Tame Your Power

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Everything is energy. Astrology is the study of universal energy patterns which affects Earth and human behavior.


Thursday – Friday

January 5 – 6, 2023

  • Sun in Capricorn 14° 55′
  • Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini 29° 36′, Moon in Cancer
  • VOC Moon square Neptune 12:07am Jan 5 – 2:15pm Jan 5 UTC
  • Prominent Polarity: Yin
  • Prominent Mode: Cardinal
  • Prominent Element: Water
  • Prominent Aspects: Trine, Semisextile
  • Retrograde: Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Uranus Rx, Pallas Rx
  • Domicile: Neptune, Lilith
  • Mutual Reception: Venus, Uranus
  • Moon quincunx Pluto, Venus, octile Uranus, square Jupiter, Juno, Chiron, sesquiquadrate Saturn, trine S Node, sextile N Node
  • Sun trine Uranus
  • Mercury Rx opposite Pallas Rx, quintile Jupiter
  • Saturn semisextile Neptune
  • Uranus sextile Vesta
  • Sun, Mars Rx quintile Juno
Sun trine Uranus. Full Moon in Cancer square Jupiter, Juno, Chiron. Yin Cardinal Air.
[Image: astro-charts.com]


“A woman wearing a necklace of skulls.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees

Today calls for consistent care and protection of things that are fragile, such as children, or your soft, sensitive side – or intuition, hopes and dreams.

There’s also a warning: Seductive lust, competitive or pretentious ventures or world travels… may result in some kind of downfall or, in rare cases, a violent death. Consider the power of electrical currents. Horses may be a theme, or the Dark Goddess.

For an ideal outcome, direct powerful energy into matured, quiet hope – or a creative project. Above all, stay pure – yet tamed.



Jan 5-8: Full Moon in Cancer

Emotional nurturing today may come through meeting emotional needs such as gentle care, nurturing support, installing a sense of protection, loving affection, sensitive comfort, and warmth especially for a newborn or the vulnerable.


April 14, 2022 – Jan 8, 2023: Lilith in Cancer

Family trauma may surface, or burst out if previously ignored. Dark emotions may appear a little too dark, yet ultimately cathartic and empowering. Much can be released and healed. Generational patterns can be broken, relationships restored.


JANUARY 6, 2023

Full Moon in Cancer opposite Sun, Mercury Rx in Capricorn, sextile Uranus Point of Thales, square Chiron.

Home or family may be in tension with a career path. Liberate yourself from old, unnecessary constrictions. Health or body issues may get triggered but seeing something in an exciting new way can resolve internal conflict.


JANUARY 21, 2023

New Moon in Aquarius. Mercury quincunx Mars.

Do you have a love hate relationship with social media? The future of communications may bring solutions. Stay open-minded because new things are coming in.


Currently No Planets in Leo


Dec 21, 2022 – Jan 21, 2023: Sun in Capricorn. Jan 18, 2023: Sun conjunct Pluto

To dissolve relationship fears, develop confidence in your authentic self. Is someone disappointed because you don’t make enough money? Less is more. Stay consistent, committed. Secret handshakes may be exposed.


Jan 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023: S Node in Scorpio

Who or what truly makes you feel secure? It probably isn’t the past, so you can let that go. Be selective in commitments; protect a sacred relationship with boundaries.


April 20, 2022 – Jan 13, 2023: Juno in Pisces

Do you feel more compassion for the world? Consider a partner who is capable of emotion and dreamy romance. A soul connection is more satisfying than surface material.


Dec 18, 2022 – March 22, 2023: Ceres in Libra

Grow a garden together or enjoy good food and wine with a special person or mother figure to enhance the relationship. Food is poetry.

1922 – 2044 Eris in Aries: Aggressive drama in the social sphere – especially related to the feminine variety or female body – may disrupt or demolish social systems built on false notions of service – allowing new values and structures to develop after 2044.


Currently No Planets in Virgo


Oct 30 – Jan 12: Mars Rx in Gemini, square Neptune

For some, the body may feel unusually depleted. Consider hibernating but use down time to learn or make corrections in a health or beauty protocol. To sleep well and mitigate anxiety, consider a workout for the intellect as well as body.


Feb 18, 2019 – June 19, 2026: Chiron in Aries

Healing may occur through realizing, accepting, and bravely celebrating your true self and living true.


