This is a life course that takes you on a journey to the real you. We cover topics such as:
- connecting with the real you
- how to get unstuck in life
- how to clear emotional blocks
- how to process trauma and emotional pain
- surviving loss, heartbreak, and loneliness
- guilt and shame
- codependency and narcissism
- betrayal and abandonment
- anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
- ‘bad trips,’ fear, intense dreams, nightmares
- frustration, anger, rage
- addiction and binging
- depression, wanting to die
- the fear of death
- relationships, soul connections, real love and intimacy
- discovering your life passion
The Real You
We tend to think of personal and mental health issues as a disease or something to be fixed by a therapist. While therapists can be helpful, all of these issues are a pathway to the soul. They’re often a sign you’re waking up and your soul (the real you) is trying to get in touch with you.
When you’re attuned to the real you, you naturally experience real love, real relationships, and your very real life passion. You know what makes you feel genuinely and deeply good and what does not, without getting caught in manipulation traps.
Everything else is an illusory reality. Illusory realities are important too. They make imagination, fantasy, creativity, art and games possible. But they are still illusory. When we believe illusions are real, these are called delusions and they lead to all suffering – by way of relationship conflict, stored trauma, suppressed emotions, distorted logic, mental disorders, dysfunctional societies, and the whole works!
This isn’t a course about psychotherapy, healing, or getting rid of your problems. It’s about awakening to the real you and the real reality THROUGH your problems, which naturally RESOLVES your problems. This empowers you with an entirely new understanding of existence itself.
‘Awakening to the Real You’ is quite unlike any other course or path that I have taken.
It’s a deep dive into what is real and what is all delusion and illusion in one’s life and how to cut through that and be one’s true authentic self.
It helped me have a deeper understanding of some of life’s biggest challenges such as trauma, addiction, heartbreak, depression and how they relate to my conscious awakening.
The course is rich in detail and I found I was able to explore areas of my life in a completely different light and this has led me to a completely difference perspective on myself and my journey.
I am truly grateful for the journey that this course took me on. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to discover the deeper truth about themselves. – Guy Harvey
It’s About Soaring Rather Than “Manifesting”
This course also isn’t about growing spiritually, or “creating” your best life, or attracting a mass amount of money, or manifesting a life partner. While those experiences may be a result, this course is focused on one thing: clearing inner blockages so that your real, authentic self can fly free. Being the real you is the only way to experience real healing, real success, and real relationship connections. Not only that, it’s the only way to really LIVE.
You won’t find any of the usual platitudes in this course. There’s nothing else like it. We jump right into real life experiences. Sensitive subjects are handled with care without airbrushing reality. Solutions center on zen consciousness applied in a logical, practical, and even fun way.
Ultimately, this course is about being the real you in order to experience your most fulfilling existence!
So Many Things You Don’t Need
There are no homework assignments and no requirements or prerequisites. This course is for all ages, races, genders, spiritual beliefs, non beliefs, personal orientations, and identities – whether you’re struggling in life, or would like to help others.
You can start any time you’re ready and go through the course at your own pace. It might take you a week, or it can take you a year. Each section of the course builds on the previous one, so it’s ideal to do the course from start to finish.
You don’t need any materials. There are no webinars, email subscriptions, or required responses although questions and feedback are always welcome. You only need an internet connection to access the full written course online, broken down into quick, short paragraphs with some images – mostly memes!
You don’t need to know, utilize, or believe in meditation, energy, consciousness, the real reality, or quantum physics, although these topics are alluded to. You don’t need to agree with all the information in this course to benefit from it; in fact, its purpose is to connect you with your own grounded logic, emotional intelligence, and intuition.
Will This Course Be Fun And Easy?
It’s all the things! Fun, easy, challenging, bewildering, excruciating, liberating, empowering…. You’ll take a trip through your deepest shadows to your truest self. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.
There’s nothing to be afraid of except when you’re stuck under common illusions, which we dismantle in this course. We take a whole section (Section 2) to set up your safety nets and establish your foundation of reality before you begin the inner journey.
If this course serves its purpose, you’ll know who you are as an individual, why you’re on this planet, and the passion to be that.
Let’s Do This Adventure Together
What makes me qualified to be your guide? I live and breathe this stuff. Adventures through the ‘underworld’ is my game (although there is no actual underworld, as it’s all one energy field.) I’ve made this trek many times for myself. While you have to experience your own inner journey, I’m available for basic email support every step of the way. Contact me any time! If you’d like a more in depth personal consultation, see my services page for info.
Resources I used to write this course are: zen teachings, esoteric research, conscious awareness, personal awakening experiences, humor, compassion, and common sense logic. If you resonate with my social media posts, this course takes my posts to a more personal, practical, and comprehensive level.
