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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness.


Wednesday – Thursday

June 22 – June 23, 2022

  • Sun in Cancer 1° 06′
  • Waning Crescent Moon in Aries 18° 06′ and Taurus
  • VOC Moon square Pluto Rx: 8:02am Jun 23 – 11:58am Jun 23 UTC
  • New/Full Moon: New Moon in Cancer 7° 22′ 2:52am Jun 29 UTC
  • Prominent Sign: Taurus
  • Prominent Planets: Juno
  • Prominent Polarity: Yin
  • Prominent Mode: Cardinal
  • Prominent Element: Water
  • Prominent Aspects: Square, Semisextile
  • Retrogrades: Pluto Rx, Saturn Rx
  • Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune in Signs of Rulership
  • Aries Stellium: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Chiron
  • Venus in Gemini
Sun in Cancernovile True Node. Waning Crescent Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, Mars, septile Mercury, quintile Sun, sextile Saturn Rx, square Ceres, Pluto Rx, VOC, Moon in Taurus. Saturn Rx square Taurus Stellium. Mars octile Vesta. Jupiter octile N Node, sesquiquadrate S Node. Uranus quintile Vesta. Chiron conjunct Moon, Mars square Ceres, septile Saturn Rx. Cardinal Water.


Moon | Cancer
Waning Crescent Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, Mars, septile Mercury, quintile Sun, sextile Saturn Rx, semisextile Uranus, Juno, N Node, quincunx S Node, square Ceres, Pluto Rx, VOC, Moon in Taurus.

Have you forgotten how to enjoy life? Have you been a workaholic or a freeloader? A genuinely fulfilled life comes from limitations, commitment, and consistent work that you LOVE and enjoy. In essence, there should be no difference between work and play. If you aren’t enjoying a rich existence, stability, and emotional comfort (even amidst pressure and confusion), you can always establish a new habit.

Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, self-rejection, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.

Emotional nurturing may come through emergency care, defending the vulnerable, starting a new building project, or direct expression of feelings; watch for fiery reactivity with no concern for consequences as a cover to hide self-doubt or personal need for nurturing support and comfort


Mars, Ceres, Chiron | Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Mars conjunct Moon, octile Vesta. Chiron conjunct Moon, Mars, square Ceres, septile Saturn Rx.

Slothful, anarchic inertia may be a result of too much resistance – either weight training or conflict with food, or life itself. Once you stop moving, you might realize just how exhausted you are; or, maybe you’ve been slacking off for years. Either way, you might consider a more sustainable or desirable health, beauty, or fitness protocol. Sure, it might be hard work day after day… but if you LOVE it, it’s effortless. Consider listening to your body AND soul.

Healthcare may especially focus on: Seventh Rib or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026


Sun, Moon, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Sun quintile Moon, novile True Node. Juno semisextile Moon, septile Pluto Rx.

Are you a magnet for all the wrong people? Or, are you trapped in a relationship that demands a lot of self-sacrifice? There are things you may not see, also known as denial. A “small” matter may actually be an overwhelming issue. Is it time for a whole new commitment?

Consistent dedication to a relationship that routinely celebrates authenticity is where it’s at. Deeply fulfilling relationships take time to build trust upon the foundation of freedom-to-be-yourself. YES, you want commitment, but only if it’s authentic: genuine, real, natural, free-flowing. Not forced or obligated. This is true nurturing.


Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Saturn Rx square Taurus Stellium. Vesta octile Mars, quintile Uranus.
Lilith square Jupiter (Jun 19-24)

Consistent (yet inspired) organization may be the only thing you can do now concerning a home, property, or living situation – but that’s everything. Organization ensures a stable foundation and secure structure amidst instability.

Watch for housing scams through June 24.


Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, True Node | Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Jupiter octile True Node. Saturn Rx sextile Moon, semisextile Neptune, septile Chiron. Pluto Rx square Moon. True Node novile Sun, semisextile Moon.
Jupiter square Lilith (Jun 19-24). Saturn Rx square Taurus Stellium.
Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.

Some may be slacking off or feel no fire; others may be spinning their wheels – working hard with no results.

In either case, consider relaxing so originality can flow. Much is hidden now, especially financial schemes, but if you can let go, you can feel the energy – which can spark true fire. You’ve already come so far – or – life has already given you so much. If you don’t LOVE your work and colleagues now, you won’t love the rewards (or lack thereof) either.

Careers, investments in favor: Good sense of Rhythm, Precision. Versatility, works well in free flow. Success in Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Luxury, Scents, Floral Arrangements, Study of Nature, Astrology, Alchemy, Philosophy, Arts, Figurative Arts, Trivial Interests.

