your finances, and being stingy with your time, energy and resources. Manage your energy wisely. It’s all about energy management. Seek refined minimalism and conservative regulation of your expenditures, and you’ll manifest the good life.
Advice: This card is about enjoying your work and work relationships, which transfers to the rest of your life as well: good health, amiable relationships and an overall sense of tranquility and bliss. Don’t forget to honor those who work with you. Look for joy in mundane work. When you enjoy what you have, what you have will bring you joy.
Astrological Association: Virgo
Element: Fire on the 6th House
Timing: August 23rd to September 22nd, or 2 years
Reversals: Generally, an obstacle must be overcome before a favorable event can occur
Yes or No: Yes