Everything is energy. Astrology is the study of universal energy patterns which affects Earth and human behavior.
Friday – Saturday
February 24 – 25, 2023
- Sun in Pisces 5° 48′
- Waxing Crescent Moon Taurus 4° 40’
- VOC Moon square Pluto 7:21am Feb 24 – 8:29am Feb 24 UTC
- Prominent Quadrant: I
- Prominent Polarity: Yin
- Prominent Mode: Fixed
- Prominent Element: Fire
- Prominent Aspects: Square, Sextile, Semisextile
- Retrograde: All Planets Direct
- Sole Dispositor: Neptune
- Aries Stellium: Venus, Jupiter, Chiron, Juno, Vesta
- Yod Apex: Sun, Ceres quincunx Sun, Ceres sextile Lilith, N Node
- Moon square Pluto, Lilith, Mercury, Saturn, quintile Mars, sextile Sun, Neptune, conjunct N Node, Uranus, opposite S Node
- Sun trine S Node, sextile N Node, quincunx Ceres, Lilith
- Venus quintile Mars, novile Uranus, trine Ceres, opposite Lilith
- Jupiter septile Mercury, square Pallas
- Saturn octile Chiron
- Uranus septile Neptune
- Pallas square Aries Stellium
- Lilith sextile Ceres, square Nodes
[Image: astro-charts.com]
Relentless Dedication
“An extensive plain on which a dense fog hangs, but the fog is low and there is sunshine above.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees
Nostalgic past may be in conflict with a better future. Problems are self-made. Real success or defeat. Anti-religion is still religious. Express the divine through the material. Ritualize your niche. Territorial conflict, weapons, violence, the sea. Lounging not advised, seize the day!
Ultimately, you are the creator of your own place in the world.
Favorable day for health recovery through lounge and leisure, but insatiable desires can lead to serious issues. Powerful emotions can be channeled into goodness, beauty. New fashion not advised; rock your usual style.
Take special care: Mental Illness, Nerves, Senses, Endothelial Cells, Uterus Lining, Lining of Intestines, Right Ankle Bone.
Entertain guests, especially outdoors with a fire pit. Start new building project. Real estate not in favor. Avoid wells but dig conduits. Buy only trained pets, tame animals, not livestock.
Is someone friendly sometimes, cold and distant at other times? Violent passion or rage may be hiding under the surface. Verbal fights, discord at home. Beware of friendship, marriage.
You will either shine as real success or go down in tragic defeat, depending whether you possess sincerity, originality. Pour yourself into profound study or a creative project. Refine practical abilities. Hiring in favor.
Careers in favor today: Business, Accounting, Science, Natural Laws, Artisan Craftwork, Small Business, Manufacturing Fishing, Seafood Catering, Religion, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Painting, Publishing, Literature, Chamberlain.
Impulsive, impractical spending, trying to dodge severe financial threats. Yet, no gains without risk.
Finance scandals purged 2022 – 2026. Consider investing in practical possessions; exit stocks or hodl Oct 2022 – March 2023. Economic fears begin to dissolve Jan 12 2023, possible bounce ups Jan 12-Feb but war may escalate. Overly protective misers, layoffs, unexpected collapse, loss of fortune Mar 2-3. Inflated bubble may pop around Mar 16. Possible recession (undeniable) Q1 2023. Potential buy in March-May 2023. Market recovery, wealth potential May 2023-2024. Traditional finance, debt structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT. 2025 – 2037 (2031) Possible financial collapse, market shift to China?
Beware of friends, weddings. Socializing not advised. Confusing, cloudy situations, mistakes upon mistakes in everyday tasks. Practice good judgement. Good day for shopping but travel by water not advised.
Environmental Incidents: There may be larger than usual seismic activity, greater likelihood of natural disasters around Mar 3 in certain parts of the world.
“A parade of army officers in full dress.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees
Diplomacy in chaos. Counter forces. Rage conflict, violence of passion. Long term imprisonment. Destruction of buildings, fountains, wells, gold mines. Fate is powerful, good or evil. Avoid mines.
