Stay Quiet

Everything is energy. Astrology is the study of universal energy patterns which affects Earth and human behavior.



August 10, 2023

  • Sun Leo 17° 39′
  • Waning Crescent Moon Gemini 12° 38′
  • VOC Moon square Neptune 5:27pm Aug 11 – 10:52m Aug 11 UTC
  • Prominent Quadrant: I, II
  • Prominent Polarity: Yin, Yang
  • Prominent Mode: Cardinal, Mutable
  • Prominent Element: Earth
  • Prominent Aspects: Trine, Semi-sextile
  • Retrograde: Venus Rx, Saturn Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx
  • Domicile: Sun, Neptune Rx
  • Cardinal T-Square: Pluto Rx opp Juno sq N Node
  • Moon square Mercury, sextile Sun
  • Mercury trine Jupiter



“A bright mirror in which the Sun’s rays are reflected.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees

It would be wise to listen to your feelings, even if difficult. Otherwise, you could force yourself to do something you think you should do – but don’t really want to do.

Courage and kindness will bring publicity, but also misunderstanding and criticism – which can be frustrating or confusing. Consider keeping your brilliance and hard work in the background for now.

You can show others that you’re committed, but without pressure. Anxiety levels may be unnecessarily high for all. Breathe. Tap into Cosmic Love.

Listen your feelings instead of desecrating them.


May 15, 2018

Uranus in Taurus May 15, 2018 – Apr 27, 2026


Advanced technology may have unintended or problematic consequences, requiring change in 2026.

  • Ai intel (unreliable)
  • Blockchain finance, crypto (unregulated)
  • Virtual Reality real estate
  • Lab-grown food
  • Food grown indoors
  • Food delivery by drones

December 21, 2020

AGE OF AIR [Not Age of Aquarius]

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 0° Aquarius Winter Solstice, transition from Earth element to new 800-year cycle in Air element


Massive, long term transition from exploiting earth’s natural resources and industrialized consumerism to:

  • Ai, Cyborgs
  • Virtual Reality
  • Rapid Exchange of Information
  • Decentralized but Structured Communities
  • Groups of Fringe Individuals with Common Purpose
  • Social Media shifts to Group Chats or Own Servers
  • Space Exploration
  • Climate Activism
  • Plagues, Pandemics

March 7, 2023

Saturn in Pisces Mar 7, 2023 – Feb 2026


The greatest global shift of our time.

  • Collapse of elite control
  • Hollywood glamour craze, airbrushed marketing, fake gurus, religious cults
  • Downfall of preachers, influencers, insider privilege, wealthy elite
  • Reality blurred, confusion, UFO’s, political ideologies, dreams
  • Harsh reality checks for delusional fantasies:
  • Drowning in debt, prison, hidden enemies, insanity, disease, death
  • Widespread death from industrial chemicals, drugs, meds, vaccines, euthanasia
  • Government control of oil, chemicals, drug companies, inflation
  • Dangerous floods, ocean incidents, ships sink, immigration issues
  • Heavy, unfortunate event can be start of wonderful, satisfying achievement
  • Global compassion, environmentalism, one world government, universal basic income
  • Religion dissolves, faith challenged, merge material and spiritual (energy)
  • Establish disciplined meditation practice, or silence
  • Become a master in your career to feel sense of belonging
  • Creative structures replace blind obedience to status quo
  • Decentralized global networks established
  • Fight against communism leads to global conflict or world war 2026

March 23, 2023

Pluto in Aquarius March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023

January 20, 2024 – September 1, 2024

November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043 then weaves in and out of Aquarius and Pisces

USA Pluto Return: Feb 22, 2022, Feb 2024

Pluto square Nodes 2023, Exact Aug 3, 2023


Smaller power revolts against – or invades – larger power.

  • The people realize their power, resist enslavement to “the beast”
  • Power overturned, a coup
  • Plutocrats exposed, lose revered status
  • Purging schemes and scams
  • Dark side of technology: Surveillance, hidden drones, cyber security, algorithmic mind control, censorship, immense underground wealth
  • Unexpected events, hidden manipulation, power grabs, market volatility
  • Governments try to regain control by erasing debt, digital currency, UBI
  • Corporate politics replaced with technology, digital currency, new energy sources
  • Revolutionary shifts in alliances, friendships, social media
  • Maintain free flow of information but keep it private or secure

That which was hidden becomes known.

May 16, 2023

Jupiter in Taurus May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024

Jupiter conjunct Uranus


Prosperity through hard work. Tangible results are favored over financial risks. Watch for overspending, overindulgence, obesity.

