Rising To The Challenge

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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.


Friday – Saturday

March 25 – 26, 2022

  • Sun in Aries 4° 55′
  • Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn 9° 53′
  • VOC Moon sextile Mercury: 11:50pm Mar 26 – 12:56am Mar 27 UTC
  • Next New/Full Moon: New Moon in Aries 11° 30′ 7:17am April 1 UTC
  • Prominent Sign: Aquarius
  • Prominent Planets: Moon
  • Prominent Polarity: Yang
  • Prominent Mode: Fixed
  • Prominent Element: Air
  • Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Octile
  • Retrogrades: All Major Planets Direct
  • Neptune in Sign of Rulership
  • Venus and Uranus in Mutual Reception
  • Aquarius Stellium: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Juno, Vesta
Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus, sextile Pisces Planets, March 25-26, 2022

Emotional Wellness

Moon | Cancer
  • Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn 5:37am Mar 25 UTC
  • Moon square Sun
  • Moon semisextile Vesta
  • Moon octile Saturn
  • Moon sesquiquadrate N Node
  • Moon octile S Node
  • Moon square Chiron
  • Moon quincunx Ceres
  • Moon quintile Neptune, Jupiter
  • Moon trine Uranus 7:15pm Mar 25 UTC
  • Moon sextile Jupiter, Neptune
  • Moon trine N Node
  • Moon sextile S Node
  • Moon quincunx Lilith
  • Moon conjunct Pluto
  • Moon sextile Mercury

Constriction, pressure, or tension may be related to heavy responsibilities or health. It may be nearly impossible to move forward in this atmosphere unless the right goal is realized and the wrong goal released – or, if you’re already actively progressing in a difficult challenge, continue trudging forward. Victory is ahead!

Beautiful new changes start occurring 7:15pm Mar 25 UTC. Emotions may lighten up and resolutions may start showing up too.

Watch for rampant misinformation (through March 27.) Logic may appear convincing but the mind may be playing tricks.

Emotional nurturing may come through dependable hard work or rare courage to rise to a challenge in order to support an established social structure, such as a country, home, or family. Watch for a tendency to disregard important feelings or try to prove yourself in order to “earn” love or support which is inherently unconditional.


Sun, Pluto, Ceres, Juno | Leo, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
  • Sun in Aries until April 19/20
  • Sun square Moon
  • Pluto in Capricorn until Mar 23, 2023
  • Pluto conjunct Moon
  • Pluto septile Jupiter
  • Ceres in Gemini
  • Ceres quincunx Moon
  • Ceres sextile Chiron
  • Juno in Aquarius
  • Juno septile Chiron
  • Eris in Aries

There may be some internal conflict between a father figure and a feminine type, with unresolvable differences especially on a mother’s side; however, there’s an opportunity for healing which may come through a new or unconventional partnership.

It may be best to treat an intimate partnership like a gentle art. There’s an opportunity for a deep emotional or soul connection, but it may require long term commitment to building trust.

Health and Body

Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
  • Mars in Aquarius (Stellium) until April 15
  • Mars sextile Pallas
  • Chiron in Aries until June 19, 2026
  • Chiron square Moon
  • Chiron septile Juno

There may be a beautiful opportunity today to implement a new and better health or fitness protocol. You can trust any subtle inclinations that feel right, especially if it’s more on the unconventional side.

Moderate cardio or a walk around the city, especially with a partner may be beneficial unless there are internal blockages. In that case, a short distance or local walk may be better.

Plagues, Aggressive Virus through May 10; Jupiter in Pisces, Chiron in Aries. Edit [March 25] “Over the past two weeks, cases of BA.2, a new subvariant of omicron, have doubled. According to Dr. Jeffrey Singer, BA.2 is a “cousin” of the BA.1 subvariant of omicron which surged this past winter”
“Covid cases continue to rise in Great Britain with record high in Scotland”

Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Gland through April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026

Home and Property

Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
  • Venus in Aquarius until April 5
  • Uranus, True Node in Taurus
  • Vesta in Aquarius until May 24
  • Vesta semisextile Moon
  • Lilith in Gemini until April 14
  • Lilith quincunx Moon
  • Lilith octile Uranus

Some might feel torn between living in two different places or geographical areas. One place might be more exciting, while the other might seem more safe and secure….

Conflict or relentless obstacles in a home, possessions, or property issue may be due to a deep repression of new ideas. Logic may also be off. Utilize intuition for answers.

Travel, Shopping, Social Media, Weather

Mercury, Pallas Athena, Uranus, Neptune | Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces
  • Mercury in Pisces until Mar 27
  • Mercury sextile Moon
  • Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
  • Uranus trine Moon
  • Uranus octile Lilith
  • Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
  • Neptune sextile True Node
  • Neptune trine S Node
  • Neptune quintile Moon
  • Neptune sextile Moon
  • Pallas in Aries
  • Pallas sextile Mars
  • Jupiter in Pisces until May 10
  • Jupiter quintile Moon
  • Jupiter sextile Moon
  • Jupiter septile Pluto

Travel may be in favor today, both local and global, especially if there are tensions at home.

It may be a beautiful day for a walk around a city and, in general, a favorable day for social media, socializing, and shopping as long as a budget is maintained.

International Events

Amidst extreme danger or disaster, a leader achieves power or protection. Danger continues on all sides but a leader calmly and confidently makes progress. An unexpected or unconventional commitment.

There may be a major collision or incident involving a mass ground fire or explosion or an incident involving oil or gas.

