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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness.
Friday – Saturday
June 17 – June 18, 2022
Sun in Gemini 26° 22′
Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius 10° 03′
VOC Moon trine Sun: 6:49pm Jun 18 – 11:02pm Jun 18 UTC
New/Full Moon: New Moon in Cancer 7° 22′ 2:52am Jun 29 UTC
Prominent Sign: Taurus
Prominent Planets: Pluto Rx, Juno
Prominent Polarity: Yin
Prominent Mode: Fixed, Cardinal
Prominent Element: Earth, Water, Air
Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile, Octile
Retrogrades: Pluto Rx, Saturn Rx
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune in Signs of Rulership
It’s a good day to accept true feelings. Distorted beliefs create unnecessary tension or sorrow. Misfortune from fake people, cognitive dissonance. Look for genuine art, brilliant analysis. Refined quality takes time.
Stressed out or unstable? Disappointed or depressed? Is life too much for your sensitive soul? Circumstances are likely illusions, in this case. Or, maybe your true heart was compromised for a facade. Either way, the solution is within and it will work beautifully, if you can be authentic. Consider deep rest to see the right choice.
If struggling with suicidal tendencies, beware of illusions. You can rely on an enlightenedmaster or ancient mysteries for comfort, security, and bliss in ANY circumstance.
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, self-rejection, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
Consider standing firm on your values no matter what desperate or enticing offers come at you. Compromise isn’t a good idea now. Stay grounded in nature if unable to focus. Consistent organization in favor.
Emotional nurturing may come through social status, or belonging to a well-established, structured community, subculture, or culture that allows room for individuality or progressive ideas within its walls of security. Watch for black and white thinking, erratic emotions, or shock and awe strategies. Emotional constriction may eventually burst unexpectedly, leading to clarity or cold detachment.
Abandon superficial beauty to discover true beauty or to refine your image. A health, beauty, or fitness protocol may be undergoing a metamorphosis. Consider working with an unusual alliance for support. Artificial food or medications can have serious consequences.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Fingers. Suicide. Lower Legs, Ankles, Feet through June 18 or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Some may be disappointed in love, grieving loss, or going through divorce. Some may feel contempt or mistrust of men to avoid getting hurt again. However, mental illusions are rampant now. Consider relaxing control and harmonizing with a special person or alliance, especially a soul connection. Balance self with others, but mismatched couples are fine. A superficial person or romance can have crucial consequences. Consider opening your heart to REAL love.
It may be a difficult challenge to trust your dream home will come to fruition, but trust you must. There’s clear sky above the dark clouds of unresolvable tension. Consider organizing your home to feel better. Clear out things you don’t absolutely need and love. Life is too short for tacky, artificial decorations. Simple refined minimalism.
Jupiter sextile Moon, octile Pallas. Saturn Rx conjunct Moon, square Taurus Triple Conjunction,semisextile Neptune. Nodes square Moon. Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.
Starving artists living in parents’ basement may be having a difficult time right about now; yet, creative skill is in high demand and bound for success. Just make sure your work (in any career) is original. Frauds are doomed to be defrauded. Manipulators manipulated. Reversal of fortune is only a problem if your true heart wasn’t in it.
Herd mentality is not advised at this time. Ambitious self-promoters are likely hiding something. Look for rare or unusual genius in a social alliance. Above all, common sense. Quality products take TIME to develop and refine. Enjoy the work!
Careers, investments in favor: Art, writing, mystics, astrology, minority of one. Music or violin tomorrow.
FINANCE MARKETS: Especially difficult time around June 18, fed regulations, material assets. Market volatility but overall, flatlining – ups and downs may cancel each other out through June 23. Potential stability or fortune after June 20 with quality investments. You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20. Possible upside after June 23. Potential financial crisis July 18-20. Global illusion, potential loss around Aug 1. Sell before Nov 8 or hodl. Buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.
It may not be the best time for travel, shopping, or communications unless you’re grounded in reality and unusually organized.
Mindless trendy fashion doesn’t do you any favors. Neither does boring vanilla. Falling for pretentious glamour or fake people in general can have serious consequences.
Genuine compassion for the world is a good sign. If you understand the ancient mysteries, hold them safe within as the herd runs off a cliff.
Poetic justice. Frauds are defrauded. Reversal of fortune from pretentious facades or self-promoters. Pressure, friction, in material structure, earth. Internal conflict, cognitive dissonance in finance or war strategies. Or, rare genius in finance, war, weapons alliance. Health issues in the dark or undergoing transformation. Heated verbal conflict, defending to the death an illusion. Avoid manufactured art, artificial products. Compromise leads to loss. Theft. Choose authenticity, diplomacy, powerful analysis. Suicide possible, suffering unnecessary, solution is within.
