It’s a perfect day to fill in missing details and make sure bases are covered. It might take extra time and work, but precision pays off long term. Collaborate and plan according to revolutionary realizations.
As the Sun and New Moon form a mutable T-square with mother-relationships Ceres and Juno, the Moon also triggers Ceres’ revealing Hammer of Thor involving yesterday’s AUTHENTIC official partnerships Venus square Pluto Rx. Smooth talking Mercury in Libra rapidly continues to move into its opposition to wounded Chiron Rx in Aries on Sept 8 forming a Rectangle with Juno and Ceres along with an inspiration for research Grand Air Trine including the work team of Saturn Rx and mother nature Ceres. Meanwhile, an unusual amount of beautiful trines fill the sky including the detail-focused Sun and ready for change Uranus, as well as ambitious Mars and authenticating Pluto. Chiron trines Juno and soul-mission North Node trines intuitive Black Moon Lilith.
This New Moon comes with gorgeous inspiring clarity before we enter the confusing days of Mercury Rx.
Basically, you can use this Virgo New Moon to get clear on what you really want to do, how you want to do it, and who you want to do it with.
Some may be oblivious to these bold, new liberating revelations from the Cosmos, especially if you avoided facing inner pain or unresolved trauma…. You may want to look into any emotional reactions for insight.
Discouraging or shocking news can motivate you to seek a higher form of awareness about existential reality.
If you’re open to higher consciousness or out of the box ideas… it’s possible to finally realizea new inspiring, liberating solution for work, finances, health, community alliances – or your life mission.
But you’ll need to do something with your maverick enlightenment, or it can be easily lost.
As you apply new awareness to your relationships, daily grind, or material world… you can ENJOY putting all the right details into the right place.
Just watch for IMPATIENCE. There’s no rush. Other people can WAIT or even ‘take a hike’ with their pressure, expectations, and demands.
There’s only the present moment to fully engage in what you’re doing so you can develop and make your bestcontributions to the world in a way that feels right.
You might not know how it’s going to work out in the end, but you KNOW that it will. You can finally relax and trust the universe, your own soul.
A Sustainable Routine
September 6 – September 12, 2021
Monday, September 6: Mars trine Pluto Rx, Venus trine Jupiter Rx, Sun trine Uranus Rx, New Moon in Virgo
Tuesday, September 7: Moon in Libra
Wednesday,September 8: No Major Aspects
Thursday,September 9: No Major Aspects
Friday, September 10: Venus in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio
Saturday, September 11: No Major Aspects
Sunday, September 12: Moon in Sagittarius
The New Moon in Virgo on Monday evening shows up with gifts in the form of inspiring ‘Trines’ which empower you to enjoy life again.
It’s a great week to make revisions in your work, health routine, or partnerships so that they’re more inspiring and, therefore, more sustainable.
The rest of the week sees no major aspects except Thursday when Venus and the Moon shift from amiable, diplomatic Libra to the deeper intimacy or the dauntless sex and death focus of Scorpio.
With heightened inspiration early in the week, there may be a tendency to take on more work or relationship commitments than you can handle – or more than you want to handle.
Unless you’ve got a clear connection with your real needs and desires, you may want to be cautious about what you say ‘yes’ to.
It might help to step back so you can see the whole picture concerning material commitments.
Do your obligations support you or overwhelm you?
Scorpio is conducive for knowing who and what is worth focusing on and who and what are common frauds. Look for genuineconnections that give you MORE energy, rather than drain you.
The Sun in Virgo working with Venus in Scorpio allows for precise efficiency to achieve the most progress with minimal resources.
Don’t be afraid to cut away non-essentials in order to achieve a valuable objective.
Wasting your energy as well as excessive spending or clutter will not feel good in this atmosphere, and this allows you to enjoy maximum achievement.
September 2021
Breaking Free and Ready to Fly
New Moon in Virgo September 6
The New Moon in Virgo on September 6 kicks the month off with clear skies and grounded action with plenty of gorgeous inspiring ‘Trine’ aspects.
But the bass drop of Earthy Virgo can catch you off guard if you aren’t ready for the precise, hard work required for satisfyingachievement.
The Cosmos gave us an opportunity to shift into a new direction or life passion back in May at the Taurus New Moon….
If you stayed committed to this life passion, powerful Uranus aspects this month give you a chance to fully cut loose from lifeless, outdated traditions (as well as human opinions) that keep you stuck so you’re fully READY for all systems go by the end of the month (in spite of Mercury retrograde.)
However, if you’re unclear about your direction or easily distracted, uncertainty and tension can cause some to check out, feel lost, or stay trapped in anxiety or other people’s opinions.
Mid Month, Venus finds herself in her ‘Fall’ in Scorpio while Mars crashes in his ‘Detriment’ in Libra. Watch for manipulation in relationships such as smothering or trying to make someone jealous. The Cosmos gave us plenty of clear seeing in August to know who your true alliances are by now.
Mercury and Mars in aspects to Uranus in the second week want change NOW but mental clarity fades as Mercury slows down in his shadow. Clear thinking may be nowhere to be found by mid month when the Sun opposes Neptune. If you’re grounded – as the Cosmos prepared you – you can avoid irresistiblebad choices, especially related to work or relationships.
Outer planets retrograde plus powerful Pluto aspects this month force us to go deep within, seeing things we may not be ready to see, especially as it concerns unhappiness with the way things are or perhaps, bad choices made. Some may resort to escapism at the Pisces Full Moon September 22 to avoid facing ‘the buried stuff.’
The Sun joins Mars in Libra September 22 at the Equinox. If you’ve got a nice balance between social diplomacy and audacious authenticity, you’re on a GOOD TRACK.
The Sun and Mars trine Saturn by the end of the month finally shower us with magnificent energy for solid,feel good achievement – as long as you dealt with ‘your stuff’ earlier in the month and broke free from the prison of other people’s opinions.
Conscious Choices and Life Changes
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.
Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.