Today in finances: Resistance, fatigue. Tomorrow: Volatility.

FINANCE MARKETS: Possible upside after June 23 but watch for quick, false breakouts. Potential loss July 3-7, 13. Potential financial crisis July 18-20. Global illusion, trigger event around Aug 1. Sell before Nov 8 or hodl. Buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.


Mercury, Uranus, Pallas | Gemini, Aquarius
Mercury septile Moon. Uranus semisextile Moon, quintile Vesta.

It may be better to rest and organize a consistent routine before travel, shopping, or socializing. Relax for a pleasant surprise. Look for something magical or lighthearted that satisfies the soul. But watch for lust, shallow entertainment which can lead to misfortune.


Neptune, Mars | Pisces, Aries
Neptune semisextile Saturn Rx. Mars conjunct Moon, octile Vesta.


Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Neptune in Pisces
Sun in Cancernovile True Node. Waning Crescent Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, Mars, septile Mercury, quintile Sun, sextile Saturn Rx, square Ceres, Pluto Rx, VOC, Moon in Taurus. Saturn Rx square Taurus Stellium. Mars octile Vesta. Jupiter octile N Node, sesquiquadrate S Node. Uranus quintile Vesta. Chiron conjunct Moon, Mars square Ceres, septile Saturn Rx. Cardinal Water.


“A fat dog defends its bone against two scrawny dogs….” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees

“On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees

Elevation or intense pressure, friction, fire, heat, weapons, war, threats. Self-made martyr, or dictator. Material/earth, vehicular, structural friction, destruction, blockages, inertia. Bodies. Emergency rescues.

Financial conflicts of interest of the elite, public authorities, geopolitical alliances. Internal conflict: health, virus, water issues, food, natural resources. Capable leaders are rare. Housing scams. For some, lust can lead to disgrace. Loss from social injustice or by catering to social justice. Children, babies. Women’s rights issues through June 24.

Obstacles build fortitude, endurance. Relax under pressure or emotional confusion. New allegiance. Choose leaders or alliances wisely.

If you worked hard and stood firm on your standards through long period of immense challenges, you can enjoy the rich satisfaction of achievement.

UPCOMING: End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface through Oct 28 temporarily. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges through June 17-22. Housing scams through June 24. Most beautiful day June 26-27. Brave rescue missions through July 5. Shock event triggers conflict or social, environmental development, tech advancement around Aug 1. Collapse of social, political structures, alliances, judicial issues of past through Oct 23. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025

TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, WWIII, alliances, mass violence, protests, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, trade, inflation, finances, or crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.

June 13 – 22 (Peak: June 17)


Mercury, Venus, and Mars in rare triple domicile which may indicate success through conflict. Neptune also in domicile.

Success after long period of immense challenges – through June 22.

June 24

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Planets align.

June 26-27

Sun 5° Cancer. Moon in Gemini conjunct Venus, Mercury, sextile Jupiter, Chiron, Mars, trine Saturn. Mars sextile Saturn, Mercury sextile Chiron.


Most beautiful day of the month. Fashion, luxury, extravagance. Fortune or success in communications, travel, alliances, victory in war. Watch for excess or entitlement.

July 18 – 20

Sun, Mercury opposite Pluto Rx. Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter square Venus, Pluto Rx, Sun, Mercury


Intense conflict, internal or external. Yet, suffering is unnecessary. Trust TRUE faith.

July 31 – Aug 1

Mars, Uranus, N Node Conjunction 18° Taurus


Betrayal, unexpected disaster beyond someone’s control, feeling defeated or victimized, unwilling to make effort to grasp a golden opportunity, stuck doing an unwanted job unnecessarily.

TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, war, WWIII, alliances, weapons, mass violence, protests, jobs, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, social media, trade, inflation, finances, crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.

August 30, 2022

New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus, Venus 27° joins Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces


Misplaced hope in a global illusion. Rebellion.

August 2023

Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.


International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement such as a formal acceptance into a diplomatic major world alliance.

November 1, 2023

Pluto’s last pass over 27° Capricorn


Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, new security structure after collapse.

Aside from war and violence, there’s potential for deep intimacy, unity, harmony, and unique courage, relentless determination, or achievement on a grand scale – as long as disciplined hard work and grounded common sense are involved. This powerful energy in alliances can be used for different purposes. It’s vital to keep your head clear and avoid conflict, if possible.