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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness.
Tuesday – Wednesday
June 21 – June 22, 2022
Sun in Cancer 0° 06′
Last Quarter Moon in Aries 4° 29′
VOC Moon square Sun: 3:10am Jun 21 – 3:37am Jun 21 UTC
New/Full Moon: New Moon in Cancer 7° 22′ 2:52am Jun 29 UTC
It’s a good day to stay focused on your own genuine work which naturally develops genuine alliances over time. Self-sacrifice is manipulative. Heat, fire, violence, outages, investigations. New cycle begins. Be original.
Moon | Cancer
Last Quarter Moon in Aries octile Uranus, N Node, square Sun, Lilith, conjunct Jupiter, Chiron, sextile Mercury.
Happy Solstice! It’s the longest day in the northern hemisphere, the shortest day in the south. The world may be in shambles, manipulators winning, the future bleak….
But as long as you didn’t sacrifice your true self and your deeper emotions, the new horizon is fertile with joyous potential. Sure, mistakes have been made. But can you just be yourself? That’s the secret to success. Sacrificing your life dream doesn’t do anyone any favors. A genuine self invites genuine connections: Real love!
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, self-rejection, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
Emotional nurturing may come through emergency care, defending the vulnerable, starting a new building project, or direct expression of feelings; watch for fiery reactivity with no concern for consequences as a cover to hide self-doubt or personal need for nurturing support and comfort
Mars, Ceres, Chiron | Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Mars octile Vesta. Chiron conjunct Moon, septile Mercury, Saturn Rx.
Emotional or metabolic health may need some attention for some; otherwise, consider more carefree spontaneity in a health, beauty, or fitness protocol. Health data may be ‘in the dark,’ censored, or pushing a hidden agenda. You can trust the signals of your own body for guidance. The body never lies!
Healthcare may especially focus on: Sixth Rib or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Moon, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Sun square Moon. Juno sextile Uranus.
There’s no need to settle. Watch for relationship traps that demand so much work, they suck the life out of you. With that said, consider committing to a person or alliance that supports authenticity. Harmonize dedication with freedom to be yourself.
Consider investigating any communications issues for a quick resolution related to home or assets. You can relax and stay committed to your dream home. Organizing material assets can be inspiring and uplifting. Allowing deeper emotions to flow also allows inspired creativity to flow!
Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.Jupiter square Lilith (Jun 19-24).
If work passion is blocked, can you do the usual in a new way? Relax so originality can flow. Even if it takes a looooong time to complete tasks, giving up is not an option. You can adjust along the way to be more efficient.
Egotisticalmanipulation may be exposed. Impatience may hit a wall. Illusions may lead further from the truth if true feelings are repressed. Insecurities are a superpower, not a flaw.
It’s an excellent time to organize content before publishing or publicizing. Avoid biased agendas, word salads, inconsistent narratives, reactive arguments. Consider respectful but direct communications for the win!
Careers, investments in favor: Skills in Public Service, Health, Business, Overseas Trade, Mechanics, Music, Music Timing, Rhythm, Logic, Exact Science, Observation, Undercurrents, Cause and Effect, Farming, Detective, Investigative Work.
FINANCE MARKETS: Market volatility but overall, flatlining – ups and downs may cancel each other out through June 23. Potential stability or fortune after June 20 with quality investments. You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20. Possible upside after June 23 but watch for quick, false breakouts. Difficult day July 1-4. Potential financial crisis July 18-20. Global illusion, potential loss around Aug 1. Sell before Nov 8 or hodl. Buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.
It may be a gorgeous day for travel, shopping, or communications, especially if you’re resourceful. Stay organized and relaxed to handle fast-paced actions with ease.
Pretentious people and glitter are a warning signal. Also, internal conflict among influencers, influential. Just say ‘no’ to tacky seduction.
In some places, there may be a sudden or unexpected fire, conflict, or outages requiring an extra level of endurance, but is likely a rare or quick event.
Neptune, Mars | Pisces, Aries
Neptune quintile Mercury, semisextile Saturn Rx. Mars octile Vesta.
Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Neptune in Pisces
“A curious ring set with a large heart of white onyx.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees
Elite and Public authorities: internal conflict.
Housing scams. Growing hidden wealth, alliances, plutocracy gains. Destruction of the material, security or natural resources, vehicular incidents, disruptions, earth shakes. Shady business prevails despite setbacks.
Fire, heat. Global conflict, mass violence, protests, weapons, war. Women’s rights issues through June 24. Hidden financial schemes, tech agendas, unexpected outages. Pretentious or glittery self-absorption, self-importance.
Liberating insights can lighten your load. Let it all go.
Communications in favor, although contentious. Investigations, exposure. Mistakes easily missed. Missed opportunity, lacking direction. Truth is staring at you in the face. Most will miss it but if you can see it, you’re now free to dedicate to what you LOVE. Consistent organization in favor.
If you stayed true, you evolved through a long period of immense challenges without realizing you were evolving!
UPCOMING: End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface through Oct 28 temporarily. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges through June 17-22. Housing scams through June 24. Most beautiful day June 26-27. Brave rescue missions through July 5. Shock event triggers conflict or social, environmental development, tech advancement around Aug 1. Collapse of social, political structures, alliances, judicial issues of past through Oct 23. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025
TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, WWIII, alliances, mass violence, protests, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, trade, inflation, finances, or crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.
June 13 – 22 (Peak: June 17)
Mercury, Venus, and Mars in rare triple domicile which may indicate success through conflict. Neptune also in domicile.
Success after long period of immense challenges – through June 22.
June 26-27
Sun 5° Cancer. Moon in Gemini conjunct Venus, Mercury, sextile Jupiter, Chiron, Mars, trine Saturn. Mars sextile Saturn, Mercury sextile Chiron.
Most beautiful day of the month. Fashion, luxury, extravagance. Fortune or success in communications, travel, alliances, victory in war. Watch for excess or entitlement.
Intense conflict, internal or external. Yet, suffering is unnecessary. Trust TRUE faith.
July 31 – Aug 1
Mars, Uranus, N Node Conjunction 18° Taurus
Betrayal, unexpected disaster beyond someone’s control, feeling defeated or victimized, unwilling to make effort to grasp a golden opportunity, stuck doing an unwanted job unnecessarily.
TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, war, WWIII, alliances, weapons, mass violence, protests, jobs, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, social media, trade, inflation, finances, crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.
August 30, 2022
New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus, Venus 27° joins Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces
Misplaced hope in a global illusion. Rebellion.
August 2023
Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.
International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement such as a formal acceptance into a diplomatic major world alliance.
November 1, 2023
Pluto’s last pass over 27° Capricorn
Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, new security structure after collapse.
Aside from war and violence, there’s potential for deep intimacy, unity, harmony, and unique courage, relentless determination, or achievement on a grand scale – as long as disciplined hard work and grounded common sense are involved. This powerful energy in alliances can be used for different purposes. It’s vital to keep your head clear and avoid conflict, if possible.