Pouring Concrete

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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness to successfully navigate collective energies


Saturday – Sunday

June 4 – June 5, 2022

  • Sun in Gemini 13° 51′
  • Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo 8° 26′
  • VOC Moon square Mercury: 11:11pm Jun 5 – 6:22am Jun 6 UTC
  • New/Full Moon: Full Moon in Sagittarius 23° 25′ 11:51am Jun 14 UTC
  • Prominent Sign: Taurus
  • Prominent Planets: Neptune
  • Prominent Polarity: Yin
  • Prominent Mode: Fixed, Cardinal
  • Prominent Element: Water, Earth
  • Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile
  • Retrogrades: Pluto Rx, Saturn Rx
  • Mars, Venus, Neptune in Signs of Rulership
  • Taurus Stellium: Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pallas, True Node
  • Saturn Retrograde until Oct 23 UTC
  • Sun sextile Chiron (Jun 6)
  • Mercury square Saturn Rx (Jun 1-5 No Exact)
  • Mercury sextile Neptune (Jun 1-5 No Exact)
Sun 14° Gemini sextile Chiron 1° orb, sesquiquadrate Pluto Rx. Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo trine Jupiter, Mars, Chiron, quintile Mercury, square Venus, Uranus, Nodes, sextile Sun. Venus sextile Ceres. Mars octile True Node. Saturn Rx square Mercury 1° orb, Nodes 3° orb. Neptune sextile Mercury 1° orb, semisextile Saturn Rx, septile Uranus.


Moon | Cancer
Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo trine Jupiter, Mars, Chiron, quintile Mercury, square Venus, Uranus, Nodes, semisextile Ceres, Lilith, sesquiquadrate Neptune, Jupiter, sextile Sun.

Consider organizing a solid, detailed routine to calm a scattery mind.

Sudden or unexpected emotional reactions may not be pretty. We’re talking about a piping hot explosion, anxiety attack, or ugly cry. But healing and harmony are very much available.

You may find nurturing comfort or grounding in Mother Earth. She can be fierce at times, but she wants to care for you from her natural abundance.

Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, self-rejection, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Power may bring balance.

Some are ready to transcend all obstacles and beliefs, but this is a special breed of humans and may be an extreme challenge. In this case, rules are meant to be broken. Live unlimited within world of limits.

Emotional nurturing may come through giving or receiving attention, or parental love or family devotion and the pride of creating, maintaining, or identifying with a family or close personal group


Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars trine Moon, octile True Node. Chiron trine Moon, semisextile Pallas.

Health, beauty, or fitness goals may feel WAY beyond reach; indeed, it might require extreme endurance over the long haul. But you can relax and trust your inspired yet concrete plan. Step by step, day by day, it will get you there.

Healthcare may especially focus on: Eyes, Shoulderblade, Heart, Blood Circulation, Thyroid Gland, White Blood Cells through June 6 or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026


Sun, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Sun 14° Gemini sextile Chiron 1° orb, sesquiquadrate Pluto Rx. Ceres sextile Venus, semisextile Moon. Juno quintile Mercury.

Compassion may be the only hope now for humans, but it’s strong at this time, even if it hurts to see others hurting. Can you organize a plan to help?

Conflict may be simmering under the surface or important information may be hidden in a manipulative way. Mastermind deception may be at play.

Someone may be gifted with multiple talents or magnetic beauty but do they keep changing their story or make false claims? Do they carry on after lies or cheating was exposed? RUN, don’t walk, from this person.


Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus square Moon, sextile Ceres. Lilith semisextile Moon.

Internal conflict at home or with a personal alliance (or in childhood) may be blocking progress in a home, property, or living situation. Dedication to an organized plan or relationship can make your dream home a material reality. A clean, minimalist home feels so good.


Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, True Node | Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Jupiter trine, sesquiquadrate Moon. Saturn Rx square Mercury 1° orb, Nodes 3° orb. Pluto Rx sesquiquadrate Sun. Nodes square Moon.

