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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness to successfully navigate collective energies
Saturday – Sunday
May 28 – May 29, 2022
Sun in Gemini 7° 15′
Dark Moon in Taurus 16° 33′
VOC Moon trine Pluto Rx: 2:10pm May 29 – 5:23pm May 29 UTC
New/Full Moon: New Moon in Gemini 9° 03′ 11:30am May 30 UTC
Sun 7° Gemini. Dark Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus 16° 07′, N Node 21° 40′, Mercury Rx 26° 55′, opposite S Node, octile Mars, Jupiter, square Saturn, trine Pluto Rx. Neptune quintile Sun, septile Moon, Uranus, semisextile Saturn. Pallas novile Mars, sextile Juno.
It’s a good day to face reality, as painful as it might be. Running to the past, positive thinking, or fantasy may only add to conflict or confusion. To make a life dream tangible, slow down and rise to the challenge.
Moon | Cancer
Dark Moon in Taurus conjunctUranus 16° 07′, N Node 21° 40′, Mercury Rx 26° 55′, opposite S Node, octile Mars, Jupiter, sextile Neptune, square Saturn, trine Pluto Rx.
Reality may be hitting hard for some people. Unfortunately, running back to the past cannot alleviate fears of the future; positive thinking, escapism, or fantasy can’t resolve consequences of previous actions.
What you can do is safely feel your feelings – especially fear or rage – and allow them to inspire a wonderful new start to make a life dream tangible. The heaviest challenge can ‘magically‘ transform into comfort or joy.
May 5, May 15, May 20-22, and May 29 may be tough days for some people. The more you can relax, stay flexible, and avoiddrama, the easier it may be. Gently release buried emotions before then to avoid a bad decision. Safely check in on people who may be depressed or prone to violence. Life gets easier after May 24 and even better around June 20. Until then, consider staying focused on a meaningful project and skip those dates if you can. Simply erase them from your calendar.
Emotional nurturingmay come through material security, sensual comforts, physical affection, devotion to home and family, the status quo
Self-doubt may have led to unnecessary mistakes or suffering but maybe it’s all part of the story? Either way, now you can do something different.
Energy must be channeled into an authentic objective or it can be destructive or fail. SLOW DOWN to get something right.
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars conjunct Jupiter, octile Moon
Some may be dealing with heart issues or problems with eyesight. A health, beauty, or fitness protocol may require extraordinary endurance; but willpower is available more than ever.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Nerves, Senses, Allergic Reactions, Pineal Gland through May 29 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Sun quintile Neptune, Juno sextile Pallas
For some, compassion or an emotional connection may feel intense. It may be a good time to ‘tie the knot’ or express your undying love to someone special.
Others may be dealing with conflict at home, a failing marriage, or domestic violence. Have you opened your heart to develop trust? Avoidance of intimacy or neglecting a relationship by spending too much time at work… Well, you’re gonna have some problems, or at the very least, lack of support from a partner. Are you ready to abandon a false sense of security, aka a wall, and allow yourself to feel?
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Dark Moonin Taurus
There may be more important priorities than a home, property, or living situation at this time. It may be best to put it on hold for now.
Your inner spirit may be in conflict with external circumstances. You KNOW structured plans never work, but spontaneous creativity doesn’t pay the rent….
The situation may not be as urgent or conflicting as it appears. Consider slowing down to align with true inspiration (as opposed to artificial ambitions or false security.) It’s easier to trust your life passion when you’re busy enjoying it. Relax and slow down but stick with it.
Potential market recovery after May 24. Potential stability or fortune after June 17. You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20, 2022. Traditional finance structures may collapse and transition into regulated digital currency through 2025. Long term investing or hodling in companies with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.
Mercury, Uranus | Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius
Mercury Rx, Uranus conjunct Moon, Uranus septile Sun
You might encounter extremely frustrating setbacks, delays, or tech snags, but don’t let that stop you. Are you good at multitasking?
There may be an acceleration of conflict, protests, or insurgency in the ‘public square.’ People may be easily offended or triggered, but watch for false dichotomies in a controversy.
In some places, there may be some heavy destruction or tragedy, yet amazing people in military, fire, aviation, or surgeons… rise to the challenge. Political leaders may be in the spotlight, whether they have integrity or they’re just really good at manipulation.
Neptune | Pisces
Sun 7° Gemini. Dark Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus 16° 07′, N Node 21° 40′, Mercury Rx 26° 55′, opposite S Node, octile Mars, Jupiter, square Saturn, trine Pluto Rx. Neptune quintile Sun, septile Moon, Uranus, semisextile Saturn. Pallas novile Mars, sextile Juno.
Reckless defiance, destructive events, escalation of conflict, powerful explosions, chemicals, contamination, pollution, false security or ambitions, discord at home, domestic violence, house on fire at night, dark things, fantasy, anxiety, oil, gas, iron, blocked trade, alliances, humanitarianism, global compassion. Slow down to align with nature, universal harmony. Rise from the ashes.
Tomorrow: Boiling Point
End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface Oct 28. Women’s rights issues through May 28. Violence unleashed, powerful explosions, fires through May 29. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges May 29 through June 17. Communications errors, tech snags, vehicular conflict through June 3 and June 20. Bold rescue missions through July 5. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025.
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Invasion of Ukraine from an astrological perspective.]