Sudden, unexpected, or unusual events. Fire, explosion, electric, tech, communications, vehicle. Invasion. Inflation. Oil, gas, chemicals, water or environmental pollution, drugs in conflict.
Success in farming, also genuine art.
All obstacles disappear in universal alignment. Allow the Divine to flow through you for Success after long period of immense challenges – through June 22.
UPCOMING: End of pandemic, freedom from lockdowns May 24, may resurface through and on Oct 28 temporarily. Heat, fire, explosion, weapons, war, developing tensions, nuclear arsenal around June 14. Weather, environmental events, mass violence through June 18. Military leaders of honor, refined capabilities, victory or milestones of success after immense challenges through June 17-22. Communications errors, tech snags, vehicular incidents through June 20. Most beautiful day June 26-27. Brave rescue missions through July 5. Shock event triggers conflict or social, environmental development, tech advancement around Aug 1. Collapse of social, political structures, alliances, judicial issues of past through Oct 23. Ideologies in conflict, media propaganda, opportunistic aristocrats, manipulative influencers, large fortunes squandered or used for defense through Oct 28. Supply chain disruptions through 2025
TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, WWIII, alliances, weapons, mass violence, protests, jobs, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, social media, trade, inflation, finances, or crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.
A difficult day especially for geopolitical alliances and material resources. Sudden, unexpected, or unusual events, for better or for worse, but fated. Fire, explosions, electric, or popping. Hidden internalconflict, tension, pressure. Inevitable fate, especially related to material resources or structural collapse. What goes up must come down. Sorrow. Death of partner possible, or suicide. Anxiety and depression unnecessary, solution within, success within reach.
Healing and achievement from higher consciousness and tangible commitment to life passion. Consistent organization in favor.
Open mind, sound reasoning, healthy body, devotion, love and pride of friends, family, children, strong work ethic, responsibility, material SUCCESS. Beauty of nature. Easily influenced, self-compromise subject to legal responsibility, misfortune. Solve problems for self to help others. Ancient wisdom and self-mastery are greatest force. Discovery of personal teacher or master but may be too intellectual, academic to understand Mysteries. Business founded on higher principles or interests. Living in naked moment, surrender, trust universe. Unforeseen windfalls, legacies. Success in Farming, Botany, Music, Violin, Writing, Astrology. Gambling not advised. Fertility, Twins. Hand, Metacarpus Bones.
June 13 – 22 (Peak: June 17)
Mercury, Venus, and Mars in rare triple domicile which may indicate success through conflict. Neptune also in domicile.
Success after long period of immense challenges – through June 22.
June 26-27
Sun 5° Cancer. Moon in Gemini conjunct Venus, Mercury, sextile Jupiter, Chiron, Mars, trine Saturn. Mars sextile Saturn, Mercury sextile Chiron.
Most beautiful day of the month. Fashion, luxury, extravagance. Fortune or success in communications, travel, alliances, victory in war. Watch for excess or entitlement.
Intense conflict, internal or external. Yet, suffering is unnecessary. Trust TRUE faith.
July 31 – Aug 1
Mars, Uranus, N Node Conjunction 18° Taurus
Betrayal, unexpected disaster beyond someone’s control, feeling defeated or victimized, unwilling to make effort to grasp a golden opportunity, stuck doing an unwanted job unnecessarily.
TRIGGER EVENT around Aug 1. Powerful unexpected crisis related to fire, explosions, nuclear arsenal, war, WWIII, alliances, weapons, mass violence, protests, jobs, supply chain, environment, culture, space, technology, social media, trade, inflation, finances, crypto. Shock event may bring loss or grief but ultimately new advancements and alliances.
August 30, 2022
New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus, Venus 27° joins Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces
Misplaced hope in a global illusion. Rebellion.
August 2023
Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.
International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement such as a formal acceptance into a diplomatic major world alliance.
November 1, 2023
Pluto’s last pass over 27° Capricorn
Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, new security structure after collapse.
Aside from war and violence, there’s potential for deep intimacy, unity, harmony, and unique courage, relentless determination, or achievement on a grand scale – as long as disciplined hard work and grounded common sense are involved. This powerful energy in alliances can be used for different purposes. It’s vital to keep your head clear and avoid conflict, if possible.