Consider investing in commodities such as metals, minerals, copper, agriculture, real estate, regulated digital currency, tech, electrical components. Stock the pantry.

June 25, 2023

President Putin Personal Chart Transits 2023 – 2026


  • 2023: Critical turning point. Lack of direction, search for meaning. Plays the martyr. Long term consequences. Fall from power or neutralized, loses friends, will rise again.
  • 2024: Major change in public image, career, personal finance
  • 2025-2026 Collapse, whole new Russia

July 10, 2023

Mars in Virgo (square Saturn Rx Pisces) July 10 – Aug 27


After something falls apart, create a more secure, efficient structure.

  • Typhoons, Storms, Major Geophysical Events
  • War strategy becomes more controlled, highly effective logical plan
  • Success after much hard work
  • Renovate work routine, embrace teamwork
  • Empowered by an obsessive or intense focus, yet insecure
  • Emotional sensitivity. Drama, overreacting. Listen to fears to stay safe.
  • Intense medical diagnoses, reality check, consequences
  • Some departures or sudden deaths
  • Loss and grief, but can salvage what was lost
  • Optimism. Not easy, but things are happening!

July 18, 2023

Nodal Shift: North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra July 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025


Expect instability as alliances of the past dissolve, making space for brand new relationships with inspired purpose.

  • Escalation of war and conflict
  • Geopolitical scandals of the past (1980’s) resurface. Indictments.
  • Schisms in diplomatic alliances or governments
  • YouTube and Twitter rivals, major shifts in social media
  • Relationships of the past established on false peace, equality, romance
  • Major breakups, celebrity splits, divorce in favor of independence
  • Outgoing, inspired passion to start something new

July 22, 2023

Venus Retrograde Leo July 22, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023


Not the best time for relationship commitments or weddings.

  • Ghosts from the past, your ex shows up for closure
  • Rethinking relationships, realizing what you really need from partner
  • Backspin if wrong choice made Oct-Nov 2022
  • Repressed feelings led to wrong commitments
  • Needy for attention, loud, out of control
  • Communicate honestly, express true heart
  • Move into more authentic career or public spotlight
  • Avoid trying to make others happy, offer support instead of expecting it
  • Hold off commitments until well after Sep 3

July 28, 2023

Mercury in Virgo July 28 – Oct 5, 2023


  • Completing tasks is fun
  • Communications are clear, precise, direct
  • Take care of health issues, may be serious if neglected

August 2023

Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.


Good times. You can enjoy the good things of life and existence itself – IF you’re disciplined and have integrity. This month, everyone gets what they deserve.

International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement, creating a diplomatic world power. Global Peace Summit?

August 3, 2023

Pluto Rx in Capricorn 28° 29′ square Nodes Aries Libra (S Bending) Exact 8:38pm UTC through Jan 2024


A major political change in power. Military coup. Fighting for independence. Stuck between past and future until critical choice made. Ending toxic relationships. Avoid power trips. INDICTMENTS.

August 4, 2023

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo including Shadow Aug 4 – Sep 30 (Retrograde Aug 23- Sept 15)


  • Sludge, lethargy. Progress blocked. Hitting wall.
  • Information blocked (needed for connections)
  • Or deception, believing what you want to hear
  • Frustrated if no place to express thoughts or intelligence
  • Stress in the body
  • Take health issues seriously
  • Organize daily routine to be more efficient
  • Clean out closets, release past to move forward
  • Keep clearing out until bare minimum
  • Chop, chop

August 9, 2023

Venus Rx Leo square Uranus Taurus (2nd of 3rd Pass). Venus max combustion (weakened) until Aug 13.


Turbulent chaos next 2 weeks. Sudden breakdowns in support structures. Wildly attracted to the new or unusual. (May not actually act on it.) Desire to be seen, connect, express love. Falling victim to own excitement. Breaking the rules. It’s time to be brave, and get out of the box.

Rattled nerves, caught off guard.

Going back to the past won’t feel good, except to finally let go. Avoid shopping unless you can return items.

Stock market volatility, bearish, avoid investments.

Psychological breakthrough, release, move forward.

Willpower needed but be flexible, adaptable.

August 11, 2023

Cancer Moon

Mars Virgo quincunx Chiron Rx Aries

Pluto Rx Capricorn opposite Juno Cancer


Annoyed. Pulling back and going within. Tension caused by trust issues, feeling vulnerable, or unwilling to forgive. Finding things out. Breaking terms of a deal, partner not showing up. Difficult energy, complicated.

Listen to the whisper; that’s the thing you’re supposed to do.

Some relationships go deeper.

