After yesterday’s powerful shakeup throwing some into a lake of confusion, it’s a good day to relax and allow the shift to settle.
With a Void-of-Course moon most of the day, it may be best to completely shut down, if possible, in order to regroup and fullyaccept something new.
Wait and watch for the right spark or insight before moving forward.
The Waxing Crescent Leo moon sextiles Mercury retrograde before going VOC. Watch for acting too quickly as a way to avoid deeper emotions. Also watch for depending on someone else to ‘take the wheel’ which can keep you stuck.
Otherwise, this aspect is conducive for staying true to self and to confidently ‘put yourself out there.’ Make the gutsy choice.
After today’s time out, the Virgo Moon wants to prepare for the long haul and get to work. It would be wise to establish your new daily routine in which to build your new life or new direction before Jupiter joins Saturn in “retrograde motion” this weekend.
Accept Differences, Join Forces, and Refine Details
June 14 – June 20, 2021
Monday, June 14:Saturn Rx square Uranus, Sun square Neptune, Moon in Leo
Tuesday, June 15: No Major Aspects
Wednesday,June 16: Moon in Virgo
Thursday, June 17: No Major Aspects
Friday, June 18: First Quarter Moon in Virgo, Moon in Libra
Saturday, June 19: No Major Aspects
Sunday, June 20: Sun in Cancer, Summer/Winter Solstice, Jupiter Retrograde, Moon in Scorpio
After an intense start and possible volcanic eruptions due to tension of the Saturn Rx Uranus square and confusion of Sun square Neptune… the week finally settles into softer energy and a slower pace as Jupiter turns retrograde on Sunday.
The slower pace could feel restless or frustrating unless you’re open to new ideas and innovations, and actively UTILIZE your energy to join alliances and refine details in your work and communications.
Be careful about words this week as confusion and misinformationrun rampant. Avoid extreme changes in career, which are likely illusions.
Take time to do things right.
Making changes with a lack of mental clarity can feel difficult but is beneficial because it allows you to go within and realize your true heart passion. You can also meditate on enlightened wisdom for clarity and grounding.
As long as you stay open to new awareness and continued changes – AND patiently work on establishing your new INSPIRED routine, you can be prepared for the standstills of Jupiter Saturn retrogrades starting this weekend.
June 2021
Make The Shift
The month of June finds itself right smack in the middle of eclipse retrograde season with a powerful Saturn Uranus square mid month.
It’s an excellent month to make a final break from the past, or finally break free from a dead routine, traditional structure, or cheap desires and illusions that make you suffer.
The first half of the month may be challenging with plenty of stress, confusion, and/or conflict unless you can relax and CHANGE right along with life. Stay grounded and make a final release of the past and life will be much easier for you. The second half of the month will lighten up but opportunities to make an important life shift may also dissolve.
How do you know what life shift to make?
Look at the Aquarius and Taurus Houses in your birth chart, and especially houses with planets at early to mid degrees in Fixed signs. This year’s Saturn Uranus square is triggering these life areas which are trying to shift from an old structure to a new, INSPIRED structure. Or, if you find yourself flip-flopping between two extremes in a life area, break free from the bipolar cycle by establishing and committing to a new habit, pattern, routine… that you honestly ENJOY. This is how you can avoid the tough challenges this month and this year.
With Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces along with Mercury Rx making significant aspects, watch for using someone as a savior to avoid making a necessary life shift. That person will eventually get crucified when they don’t live up to expectations.
Only YOU can make the changes necessary to look, feel, and experience your best.
Generally, during the month of June, people will either be lost in the clouds, in conflict with others, or transcending to a new dimension of consciousness. May you have the courage to experience the latter.
Conscious Choices and Life Changes
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.
Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.