Dec 18, 2022 – March 22, 2023: Ceres in Libra

Have you ever considered the aesthetic design of a plate of food? Beauty is just as nourishing as nutritional balance.

Healthcare may especially focus on: Right Knee. Brain Function, Mental Health, Sinuses, Respiratory System, (Fluid in Head if Water Element) through Mar 25. Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026.



Jan 2 – 26, 2023: Venus in Aquarius

It’s easier now to detach from codependency and create your own personal space – even if you live in a party house.

May 15, 2018 – Apr 27, 2026: Uranus in Taurus. Jan 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023 N Node in Taurus. Some may unexpectedly relocate or there may be sudden changes in the home which can feel unsettling, yet rewarding. Commit to working on a remodel or purchase modern luxury if budget allows.


Nov 20, 2022 – Feb 7, 2023: Vesta in Pisces

A vision of your dream home may be revealed, even if the path to get there is unclear. Do you have a room available for someone in need? Cooperation may benefit you all, in magical ways.

Sedna in Taurus: Envy and theft may become more prevalent as a result of material excess for some and poverty for others. Take extra caution to secure your home and possessions. Avoid flaunting what you own. Extravagance and waste are not advised.


Currently No Planets in Sagittarius.


Sun, Mercury Rx, Pluto in Capricorn.

Are you motivated to start a new career or work project under the radar? Hard work will pay off later; but utilize a slow start to avoid burnout.


Dec 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023: Saturn in Aquarius. Jan 2 – 26, 2023: Venus in Aquarius

Some may need an upgrade in professional alliances, social skills, or business technology. Look for consistent, reliable associates. Flying solo isn’t advised, in general. Connect and cooperate.

Careers, Investments in Favor: Environment, Minerals, Agriculture, Food Industry, Real Estate, Retail; Technology, Social Justice; Politics, Government. After Jan 12: War, Weapons, Air force, Rescue Work, Firefighter, Competitive Sports and Health, Public Image or Brand. After Jan 18: Social Media, Communications


Dec 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023: Jupiter in Aries

It’s an ideal time to take financial risks in business or career, but reckless spending can lead to steep regret.

Varda in Sagittarius: Personal integrity in business and finance may be challenged through betrayal or attacks, potentially resulting in expanded consciousness and new, more optimistic forms of human interaction and economics. Unwise investments in deceptive companies with leverage may lead to getting rugged.


Finance scandals purged 2022 – 2026. Consider investing in practical possessions; exit stocks or hodl Oct 2022 – March 2023. Economic fears begin to dissolve Jan 12 2023 although war may escalate; overly protective misers, layoffs Feb 2023. Potential buy in March 2023. Market recovery, wealth potential May 2023-2024. Potential dollar collapse 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT. 2025 – 2037 (2031) Potential financial collapse, market shift to China?



Oct 25, 2022 – Jan 12, 2023: Mars Rx in Gemini. Dec 29, 2022 – Jan 18, 2023: Mercury Rx in Capricorn.

Forward movement blocked.

Travel and shopping are generally not advised until after Jan 22. Social media conflict, blocked comms, or tech snags may require patience. Consider a home retreat to plan a better future.


Sep 6, 2022 – May 2, 2023: Pallas Rx in Cancer

Revise a new strategy that is more emotionally fulfilling, especially if it relates to dining at home, childhood, or home and family in general.



Planets Direct

Finally! You can see clearly now. Clean up, relaunch, move forward, travel.


May 15, 2018 – Apr 27, 2026: Uranus in Taurus. Aug 24, 2022 – Jan 22, 2023: Uranus Retrograde

Be prepared for surprising events related to culture or technology – such as social media conflict that escalates rapidly, or sudden, chaotic changes. Future tech may be suddenly implemented in unexpected ways. Media influencers may be leaving or passing. Establish alliances and property in Web 3.


Dec 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023: Saturn in Aquarius

Manipulation of algorithms can entice with shocking info, creating social media obsession (Pluto Aquarius), as well as community bonds. Content moderation may be necessary on social media platforms for free speech to thrive. Government control may push social media and digital currency toward decentralization after Mar 7.

Transportation: Transition to automated electric vehicles may begin completion by 2034. Shared rides and public transport may become more common.



