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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Next New/Full Moon: Full Moon in Libra 26° 45′ 6:54pm April 16 UTC
Prominent Sign: Pisces
Prominent Planets: Neptune
Prominent Polarity: Yin
Prominent Mode: Fixed
Prominent Element: Water
Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile
Retrogrades: All Major Planets Direct
Sole Dispositor: Neptune
Pisces Stellium: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
Yod Apex: Moon in Libra; Mercury, Mars sextile Venus
Jupiter conjunct Neptune 24° Pisces 2:42pm Apr 12 UTC
Jupiter, Neptune sextile N Node, trine S Node, Virgo Moon opposite Neptune, Jupiter, trine N Node, Pluto; Sun in Aries 25° octile Venus
It’s a good day to listen to your feelings even if hurts want to surface. Even rage may contain vital awareness that only love and acceptance can unlock. Face a challenge with authenticity to unleash your best potential.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
Moon in Libra 8:46pm Apr 14 UTC
Moon sesquiquadrate Saturn, N Node, Juno, Mars
Moon octile S Node
Moon quincunx Mercury, Venus, Uranus
Moon opposite Chiron
Moon trine Saturn 1:06pm Apr 16 UTC
Full Moon in Libra 6:54pm Apr 16 UTC
There may be some heavy or intenseconflict whether conscious or hidden under the surface, resulting in some real moods. Some emotions may be so deeply repressed that they manifest in external obstacles, keeping you stuck in life.
Stay soft, if you can. Deep inner hurts want you to listen to them; ultimately, they can inspire you.
Emotional nurturing may come through relationship harmony or accepting a partner’s mood shifts; relationship contracts may be established to ensure basic needs are provided; there may be some indecision but you can trust your judgements as long as you don’t compromise your own principles or emotional needs just to be liked.
It might be difficult to get close to people when relationship wounds are triggered, but you’d be missing out on a very special relationship that is also a powerful alliance. Treat the one you love like a gentle art. Consider the balance between self-reliance and attachment.
Health and Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars in Aquarius (Stellium) until April 15
Mars trine Lilith
Mars sesquiquadrate Moon
Chiron in Aries until June 19, 2026
Chiron opposite Moon
Chiron semisextile Uranus
Chiron octile Juno
Working out at home is in favor, as well as endurance training such as long distance running or a long walk.
A balanced health or fitness routine may also be in favor. For example, balance weight resistance with yin yoga. Or balance your macros.
There may be some conflict in viewpoints with a therapist, health guru, or fitness instructor even if they’re a respected authority. This may be a sign you’re ready for a new protocol which will be more beneficial and rewarding.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Glandthrough April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Home and Property
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus in Pisces until May 2 [Material Resources and Public Service]
Venus octile Sun
Venus quincunx Moon
Venus quintile True Node
Vesta in Aquarius until May 24
Lilith in Cancer until Jan 8, 2023
Lilith trine Mars
Lilith septile Mercury
Some might feel torn between living in two different places or geographical areas. One place might be more exciting, while the other might seem more safe and secure….
If you can release control, relax and flow, a beautiful creative solution can come to you that allows you to attain your dream home; otherwise, the result may not be pretty.
Mercury in Taurus until April 29 [Land vehicles, tractors, vehicular theft]
Mercury quincunx Moon
Mercury octile Jupiter, Neptune
Mercury septile Lilith
Pallas in Aries until April 30
Pallas sextile Saturn
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10
Jupiter conjunct Neptune (April 12)
Jupiter octile Mercury
Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
Uranus quincunx Moon
Uranus semisextile Chiron
Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
Neptune conjunct Jupiter (April 12)
Neptune octile Mercury
It may not be the best time for travel, unless there’s an emergency or taking care of basic needs or a health issue. Be prepared for possible delays, roadblocks, or detours. Staying home may be in favor.
If shopping, stay grounded, organized, and frugal to avoid buyer’s remorse.
Social media may be synonymous with conflict and anxiety, but opportunities are available to connect with a worthy social alliance. Feel free to mute those who lack integrity.
International Events
Sun in Aries 26° octile Venus, Mercury octile Jupiter, Neptune; Libra Moon opposite Chiron, in difficult aspects, Mars in Pisces trine Lilith in Cancer
A rich man loses fortune due to bad judgements or lack of resolve. Total ruin can be avoided with wisdom, tenacity and hard work. Family estrangement, breaking up of families, loss of family traditions, a violent death possible.
Gas, oil, chemicals, drugs, overdose through mid April, but generally, success.
Justice for crimes of the past or cases solved through mid April.
Intense empathy or compassion through May 10. It may be difficult to tell the difference between your own thoughts and feelings, and that of others.
In some places, there may be incidents involving increasing crime, crimes against the vulnerable, mass violence, shocking or unusual conflict or fights, repeat crimes, theft, political or religious wars, social equality issues, vehicular violence or collisions, explosions, downed aircraft, vehicle theft, issues in transferring artillery or material resources, sanctions, cyberwarfare, biochemical weapons, oil, gas, chemicals, air pollution, or the atmosphere… through June 17.
Incidents related to a pandemic, drugs, chemicals, oil, or space throughApril 14. Rescue work in emergency situations may be more prominent as more planets join Aries through May 10. Conflict may be especially volatile around March 21, April 5, and May 29. Bans, blockades, sanctions, mandates, or lockdowns may fail or be lifted through Mar 20 (or May 10?) with exceptions along the way. Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, and May 29 this year. Supply chain disruptions through 2025.