I’d love to join you on this wild adventure called life.
By purchasing this course, you agree to my disclaimer, code of ethics, privacy policy, and refund policy. You can read that here.
To see Course details, click on the ‘Curriculum’ link at the top of this page. If you have any questions about the Course, you can contact me here and I will be happy to answer them.
- 7 Sections
- 28 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Section 1: Is Real, Non-Delusional Happiness Possible?4
- 2.1Section 1:1 Who Is The Real You? What Does The Real You Look Like? One Hot Mess Coming Up, Why Did You Incarnate Into Human Form? Thrift Store Dresses, Our Real Passion, Wait, Hairstyles Too? How To Fix The Mess
- 2.2Section 1:2 When We Don’t Know Who We Are, The Fundamental Aspect of Negativity, Understanding Effortless Effort, What If You Need Money? No Desire? Won’t Being Yourself Lose You Friends and Family? The Fear Of Loneliness, How To Experience Actual Success
- 2.3Section 1:3 What Is Reality? Are We Living In Reality? The Cause Of Suffering, You Can Put Away The Shovel, So What’s The Problem? Awakening After Years Of Self-Betrayal
- 2.4Section 1:4 The Best Dancers, Forgetting How To Play, So You Try To Get Healthy Or Work Harder, There’s No Program Or Formula, So Is Real, Non-Delusional Happiness Possible?
- Section 2: Safety Nets3
- 3.1Section 2:1 What Leads To Suffering And What Alleviates Suffering, How Support Can Help You Reach A New Level, What To Do In An Emergency, Statements And Meditations For Immediate Calm, Resting In Your Calm Center, When We’re CenteredSection 2:1 What Leads To Suffering And What Alleviates Suffering, How Support Can Help Us Reach A New Level, What To Do In An Emergency, Statements And Meditations For Immediate Calm, Resting In Your Calm Center, When We’re Centered
- 3.2Section 2:2 The Healing Frequencies of Nature, Nature Therapy, The Emotional Release Of A Waterfall, When Your Nature Vision Evolves, Relaxing In The Here And Now, Entering The Real Reality
- 3.3Section 2:3 Out Of Body Experiences; Is It Disassociation Or Non-Attachment? Merging Your Soul Self With Your Human Self; What Does Grounding Really Mean? The Truth Within A Lie; What’s True And What’s Real? What Are You Experiencing? Truth, Fantasy, And The Real Magic
- Section 3: Delusions, Delusions, And More Delusions6
- 4.1Section 3:1 The Desperate Need For Good Old Fashioned Logic, Is That What You Think Or What You’re Programmed To Think? How Do Delusions Develop? How Do You Know If It’s A Delusion? What If You’re Desensitized? What’s Real and True? Your Three Foundations
- 4.2Section 3:2 Illusory Realities, There Is No Bicycle, About Those Public Images, Some Other Common Delusions, The Truth Takes A Load Off
- 4.3Section 3:3 Can Your Thoughts Create Reality? Are Evil, Pain, And Suffering Fundamental Aspects Of Reality? The “Power” Of Your Thoughts, Can “Energy Frequency” Affect Your Reality? The Fear Of Negative Thoughts And Emotions; What Creates Reality? Can You Change Your Reality? How To Align With Another Person
- 4.4Section 3:4 Delusions Of Grand Systemic Narcissism, Common Traits Of Narcissism, Let’s Not Leave Codependency Out In The Cold, When Codependency And Narcissism Overlap, Victim Blaming
- 4.5Section 3:5 Addictions, Binging, Thought Patterns, Repeated Associations…. Something Vital Is Missing, How To Break Free, Pleasure Can’t Alleviate Suffering, How To Dissolve Mental Programs
- 4.6Section 3:6 Killing Your Essence, The Dark Side Of Love And Compassion, There’s That Pesky Quantum Entanglement Again, The Illusion Of Overlooking Or Punishing Wrongs, False Light, The Great Death Taboo, Filters Over Reality, Reality Is Where Your Best Life Happens, The Universal Role Of Delusions, How To Awaken To Your True Self And the Real Reality
- Section 4: Alright, We’re Going In - Copy4
- 5.1Section 4:1 Accepting Your Dark Side, The Common Sense Logic Of Wasp Nests, Giving Pain A Seat At The Table, The Intelligence Of Pain, We Honor Our Desires, The Great Resistance, The Only Problem, Signs Of Buried Pain, Trauma, Or Suppressed Emotions, What Causes Energy Blockages? How To Clear Emotional Blocks, How To Feel Your Emotions, How To Experience Real Love, Passion, And Intimacy, Trash Talking Emotions, Emotions Are For The Weak
- 5.2Section 4:2 Is It A Mental Illness Or A Symptom of Illness? On The Subject Of Mind Disorders, Is It A Mind Disorder, Physical Health Issue, Or A Sign Of Awakening? Help! What’s Happening To Me? Blockages Can Lead To Extremes, How To Determine What You’re Experiencing, How To Know If You’ve Experienced A Real Awakening
- 5.3Section 4:3 Real Transformations Aren’t Easy, All The Fake Stuff Has To Go, What Goes Up Must Come Down, Getting Physically Healthy Doesn’t Address Emotional Trauma, Now We Get Into Some Deep Sh**, What To Do If You’re Being Mauled To Death, How To Enjoy A Rigged Game, The Shockingly Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me, The Real Hell Is A Purifier, Are We Supposed To Love Pain? What Do We Do With Our Pain?