Apr 4, 2011 – Mar 30, 2025: Neptune in Pisces

Street drugs, psychedelics, pharmaceuticals may be a global issue, along with viral spread of disease or mental health issues. Spiritual ideals or a Netflix obsession for example, may bring people together. Sleep and dream, trust your intuition, get a psychic reading. To cure loneliness, feel sympathy for others.


Mercury Rx opposite Pallas Rx, quintile Jupiter. Sun in Capricorn, Mars Rx in Gemini quintile Juno in Pisces.
Full Moon in Cancer quincunx Pluto, Venus, trine S Node. Mercury Rx opposite Pallas Rx, quintile Jupiter. Saturn in Aquarius semisextile Neptune in Pisces.


Travel generally not advised Oct 30 – Jan 22 (Mars Rx Gemini, Mercury Rx, Uranus Rx). Sea and aircraft incidents, delays, cancellations, rescues. 2023-2043: Revolts (Pluto Aquarius). A war strategy may be reversed through May 2, 2023. Sudden or unexpected change in material assets, supply chain, land borders, technology through 2025 (Uranus Taurus.) 2026-2032 (Pluto Neptune):

Surprising advancements in future technology and higher intelligence bring together new alliances.


December 21, 2020

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 0° Aquarius Winter Solstice, transition from Earth element to new 800-year cycle in Air element


Massive, long term transition from exploiting earth’s natural resources and industrialized consumerism to global climate activism – as well as artificial intelligence, cyborgs, advanced car technology, space exploration, blockchain finance, and the metaverse.

May 10, 2022

Jupiter in Aries May 10 – Oct 28, 2022 and Dec 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023


Large fortunes spent on desires or weapons, war, defense. Taking bold financial risks favored over boring mundane work, but finance schemes can result in loss. Have clear goals before taking a leap of faith.


Large, uncontrolled, more than usual fires especially related to war or explosions in the sky. Caution advised.

August 20, 2022

Mars in Gemini Aug 20, 2022 – March 23, 2023


Must make decision or may fail if divided.

Witty humor, distractions, information overload, neurosis. Conflict or innovations in media communications. War propaganda, cyber attacks, data leaks. Violent protests. City crime, school violence. Stabbings. Fighting words: Utilize subterfuge, wise, measured response for harmony.

October 30, 2022

Mars Retrograde in Gemini Oct 30 – Jan 12, 2023 square Neptune, Neptune Rx


Transit crime, violence in public spaces. Vehicular incidents, especially aircraft or military. False flags, fraud, family friends deception, confusion. Fuel-related fires, biological weapons, cyber espionage. Inflation. Clear beginning of end of a war, consequences of reckless actions. Compromised peace treaty. Communications scrambles. Lockdowns, censorship. Slowing down, weakening. Pulled in multiple directions. Focus on learning or study for extraordinary results, or make corrections. Excellent time for research.

December 29, 2022

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Dec 29 – Jan 18


It might be difficult to say what you really want to say, especially if it involves a career, finance, or politics. Shhh… it may be best to stay quiet for now, to avoid regret. Hard work feels satisfying and will be rewarded.

January 12, 2023

Mars stations Direct 8° 08′ Gemini conjunct United States 7H Uranus, Sun trine Moon, Mercury trine N Node.


Consider doing what you’ve always wanted to do, but didn’t have the courage to do it.


Sudden or surprising event related to the United States, violent conflict, and diplomacy. May involve material destruction, fire, favor of a high ranking official (U.S. President Joe Biden?), provision of resources, domestic comfort, privilege, unrest. Possible turning point in Russian invasion of Ukraine, in Ukraine’s favor. Generally, a favorable event.

March 7, 2023

Saturn in Pisces Mar 7, 2023 – Feb 2026


Someone or something locked up is freed.

The start of the greatest global shift of our time. Compassion and artistic skills may become officially accepted in the professional sector, or established by world-wide governments over the next 3 years. Make your life dream your career. Just make sure it isn’t a fantasy unless you’re a sucker for harsh, awkward reality checks.

Entertainment may be used to face reality from a different angle – or to escape it.

Government-regulation (or promotion) of drugs may be a prominent issue. Collective faith may be challenged by science. Alliances may break apart; dividing walls may collapse.