Settlements. Justice. Paperwork. Reevaluate finances, change bank accounts.

August 12, 2023

Sun Leo trine Chiron Rx Aries


Self-reflection, illness, letting go. Difficult path through pain, or learning and sharing your truth. Deep, intriguing things are developing. Breakthrough just ahead.

August 13, 2023

Venus Rx Leo Cazimi


Breakthrough, personal superpower. Knowing what you need and want, and establishing the foundation to create it. Sudden creative genius.

Big relationship reveals, clarity for necessity of an ending, release the past. Healing something painful or a difficulty. Heart purified.

August 14, 2023

Leo Moon, Venus Rx Leo trine Chiron Rx Aries

Saturn Rx Pisces octile Chiron Rx Aries


Things don’t feel quite right.

Glossing over challenges and complications. In denial.

Directly face issues to learn with an open-mind, and connect with others. Commit to what your true heart really wants (New Moon Aug 16). Openly express love and feelings for healing. Balance compassion with power for true force.

August 15, 2023

Sun Leo square Uranus Taurus


Unstable. Sense of impending change. You might feel like something wonderful is going to happen, but it may not happen. Betrayal, back-stabbing defeat, unexpected disaster. First, the journey must be taken to leave painful past for a future ripe with joy and celebration of enlightenment.

August 16, 2023

New Moon Leo, Sun and Moon square Uranus Taurus

Mercury Virgo quincunx Chiron Rx Aries

Grand Earth Trine: Mercury, Mars Virgo trine Jupiter, Uranus Taurus trine Pluto Rx Capricorn


Powerful breakthrough that isn’t graceful. Built up tension released. Unfocused. Craze. Pushing people away for own freedom.

Keep moving but slowly, methodically. Avoid acting prematurely. Pull back to get closer.

It might feel like something exciting is going to happen but by Aug 23, you realize it isn’t going to happen.

Avoid glossing over health and healing issues.

August 18, 2023

Moon, Mercury, Mars Virgo opposite Neptune Rx Pisces


More careful and focused but also risk of delusion creates conflict. Accurate, concise but not necessarily fair, just. Feel what is real, keep feet on the ground, can’t escape reality.

August 20-21, 2023

Sun Leo quincunx Neptune Rx Pisces, Pluto Rx Capricorn, Libra Moon


Uncertainty and confusion. Being fair and balanced is important. Drive to take and hold the right position. Will get what is deserved, including fame and fortune. But revenge will fail. What goes up must come down. Fate.

August 22, 2023

Venus Rx Leo square Jupiter Taurus (2nd of 3rd square)

Mars Virgo opposite Neptune Rx Pisces


Art and creativity, fantasy, role-playing. But easy to be misled by someone else. Confusion, don’t know where you are, what you’re doing. Difficult, heavy period through Aug. Disappointment, discouragement or overconfidence. Overdoing, overspending, extravagance. Perfectionism. Serious turbulence in finance markets.

August 23, 2023

Sun in Virgo

Mercury Virgo stations Retrograde

Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus, Jupiter Taurus


Ambitious drive, breaking speed limit, unconscious of consequences. Something starts to happen but doesn’t happen, or happens later in Sept or Oct.

Reconsidering feelings about a relationship event; tension if feeling vulnerable.

Profound, powerful yet also changing energy.

Lay low, avoid risk. Tech snags, delayed comms, transportation. Unexpected expenses. Difficult period, reevaluate your life. Be a nurturing mother.

August 24, 2023

Mercury Rx Virgo trine Pluto Rx Capricorn, Sagittarius Moon


Powerful energy from depths, may not know how to work with it. Smooth flow of power, for good or evil. Don’t hold back from fear of suffering. You’re back in your power now.

August 25, 2023

Venus octile Mars


Fights, inconsistent goals between partners. Difficult to cooperate. Unhappy and feisty.

August 26-28, 2023

Sun Virgo opposite Saturn Rx Pisces

Mars in Libra

Uranus Retrograde


Tough day, unless disciplined and have integrity. Karmic reality check, getting what is deserved, good or bad. Heavy, serious tone dealing with limits of big responsibilities. Can’t do your own thing. Let go, or sow your bountiful harvest. Prune what isn’t producing (or Saturn will cut it back for you.)

You want to be fair and balanced, in middle of conflict not extremes. Find ways to be in harmony. Art, grace is power, force, like martial arts. Put off delivering bad news. Channel rage into diplomacy. NEGOTIATIONS. (But don’t take it too far.)

AUG 28: Possible indictment.