Ceremonies, honoring the fallen, formal respect for dedication to community.
Universal ideas. Religious ideals, religious followers, anti-religion is still religious. Some practice black magic, satanism, witchcraft, shamanism, necromancy, freemasonry.
Flight of creeping things. Favorable for search and rescue or defeating enemies. Importance of sea, water element.
Favorable for alchemy, mystical rituals, highest initiations. Visualize.
Territorial, borders conflict. Transfer of artillery, weapons supply, air defense systems, military aircraft. Shootings. Failed peace talks. Detainment. Fire. Recalls.
December 21, 2020
Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 0° Aquarius Winter Solstice, transition from Earth element to new 800-year cycle in Air element
Massive, long term transition from exploiting earth’s natural resources and industrialized consumerism to global climate activism – as well as artificial intelligence, cyborgs, advanced car technology, space exploration, blockchain finance, and the metaverse.
May 10, 2022
Jupiter in Aries May 10 – Oct 28, 2022 and Dec 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023
Large fortunes spent on desires or weapons, war, defense. Taking bold financial risks favored over boring mundane work, but finance schemes result in loss. Have clear goals before taking leap of faith.
Global warming. Large, uncontrolled, more than usual fires especially related to war or explosions in the sky. Caution advised.
August 20, 2022
Mars in Gemini Aug 20, 2022 – March 23, 2023
Must make decision or may fail if divided.
Witty humor, distractions, information overload, neurosis. Conflict or innovations in media communications. TRANSFER OF WEAPONS BETWEEN COUNTRIES. War propaganda, cyber attacks, data leaks. Violent protests. City crime. Stabbings, caution with sharp things. Fighting words: Utilize subterfuge, wise, measured response for harmony.
January 22, 2023
All Major Planets Direct Jan 22 – Apr 21, 2023
Finally! You can see clearly now. Clean up, relaunch, move forward, travel.
Disruption or strangeness can shake things up before changing directions to move forward. Reversals may occur around Jan 22. Rely on sensitive intuition for guidance.
March 4, 2023
Mars Gemini conjunct U.S. Uranus Gemini Transit March 4-8, 2023. Leo Moon opposite Capricorn Pluto Anaretic Degree. Lilith square Nodes. Sun, Mercury square Mars, Venus square Pluto March 16.
Civil unrest in the United States, possible violent conflict, attacks, resistance in town square or tech, especially concerning documents or constitution, or masculine vs feminine. Roe vs Wade?
March 7, 2023
Saturn in Pisces Mar 7, 2023 – Feb 2026
The greatest global shift of our time.
- Collapse of control. Something locked up is freed. Decentralized global network groups are established.
- You can achieve success in your dream job with consistent hard work, making changes along the way. You might not know how it will all come together, that’s okay.
- Artistic skills may become officially accepted in the professional sector, or validated by governments.
- However, slacking off or delusional fantasies can have unintended consequences including drowning in debt, prison, insanity, disease, or death. Karmic reality checks may be harsh or awkward.
- Widespread endings or deaths related to industrial chemicals, medication, addictions, psychiatric drugs, mental illness, virus variants, dangerous floods
- Regulations or legal action taken against major drug companies for side effects or government promotion of drugs including vaccines, euthanasia
- Governments may ignore or erase mass debt, inflation, or impose restrictions on gas, oil, nuclear chemicals.
- Global compassion, environmentalism, WEF one world government, universal basic income are possibilities, but also hidden enemies, naval sinking of ships. Resistance to communism may lead to official conflict or world war around 2026.
- Watch for fake gurus, religious cults, delusional organizations, Hollywood glamour craze, airbrushed marketing. Downfall of influencers, privileged insider status, wealthy elite by 2026.
- Confusion about science and spirituality, dreams, visions, psychics. Faith may be challenged. Merge material and spiritual (infinite energy.)
- Establish a disciplined meditation practice, or silence. Organize a structure for creative juices. Become an authority in the arts.