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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness to successfully navigate collective energies
Wednesday – Thursday
June 8 – June 9, 2022
Sun in Gemini 17° 49′
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra 0° 00′
VOC Moon trine Pluto Rx: 12:08pm Jun 8 – 3:23pm Jun 8 UTC
New/Full Moon: Full Moon in Sagittarius 23° 25′ 11:51am Jun 14 UTC
It’s a good day to row your own boat. Ideas galore (and talking mouths) overwhelm unless relentless purge of energy exploiters. A challenging project may finally see sprouts, the first sign of life. Harmonize opposites.
Moon | Cancer
Grand Earth Trine, Kite, Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra opposite Neptune, Jupiter, quincunx Saturn, trine Mercury, Pluto Rx, sesquiquadrate Venus, Uranus, Pallas, N Node.
Beauty is the balance. Consider quietude and a project to develop skills over time with hard work.
Some might be coming out of a very challenging metamorphosis with swords swinging – like a legit butterfly with guns.
Soft and compassionate, but patience for drivel ran out yesterday.
The ingredients of true passion are emotional purity, a sharp mind, and natural courage. If you can feel pure inspiration, you already reached success technically, even if you can’t see it yet externally.
If bored or anxious chaos, consider what you feed your mind and soul. It may be time for some pruning and a trip to the dump.
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, self-rejection, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
Emotional nurturingmay come through relationship harmony or accepting a partner’s mood shifts; relationship contracts may be established to ensure basic needs are provided; there may be some indecision but you can trust your judgements as long as you don’t compromise your own principles or emotional needs just to be liked.
Physical beauty is a reflection of inner serenity, bliss, harmony – eternal youth. Sports that require quick thinking or fast movement are in favor. Ambitions of grandiosity or lack of joyous spontaneity may indicate failure in a health or fitness protocol.
Internal conflict with food must be faced directly. How do you really feel about it?
Relax and maintain balance between force and flow – such as yoga or freestyle hip hop.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Nerves, kidney disease, second rib. Artery, left knee, hair. Breathing. Detoxification System (liver, kidneys, skin) through June 10 or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Sun semisextile Pallas. Ceres sesquiquadrate Saturn Rx. Juno quintile Mercury.
Bless them, then cut them out of your life forever. Sever heads by using the mute or block button without hesitation. It may sound harsh, but it can save a life in this case.
Watch for romantic illusions or deceptive celebs, influencers, or a political mothery-type. Look for people with a matured intellect to understand the mysteries of life.
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus sesquiquadrate Moon.
A home, property, or living situation may not be first priority today. Watch for conflict related to material assets simmering under the surface.
Jupiter opposite Moon. Saturn Rx quincunx Moon, octile Mars, semisextile Neptune, sesquiquadrate Ceres. Pluto Rx trine Moon, quintile Mars. Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.
Pure, innocent passion must be channeled into a consistent method or daily routine. That’s nothing new here, but fatal consequences are possible now, if out of balance.
Ensure product or investment is honestly or simply magnificent with no need for manipulation or marketing hype.
Recovery is quite possible if messy but relentless grind over last few months under excruciating challenges – and contact list is clean. Otherwise, results may not be pretty.
Market volatility but overall, flatlining. Ups and downs may cancel each other out through June 23. Especially difficult day June 18. Potential stability or fortune after June 20 with quality investments. You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20, 2022. Traditional finance structures may collapse and transition into regulated digital currency through 2025. Long term investing or hodling in companies with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady.
Communications in favor, even if blocked in some places, or false alerts. Hurtful, piercing words may trigger sorrow and frivolous zeal is repulsive; but artistic eloquence in speaking holds invincible power.
Enjoy the inner muse on the inside; maintain polite formality on the outside.
Unpredictable conflict may make socializing in person difficult. Watch for travel or vehicular incidents.
Relax and flow to feel pure inner calm, universal harmony. Imagined threats can create the very conflict.
TRIGGER EVENT through Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to war, explosions, weapons, mass violence, protests, jobs, supply chain, environment, fire, nature, culture, space, technology, social media, business, inflation, finances, crypto. Shocking event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.
Number 6. A critical degree. Ambitions of grandiosity, an aggressive cause, erratic or unpredictable excitement, missed target, derailment. Overly cautious, miserly with money, resources. Great potential lost unless common sense, clear objectives. Full success possible, internal and external. Dual personality. Mental metamorphosis. Inner wisdom radiates power. Courage disarms enemies. Quick, unrestrained precision in action, sharp execution, exceptional timing. Executive ability, success in business, politics, alliances. Violent tragedy, homicide, separation or divorce. Sex issues. Writing a novel, eloquence in public speaking. Children. Celebrations. Electrical, technology, drones, vehicle incidents. Iran. Nerves, kidney disease, second rib.
“A dismantled fortress in ruins.” — Kosminsky
Tomorrow: IMBALANCE. Abandonment, betrayal, left alone with own resources. Blighted hope. Intense love to intense sorrow, but was the love real? Too much culture, fanatic zeal, or maternal catering – or, too much rationality and precision, not enough feeling. Dishonesty, crime. Easily influenced by glittery celebs, deceptive influencers. No personality. Deeply religious but avoids consistent work. Homeless gypsy life of despair, a tramp. Beautiful mansion, lavish style lost with regret, or left behind to follow pure love. Extreme challenge. Stripped bare of all identities, definitions; freedom to follow pure inspiration. Mental vitality, refined minimalism, calm serenity. Breathing, lung, throat issues. Kidney disease.
End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface Oct 28 temporarily. Violence unleashed, powerful explosions, fires through May 29. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges May 29 through June 17. Communications errors, tech snags, vehicular conflict through June 3 and June 20. Bold rescue missions through July 5. Shock event triggers conflict or social, environmental development or tech advancement through Aug 1. Collapse of social, political structures through Oct 23. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025.
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Invasion of Ukraine from an astrological perspective. Note: This page is no longer accessible for edits. Web host is working on it and will hopefully be updated soon.]