- 5.4Section 4:4 A Simple Process, Examples Of Processing Emotions And Trauma, The Hard Part, How You know You Discovered The Truth, What Is Not A Delusion, Just Make It Down The Mountain
- Section 5: Anxiety and Its BFF’s3
- 6.1Section 5:1 Suffering Alone In Silence, Why Does Anxiety Happen? Anxiety And Its Besties, Stress and Common Anxiety Themes, When Anxiety Mutates Into Panic Attacks, Paranoia, Rage, Or ADHD, How To Let The Trapped Energy Out, Letting Go Of Trying So Hard, Some Processing Steps For Chronic Anxiety
- 6.2Section 5:2 Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Repeating Trauma, When You Don’t Feel Safe, Fear, Existential Crises, And The Sheer Terror Of Panic Attacks, The Awakening Jolt Of Fear, What The “Dissolution” Of Self Really Means, Aloneness And The Solipsism Delusion, How To Process An Existential Crisis
- 6.3Section 5:3 When Triggers Are Benign, Natural Body Responses Are Healing Responses, Trauma Processing Steps for PTSD, What Do Intense Dreams and Nightmares Indicate? Nightmares And Soul Sickness, How Trauma Leads To Malevolence, How To Awaken From A Nightmare, Long Forgotten Fears, Holy Rage, Immediate Relief From Fear
- Section 6: Relationships, Heartbreak, Depression, Death and Dying4
- 7.1Section 6:1 Does Separation Exist Or Not? The Intense Pain of Breakups and Heartbreak, Why Do We Experience Separation? Individuation, The Tricky Subject Of Attachments, Separation and Intimacy, A Mutual Exchange Of Energy, Why Do Some People Betray and Abandon Others? Let’s Clear Up Some Common Relationship Illusions Which Create Suffering And Talk About Twin Flames, How To Survive A Painful Heartbreak, How To Align With Another Person
- 7.2Section 6:2 The Shock Trauma Of Grief and Loss, The Trite And Vapid, Unimaginable Wounds, Surviving Loss, Expanding Our Consciousness, How To Process Loss or Separation, What Do We Do With Guilt? Susceptibility To Atrocities, Infinite Compassion
- 7.3Section 6:3 Depression BINGO! The Widespread Experience Of Depression, Depression’s Only Resolution, The Living State Of Death, Depression And the Nirvana of Darkness, The Wild Revelation About Depression, How To Transform Depression, How To Instantly Transform Depression On The Spot, What About Wanting To Die? Some Unexpected Truths About Wanting To Die, Is There A Delusion? We Take Our Heaven Or Hell With Us
- 7.4Section 6:4 How To Die A Beautiful Death With Dignity, Death As A Transformation Process, Death Is The Most Deeply Relaxed State Possible, Our Best Life Comes Out Of Our Best Death, Where Do We Go After Death? How To Really Live, Even In Death, Processing Deep Trauma, The Final Death, The Immense Beauty Of Despair, Through Total Relaxation, Everything Works Out, Our Core Essence, Giving Up Everything To Experience Everything
- Section 7: Discovering Your Passion For Life4
- 8.1Section 7:1 It’s Alive! But Not That – That’s Dead, Bliss But Not Bliss, Love But Not Love, When Things Are As They Are, And Then Something Wonderful Happens, We Don’t Actually Awaken To Self, When The Usual Desires Disappear
- 8.2Section 7:2 What Is Your Life Passion? Enjoying Life, What Your Life Passion Looks Like, The Fire That Feels Good, Your Soul Fire And The Ultimate Serenity, Does Your Life Passion Require Courage? Fear And Passion Sitting In A Tree…
- 8.3Section 7:3 Some Practical Tips For Living and Being Your Passion, How It Plays Out In The Real World, Unbounded Consciousness
- 8.4Section 7:4 An Advanced Guided Meditation and Farewell Blessings