Refined capabilities and milestones of success may occur around April 5, April 12, May 29, and June 17 after immense challenges.
Plagues, Aggressive Virus through May 10; Mars and Jupiter in Pisces, Chiron in Aries. Edit [April 15] “Clashes in Shanghai, China, over Covid lockdown evictions” — BBC News. Edit [April 13]: “CDC to extend travel mask mandate for two weeks to monitor uptick in COVID-19 cases. – AP” Edit [April 15] “The number of worldwide confirmed COVID-19 cases has surpassed 500 million, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. The death toll has exceeded 6.19 million people, the WHO adds.”
Edit [April 6]: “As China’s largest city [Shanghai] struggles to contain a coronavirus outbreak, outrage erupted online after images circulated of small children isolated from parents.“
Edit [April 6]: “The U.N. health agency said 99% of the global population breathes air that exceeds its air-quality limits and is often rife with particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs, enter the veins and arteries and cause disease.“
Edit [April 15]: “Twitter is reportedly considering a ‘poison pill’ strategy to make it more difficult for Musk to acquire a larger stake in the microblogging platform“
Edit [April 15]: “iPhone 14 may launch with satellite connectivity option“
Edit [April 14]: “Thousands of flights have been delayed or canceled over the last several weeks as airlines deal with issues with technology, weather and staffing shortages.“
Edit [April 5]: “GEN. MILLEY: ‘We are now facing two global powers, China & Russia, each with significant military capabilities, both who intend to fundamentally change rules based on the global order. […] The potential for significant international conflict between great powers is increasing.'”
Edit [April 9]: “China Is Accelerating Its Nuclear Buildup Over Rising Fears of U.S. Conflict of Ukraine.” — Wall Street Journal
Edit [April 12]: “The Japanese government is concerned about possible use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine crisis, the top government spokesman said on Tuesday.“
Edit [April 13]: “Sweden and Finland’s prime ministers have just held a joint press conference outlining plans to join #NATO. Sweden expected to move first. PM Marin says she won’t give a timetable but ‘it will happen quite fast—within weeks, not within months, we will have the discussion'”
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Ukraine conflict from an astrological perspective.]
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, N Node | Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Capricorn: Pluto
Pisces Stellium: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
True Node in Taurus until July 17. 2023
True Node sesquiquadrate Moon
True Node quintile Venus
Saturn in Aquarius until Mar 7, 2023
Saturn sesquiquadrate Moon
Saturn sextile Pallas
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10
Jupiter conjunct Neptune (April 12)
Jupiter octile Mercury
Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
Uranus quincunx Moon
Uranus semisextile Chiron
Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
Neptune conjunct Jupiter (April 12)
Neptune octile Mercury
It’s important now to relax and flow concerning a career, tech, or business venture – or there can be problems. For ultimate success, stay organized and work steady even through relentless obstacles. The right strategy is grounded in practical application.
Jupiter | Sagittarius
Sun in Aries: Major uptrend Decan 2
New Moon in Aries: Chaos unless bold long term hodling in companies with integrity
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10, 2022: Inflation, rising interest rates, high oil prices or fortune from crude oil, fortune from creative investments, speculation exaggerated or unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, uptrend due to inflation or market bubble after a crash
Pluto in Capricorn until Mar 23, 2023: Immense underground wealth of an elite may collapse, long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement, tightening of corporate or government regulations
Mercury in Aries: Volatility
Venus in Aquarius: Conservative or steady uptrend, spontaneous or unexpected uptrend, digital currency, tech innovations
Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
Uranus in Taurus: Digital currency, new financial structures or material assets in favor but may require long hard work or excruciating challenges
Neptune in Pisces: Slog but speculative risk in favor
Currently, finances may be favorable for making a bold change before April 30. Some may want to sell before April 30 during a rise, and buy back end of June during a low. Ultimately, consider hodling investments with integrity. Financial scams collapse while solid, stable investments ultimately pay off.
Immense underground wealth that isn’t visible to the public may lead to structural collapse or tightened regulations. Inflation, rising interest rates, high gas and oil prices may be a theme through May 10, 2022.
The U.S. Pluto return is currently taking place through 2023 and beyond, collapsing traditional finance structures to be replaced by regulateddigital currency.
2022: Long term investing or hodling in companies with high quality production is in favor. In this case, downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.
Edit [April 15, 2022] “Elon Musk is no longer Twitter’s largest shareholder. The Vanguard Group has just announced it has now accumulated a 10.3% stake in Twitter, making it the largest shareholder.”
Edit [April 15, 2022] “Movie theater chain @AMCTheatres now accepts Dogecoin and SHIB payments via its mobile app” — @decryptmedia
Edit [April 15, 2022] “Bitcoin, Ethereum Down 8% Over the Week as Crypto Struggles” — @decryptmedia
Edit [April 15, 2022] “NFT investors owe billions in U.S. taxes — and the IRS is planning a crackdown” — Bloomberg Crypto
Edit [April 15, 2022] “Emirates unveils plans to expand the airline’s use of the Metaverse and launch NFTs, a plan intended to boost revenue and improve customer service” — Bloomberg Crypto