March 16, 2023

Triple Conjunction Pisces Stellium Sun, Mercury, Neptune square Mars Gemini. Capricorn Moon square Jupiter Aries, trine Uranus. Venus Aries square Pluto Capricorn Anaretic Degree


Internal conflict around the world, underground wealth, mass fortunes, unexpected uprisings. Vague comms, lies, obscenities, confusion and chaos. Inflated bubbles pop. Something wonderful wasted or blocked. Hard work required, deep excavation. Critical choice.

March 30, 2023

Venus Uranus conjunction 16° Taurus (Nov 7 Eclipse Degree)


Alliances, technology, culture, material realm…. Enjoy what you have or connect with the beauty of nature.

March 23, 2023

Pluto in Aquarius March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023, January 20, 2024 – September 1, 2024, November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043 then weaves in and out of Aquarius and Pisces


“Commoners” realize their power and begin to resist enslavement to “the beast.” Pluto shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius Nov 19, 2024 after U.S. presidential election, before official inauguration. Unexpected events involving things that are hidden may include plutocracy, advanced media technology, and surveillance.

April 20, 2023

Solar Eclipse 29° Aries: Sun conjunct Moon square Pluto in Aquarius, opposite Uranus in Taurus


Crimes of powerful elite exposed, resistance, revolutions. Breakdown or destruction of outdated social structures such as military, finance, or real estate. Utilize chaotic disruptions to reorganize.

May 5, 2023

Lunar Eclipse 14° Scorpio


Drama, crises, revolts. Powerful, deep shifts. Good things are ahead! Especially for finances. Clean out the last of the past. Let it all go to rise again.

May 16, 2023

Jupiter in Taurus May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024. Jupiter sextile Saturn through July.


Inspired optimism joins hard-working financial security for economic stability and wealth potential, prosperity through hard work. Tangible results are favored over financial risks.

May 17, 2023

Fixed T-Square Jupiter square Mars opposite Pluto 0° May 17, 2023 – May 21, 2024


Powerful environmental incidents such volcanic eruptions or wildfires may be possible.

July 22, 2023

Venus Retrograde Leo July 22, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023, Sun opposite Pluto Rx, square Nodes, Mercury trine Chiron


It may not be the best time for relationship commitments or weddings. Rethinking relationships, realizations, backspin if wrong choice made Oct-Nov 2022.

August 2023

Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.


International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement such as a formal acceptance into a diplomatic world alliance.

October 28, 2023

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio opposite Moon conjunct Jupiter Taurus


Cutting, incisive conflict related to finance. Tension, broken communication. Caution advised with travel, knives, sharp tools.

November 1, 2023

Pluto 27° Capricorn (Last Pass)


Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, or brand new security structure after collapse. Joy and celebration of success over fear obstacles through knowledge.

November 13, 2023

New Moon in Scorpio. Sun, Moon, Mars Triple Conjunction opposite Uranus


Sudden, unexpected explosions or out of control rage related to finance, property ownership, or close relationships.

November 27, 2023

Full Moon in Gemini. Sun conjunct Mars Sagittarius opposite Gemini Full Moon.


Surgical precision cut or rooting out. Explosive fights. War.


Venus Rx Leo July 2023. Mars, Uranus, Neptune Conjunctions Russia, Saturn Neptune Capricorn conjunction Aries July 2025, Pluto Aquarius


Sudden or unexpected events may lead to schisms, undermining, or the evaporation of President Vladimir Putin‘s control of Russia as ‘the people’ realize their power — followed by violence, continuation of war, Ukrainian invasion, or possible new birth of Russia. Significant Russian assassination possible. [Saturn-Neptune conjunctions historically critical for Russia. Venus Rx Leo typically pivotal for President Putin.]


Pluto Moon Ascendant China, Uranus Gemini trine Pluto Aquarius


Underground power of China may unexpectedly prosper through future technology, space exploration, transportation of the future, social media dominance, surveillance through civil unrest and possible ending of Xi Jinping rule, or surprising transformation of leadership. Potential deterioration of U.S. China relations 2026, potential U.S. China confrontation or proxy war: 2028-2035.

Aside from war and violence, there’s potential for deep intimacy, unity, harmony, and unique courage, relentless determination, or achievement on a grand scale – as long as disciplined hard work and grounded common sense are utilized. This powerful energy in alliances can be used for different purposes. It’s vital to keep your head clear and avoid conflict, if possible.