August 30, 2023

Full Moon Pisces (Blue Moon) conjunct Saturn Rx


Most difficult Full Moon of the year. Culmination of compassion, kindness, new love. Easy to go into denial (Sun opp Saturn Rx) but need to do what’s necessary for the world. Narrow aim, streamline. Become conscious of how your feelings and reactions affect the whole world. Still can’t totally figure things out or find resolution, but will have better sense of what’s going on. Consider authority and structure. Then enjoy happy hour! and the joy of giving and receiving.

September 2023

Planets Retrograde


September starts off with a bang, but uncomfortable energy. What was held up will be resolved throughout month.

October 14, 2023

Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury. Mercury opposite Chiron.


Stabilize relationships and heal old wounds through communications.

October 28, 2023

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio opposite Moon conjunct Jupiter Taurus. Sun octile Venus, Jupiter octile Neptune.


Cutting, incisive conflict related to finance. Tension, broken communication. Caution advised with travel, knives, sharp tools.

November 1, 2023

Pluto 27° Capricorn (Last Pass)


Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, or brand new security structure after collapse. Joy and celebration of success over fears, obstacles through knowledge.

November 13, 2023

New Moon in Scorpio. Sun, Moon, Mars Triple Conjunction opposite Uranus


Sudden, unexpected explosions or out of control rage related to finance, property ownership, or close relationships.

November 27, 2023

Full Moon in Gemini. Sun conjunct Mars Sagittarius opposite Gemini Full Moon.


Surgical precision cut or rooting out. Explosive fights. War.


Venus Rx Leo July 2023. Mars, Uranus, Neptune Conjunctions Russia, Saturn Neptune Capricorn conjunction Aries July 2025, Pluto Aquarius


Sudden or unexpected events may lead to schisms, undermining, or the evaporation of President Vladimir Putin‘s control of Russia as ‘the people’ realize their power — followed by violence, continuation of war, Ukrainian invasion, or new birth of Russia. Significant Russian assassination possible. [Saturn-Neptune conjunctions historically critical for Russia. Venus Rx Leo typically pivotal for President Putin.]

Nov 2024

Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Gemini


Democratic win likely, but with a surprise, or unexpected events. Winner is lesser of two evils, plays “balance” between two opposing forces.


Pluto Aquarius


Internal collapse or internal conflict possible for groups or alliances. Civil war may be another possibility. Hidden power of technology.


Uranus in Gemini. Uranus trine Pluto opposite Jupiter July 17, 2026


Major cultural shift. Rapidly advancing technology or digital currency on the blockchain may unite the world in a global new order or utopia, which may trigger resistance. Or, a global crisis may inspire a revolution. Unexpected events in public square, public transportation. Unpredictable weather. Airborne virus’ may peak 2027. ‘Smart’ cities: Digital I.D.’s. needed for access, facial recognition, or digital surveillance. AI, fiber optic cables, robotics, Web 3. Social credit scores. Digital currency chaos. Transition to automated electric vehicles may begin completion by 2034.


Pluto Moon Ascendant China, Uranus Gemini trine Pluto Aquarius


Underground power of China may unexpectedly prosper through future technology, space exploration, transportation of the future, social media dominance, surveillance through civil unrest. Possible ending of Xi Jinping rule, or surprising transformation of leadership. 2025 – 2037 (2031) Possible financial collapse, market shift to China?

2025 – 2039

Neptune in Aries Mar 30, 2025 – Oct 22, 2025. Jan 26, 2026 – 2039.


  • Oceanic warfare
  • Conflict related to clean water supply
  • Conflict related to alcohol, drugs, especially psychiatric drugs
  • The pen (in this case, art and entertainment) is mightier than the sword
  • Compassionate activism
  • Strong stand for equality, democracy, or world peace


Pluto Neptune


Surprising advancements in future technology and higher intelligence bring together new alliances. Hyperinflation 2030-32.

February 2026-2035

Saturn Pluto Cycle, Neptune World Point 0° Aries. Pluto Moon Ascendant China.


Potential deterioration of U.S. China relationship 2026 (after attempt to reconcile differences March 2026), possible U.S. China confrontation, war, or proxy war: Mid 2028-29 [Saturn square Pluto, Neptune Aries, Uranus Gemini U.S. 7H]. 2034: Great suffering [Mars Saturn conjunct Cancer (Debilitated)]. 2035: China superiority in Asia Pacific may become clear [Culmination of Saturn Pluto cycle]. War may heavily involve cyberattacks, space technology, or drones.


Saturn square Pluto, Neptune Aries, Uranus Gemini U.S. 7H


Irreconcilable conflict between conservatives and liberals may culminate or consume resources to the extent that U.S. becomes weakened, vulnerable to external attack.


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