Merry New Moon! It’s a beautiful day to stand by your own side. Instead of shaming your feelings, how can you feel proud of your authenticity? Instead of catering to dehumanizing expectations, how can you live true?
After the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Leo, it conjuncts Mercury and squares Uranus in Taurus before the Moon opposes Neptune Rx tomorrow. Mercury is quincunx Neptune and Pluto Rx while Uranus makes a septile to Neptune. Venus is working toward an opposition to Neptune, bringing Neptunian energies into play at this New Moon.
Some may feel extreme boredom at this New Moon, especially if you’ve been playing life “safe” and are repressed or held back. Others may be breaking free from self-repression.
So many hard aspects to Neptune Rx at a New Moon can feel tense. For some people, unexpected news or dark feelings can really shake you up. Some may feel anger and revenge or maybe manipulative media or public images provokes fear or insecurities which can lead to extreme tension or insomnia….
The ‘cherry on the top’ are those nagging self-doubts that won’t go away…. Ignoring them only creates unnecessary drama in relationships…..
Reality checks might hit especially hard now as facades fall apart and real thoughts and feelings are exposed….
However, Neptunian energy tends toward the delusional side.
There’s nothing wrong with dark feelings. Fears are perfectly natural when you face the uncertainties of life, especially when you dare to live TRUE.
For that reason, unsettled feelings are a good sign that you’re actually LIVING.
However, these feelings probably don’t feel good. Therefore, change is needed. The plot twist is that you don’t need to work harder or try to prove yourself…. The change needed may not be what you think.
For some, an emotional breakdown (if you haven’t experienced one already) can lead to a breakthrough:
Maybe you finally get fed up with heartless social standards and expectations that control you. Instead of “glowing up,” maybe you decide to just be yourself. Maintaining a facade is exhaustingAND dehumanizing.
Either way, this New Moon is an opportunity to get in touch with your own true standards and break free from the usual. Authenticity is the most attractive trait anyway and is the necessary ingredient for real love.
You can trust your True Self to guide the way to your best life potential. Instead of worrying, you can ENJOY the adventure and feel proud of your genuine achievements.
Relationship Turbulence And Revelations
August 9 – August 15, 2021
Monday, August 9:Venus opposite Neptune Rx, Mercury quincunx Pluto Rx, Yod Apex: Mercury in Leo, Moon in Virgo
Tuesday, August 10: Mercury opposite Jupiter Rx, Mars square Nodes
Wednesday,August 11: Venus trine Pluto Rx, Mars square Juno, Mercury in Virgo until August 30, Moon in Libra
Thursday,August 12: No Major Aspects
Friday, August 13: Mars quincunx Saturn Rx
Saturday, August 14: Venus quincunx Jupiter Rx, Moon in Scorpio
Sunday, August 15: Mercury square Nodes, Sun quincunx Neptune Rx, First Quarter Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon in Leo begins with a blocked or delusional start as Venus opposes Neptune Rx and Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx. Using escapism to avoid fears or intense feelings can lead from a wrong track to a really wrong track.
Watch for exaggerated romanticizing or villifying another person. Become aware of overdependency or lackofdependency in relationships. Stay focused on self-empowerment to mitigate relationship drama.
This may be a week that proves the integrity of your choices, or reveals your lack thereof.
Mercury opposite Jupiter Rx on Tuesday can indicate a difficult realization that you just can’t do it all (and that’s okay.) Others may be prone to big talk with no action.
However, those with a solid foundation and clear direction aren’t phased by looming obstacles. It feels GOOD to rise to the challenge and do the hard work.
Venus’ trine to Pluto Rx on Wednesday can bring favorable results as long as you’re committed to living true, even through hardcore challenges or haunting memories of the past.
Mercury in Virgo begins to uncover new, more accurate information on Wednesday, which affirm your choices or reveal mistaken beliefs.
Mercury and Mars square the Nodes and misaligned quincunx aspects to retrograde planets can indicate a boring, repressed existence, requiring you to look deeper into issues and face reality to see clearly. But you may not like what you see.
Only the grounded, well-established, and clear minded may be able to take the hard road this week – listening to your wounds – ultimately awakening to conscious realizations that excite you and inspire you.
The rest remain stuck in suffering, delusions, or slumber.
August 2021
Clarityand Calm
The month of July may end with unresolved issues or mental unrest. However, August provides various opportunities to become mentally calm and clear.
The key to this month is to become aware of what you feed your mind and how it affects your quality of life. False information or media programming can keep you trapped in unnecessary confusion, stress, anxieties, or other forms of suffering.
To keep your mind clear, it’s imperative to be extremely selectivewith information or media sources you’re exposed to. Don’t be afraid to turn off the TV, leave a social media platform, or get fed up with the political, religious, or Hollywood agenda used to control your mind, and your life.
A regular meditation practice may help some. Or, you might keep your intellect busy with research that makes your life better. Clearing out distractions that don’t align with your personal objectives can also support mental clarity and relaxation. Take time to care for your mind.
Those who are off track may experience an actual crisis or emergency this month; however, a clear mind can allow you to sail right through it.
After removing information sources and media entertainment that don’t serve your personal objectives and your well-being… now you can relax. Also, your natural creative inspiration and intellectualbrilliance can flow through your actions, allowing you to achieve your best potential.
The whole month provides different opportunities to break free from mental tyranny so you can ENJOY your life and work, rather than get lost in social indoctrination or misled beliefs that make you suffer.
Conscious Choices and Life Changes
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.
Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.