There may be plenty of inspiration, but what’s the deal with roadblocks? As long as you’ve been steadily working on a goal or project, you KNOW it will succeed, no matter how many obstacles or setbacks.

Some may be, unfortunately, spinning their wheels or lost on an endless road that goes nowhere – a utopian illusion. Hopefully this isn’t your business partner. If there’s indecision or apathy in a career, business, or investment, you may want to establish something more genuine.

Success is likely in traditional, commercial careers now – if that’s your thing.

Watch for influential people who keep talking or working even after lies have been exposed – as if nothing’s wrong with manipulating or exploiting people. There may be suffering as a result of simply being associated with a fraud; it would be wise to clear out those contacts.

A financial plan may be looking good! Until it isn’t. You might consider a more reliable roadmap. Caution advised with shady financial advisors or influencers especially now. Some are exceptionally skilled in deception. Do you feel safe with them?

Market volatility but overall, flatlining. Ups and downs may cancel each other out through June 23. Especially difficult day June 18. Potential stability or fortune after June 20 with quality investments. You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20, 2022. Traditional finance structures may collapse and transition into regulated digital currency through 2025. Long term investing or hodling in companies with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.


Mercury, Uranus, Pallas | Gemini, Aquarius
Mercury square Saturn 1° orb, sextile Neptune 1° orb, quintile Moon, Juno. Uranus square Moon, septile Neptune. Pallas semisextile Chiron.

Although home life may not be in the best shape, it may not be the best day for travel, shopping, or socializing either unless you’ve got your discernment hat and/or prepared for an adverse or unexpected event.

Someone may be a profound thinker or an ingenius liar. Either way, they’re brilliant. Choose your associations wisely.

Vanilla people doing vanilla things. Yaaawn….

Social media, conversations, or information in general may be pointless, meaningless, or shallow – not in a good way. Noble intentions are nice, but actions are imperative.

You might find a safe space to relax and organize a SOLID strategy that heals, provides, or stabilizes. Or cooperate with an alliance of the same. Emergency work in favor. True compassion can be magical.


Neptune, Mars | Pisces, Aries
Neptune sesquiquadrate Moon, sextile Mercury 1° orb, semisextile Saturn Rx, septile Uranus.
Sun 14° Gemini square Chiron 1° orb, sesquiquadrate Pluto Rx. Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo trine Jupiter, Mars, Chiron, quintile Mercury, square Venus, Uranus, Nodes, sextile Sun. Venus sextile Ceres. Mars octile True Node. Saturn Rx square Mercury 1° orb, Nodes 3° orb.


Excruciating delays or roadblocks. Sudden events or unexpected conflict. Worked up, impulsive aggression. Vehicular conflict. Fire, explosions, artillery, weapons. Wounded in combat. Conflict associated with land, food security, natural resources. A profound thinker or ingenius liar. Underground wealth in simmering conflict. Fraudulence exposed – don’t ignore. Apathy disguised as noble intentions. Deception. Cooperation in mental health. Chasing shiny things, scattered mind. Sharp intellect must be channeled into a disciplined method. Corrections, reforms, literature, publishing, love of books, comedy, celebrations, competitive games, success if planets below horizon. Only a concrete objective will succeed.

Tomorrow: “PEACE” ARTIFICIAL PEACE. Business as usual. Fruitless efforts, head in clouds, faith in illusions. Easily influenced by friends, family, environment, celebrities, “professionals.” Fake family happiness, charity. Smug luxury, artificial comfort, boring vanilla, whitewashed, blurring out reality, “positive vibes only.” Adaptable, cooperative but standards compromised. Commercial pursuits. Law, order, rhythm. Dance, music, poetry. Faith beats force, but only if true or uncommon. Failure from working too much or too little.

End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface Oct 28 temporarily. Violence unleashed, powerful explosions, fires through May 29. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges May 29 through June 17. Communications errors, tech snags, vehicular conflict through June 3 and June 20. Bold rescue missions through July 5. Collapse of social, political structures through Oct 23. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025.

[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Invasion of Ukraine from an astrological perspective.]