In some places, there may be incidents involving increasing crime, crimes against the vulnerable, mass violence, shocking or unusual conflict or fights, political or religious wars, social equality issues, vehicular violence or collisions, vehicle theft, sanctions, cyberwarfare, biochemical weapons, fire, excess water, the ocean, gas/oil, chemicals, air pollution, or the atmosphere. But empathy and compassion can be felt deep. Rescue work in emergency situations may be more prominent as more planets join Aries through May 10. Conflict may be especially volatile around March 21, April 5, and May 29.

Refined capabilities and, eventually, success may come through conflict, potentially by June 17.

Bans, blockades, sanctions, mandates, or lockdowns may fail or be lifted through Mar 20 (or May 10?) with exceptions along the way. Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, and May 29 this year.

Media: Watch for “holy wars,” or political cults preying on the vulnerable. Watch for misinformation which may seem true through March 27.

Edit [March 25]: “The teen fell from the Orlando Free Fall attraction at ICON Park, billed as the world’s tallest free-standing drop tower”

Edit [March 25]: “Yemen: Saree: The Armed Forces will not hesitate to expand their military operations until the aggression ends and the siege is lifted”

Edit [March 25]: “Update — a massive fire is still raging over the targeted @aramco oil facility — hours after the attack. Loads of flights into #Jeddah were diverted elsewhere in #Saudi, some now landing.”

Edit [March 25]: “The Houthis claim they used drones to attack a number of sites in Saudi Arabia”

Edit [March 25]: “China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacific”

Edit [March 25]: “U.S. expresses ‘alarm’ over activity at North Korea’s nuclear test site, says it suggests the country could be preparing for a nuclear test”

Edit [March 25]: “North Korea Releases Hollywood-Style Video Confirming ‘Biggest Ever’ ICBM Missile Test” “North Korea Launches Largest ‘Intercontinental Ballistic Missile’, Aims To Deter US Military Move”

Edit [March 25]: “The US and EU have announced a joint task force in an effort to wean Europe off its dependence on Russian oil and gas”

Edit [March 25]: “US authorize Chevron to operate in Venezuela.”

[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Ukraine conflict from an astrological perspective.]


Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, N Node | Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
  • True Node in Taurus until July 17. 2023
  • True Node sextile Neptune
  • S Node trine Neptune
  • True Node sesquiquadrate Moon
  • S Node octile Moon
  • Capricorn: Pluto
  • Aquarius Stellium: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Vesta, Juno
  • Pisces: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune
  • Saturn in Aquarius until Mar 7, 2023
  • Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
  • Uranus trine Moon
  • Uranus octile Lilith
  • Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
  • Neptune sextile True Node
  • Neptune trine S Node
  • Neptune quintile Moon
  • Neptune sextile Moon

Housing, home, or property related careers may face obstacles but a leader in the “arts, business, or politics” may experience success amidst difficult challenges. If you’re an expert in your field, it’s time to rise to the occasion and take your rightful place.

If studying or learning: Watch for misinformation through March 27, 2022; however, it’s generally an excellent time to learn information related to intuitive or creative work.


Jupiter | Sagittarius
  • Sun in Aries: Major uptrend Decan 2
  • Full Moon in Virgo: Profit for disciplined or creative investments, downfall for some
  • Mercury in Pisces: Irrational market movement due to misinformation or immature gullibility
  • Venus in Aquarius: Conservative or steady uptrend, spontaneous or unexpected uptrend, digital currency, tech innovations
  • Mars in Aquarius: Decan 1 downtrend, Decan 2 and 3 uptrend, Decan 3.5 downtrend
  • Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
  • Pluto in Capricorn: Immense underground wealth of an elite may collapse
  • Pluto in Capricorn: Long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement, tightening of corporate or government regulations
  • Uranus in Taurus: Digital currency, new financial structures or material assets in favor but may require long hard work or excruciating challenges
  • Jupiter in Pisces until May 10, 2022: Inflation, rising interest rates, high oil prices or fortune from crude oil, fortune from creative investments, speculation exaggerated or unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, uptrend due to inflation or market bubble after a crash
  • Neptune in Pisces: Speculative risk in favor

General downtrends may be the financial markets through mid March with a bottom in late March. Watch for financial illusions through March 27. Sudden wealth may fall just as quickly as it arrived. Hopium may turn to copium as scandals manipulate or affect the market.

[March 17, 2022: Mercury, Jupiter in Pisces] “The ‘aggressive’ rise of cryptoasset promotions on social media and via influencers presents an increased risk of misleading advertising, warn Europe’s top financial watchdogs

Immense underground wealth that isn’t visible to the public may lead to a structural collapse or tightened regulations. Inflation, rising interest rates, high gas and oil prices may be a theme through May 10, 2022.

Edit [March 10, 2022: Jupiter in Pisces] “US inflation rises to 7.9% in February, hit 40-year high”

Edit [March 11, 2022: Mercury in Pisces] “Goldman Sachs: ‘The conglomeration of non-stop news is coalescing to create a fog that is difficult for investors to see through. Add to this the elevated volatility across assets and the uncertainty of policy response, and markets are presenting a particularly difficult environment.'”

Edit [March 24, 2022] “Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the Fed is prepared to raise interest rates at upcoming meetings as economists begin warning this is just the beginning of inflation.”

The U.S. Pluto return is currently taking place through 2023 and beyond, collapsing traditional finance structures to be replaced by regulated digital currency.

[March 21, 2022] “Goldman Sachs Makes Over-The-Counter Bitcoin Trade—First By Major Wall Street Bank”

Long term investing or hodling in companies with high quality production is in favor. In this case, downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.

[March 21, 2022] “Lawsuits are flying over neon-colored digital depictions of monkeys covered with cake frosting and candles, the latest legal battle to hit the world of NFTs”