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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Tuesday – Wednesday
March 22 – 23, 2022
- Sun in Aries 2° 07′
- Waning Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius 0° 0′
- VOC Moon sextile Pluto: 4:00pm Mar 22 – 6:59pm Mar 22 UTC
- Next New/Full Moon: New Moon in Aries 11° 30′ 7:17am April 1 UTC
- Prominent Sign: Aquarius, Pisces
- Prominent Planets: Moon
- Prominent Polarity: Yang
- Prominent Mode: Fixed
- Prominent Element: Air, Fire
- Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile
- Retrogrades: All Major Planets Direct
- Neptune in Sign of Rulership
- Venus and Uranus in Mutual Reception
- Aquarius Stellium: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Juno, Vesta
- Pisces Stellium: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune
- Mars square Uranus
It’s a good day to take a breather before pressing any buttons. The mind may be sharp and active but misinformation is rampant. Some may encounter an awakening in consciousness. Look for mystical beauty or compassion.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
- Moon in Scorpio
- Moon quintile Mars
- Moon sextile Pluto
- Moon quincunx Lilith
- Moon sesquiquadrate Pallas, Chiron
- VOC Moon
- Moon in Sagittarius
- Moon trine Sun
- Moon trine Chiron
- Moon quincunx Uranus
- Moon sextile Mars
- Moon sextile Venus
An energetic mind may be running at full speed but, unfortunately, the mind is likely wrong – or not exactly right. Otherwise, emotions are likely in a good spot until March 24, in general.
Some, however, may be dealing with mental anxiety or intense conflict – but there’s beautiful potential for a conscious awakening. To realize a hidden truth, a difficult surrender may be needed in the maturing process.
To stay out of trouble, keep the mind busy on a project.
Watch for rampant misinformation (through March 27.) Logic may appear convincing but the mind may be playing tricks.
Emotional nurturing may come through emotional security, especially from within or from an intimate relationship with protected boundaries, although it may be a rare occurrence or difficult to find. Intuitive abilities may be strong but watch for suspicious brooding.
Sun, Pluto, Ceres, Juno | Leo, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
- Sun in Aries until April 19/20
- Sun novile Saturn
- Pluto in Capricorn until Mar 23, 2023
- Pluto sextile Moon
- Pluto septile Jupiter
- Ceres in Gemini
- Juno in Aquarius
- Juno semisextile Jupiter
- Eris in Aries
Conflict can be impulsive, unpredictable, or explosive, especially within a social organization or on a global front.
Surrender control or utilize intuition to become aware of true alliances.
But use caution. It may be difficult to know which thoughts and feelings are yours and that which belongs to someone else. You can trust your intuition IF it has been refined and cultivated through challenges. As long as you have a calm mind, it’s safe to open your heart.
Health and Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
- Mars in Aquarius (Stellium) until April 15
- Mars square Uranus
- Mars sesquiquadrate Lilith
- Mars sextile Moon
- Chiron in Aries until June 19, 2026
- Chiron trine Moon
Simmering inflammation may reach a breaking point unless you’ve been making vital changes in a health or fitness protocol.
Watch for excess, which can be a health disaster.
Otherwise, wonderful breakthroughs in mental or physical health are available. Follow your natural inspiration!
Plagues, Aggressive Virus through May 10; Jupiter in Pisces, Chiron in Aries. Edit [March 6] “Avian flu spreading through Asia, Europe, N America. Bird flu outbreak spreads across U.S. poultry farms, disaster proclamation issued in Iowa county.” Edit [March 6] “The official global death toll from COVID-19 is on the verge of eclipsing 6 million — underscoring that the pandemic, now in its third year, is far from over.” Edit [March 11] “Hong Kong grapples with massive COVID-19 surge” Edit [March 17] “Approximately 95% of the coronavirus positives in the outbreak in the northeastern province of Jilin, the largest in China since Wuhan in 2020, are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, the Xinhua agency reports today.” [March 22] “The White House said the government is running out of funds for vaccines, testing and treatments, even as omicron variant BA.2, which is fueling a virus resurgence in Europe and Asia, is appearing increasingly in the U.S.”
Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Gland through April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Home and Property
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
- Venus in Aquarius until April 5
- Venus sextile Moon
- Uranus, True Node in Taurus
- Uranus square Venus, Mars (<2° orb)
- Vesta in Aquarius until May 24
- Lilith in Gemini until April 14
- Lilith sesquiquadrate Mars
- Lilith quincunx Moon
Some might feel torn between living in two different places or geographical areas. One place might be more exciting, while the other might seem more safe and secure….
Obstacles or conflict in a home, possessions, or property issue may reach boiling point. However, a beautiful opportunity is available to move forward or develop stability and security – if you can cooperate with others and follow any subtle inclinations.
Travel, Shopping, Social Media, Weather
Mercury, Pallas Athena, Uranus, Neptune | Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces
- Mercury in Pisces until Mar 27
- Mercury septile Uranus
- Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
- Uranus square Mars
- Uranus quincunx Moon
- Uranus octile Lilith
- Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
- Pallas in Aries
- Pallas novile True Node
- Pallas sesquiquadrate Moon
- Jupiter in Pisces until May 10
- Jupiter septile Pluto
Shopping: Enjoying the simple pleasures of life may come easy, but excess or impulse buying can be especially detrimental.
There’s some potential for real damage or violence today in the ‘town square’ or the sky, the internet, or on a global front. There may be no clear winner or logical solution. Downed aircraft patterns may continue through March 26.
Strangely, however, mystical beauty, inspired joy, or compassionate harmony may also be in the mix.
International Events
“An infuriated lion struggles against the bars of its cage.” – Janduz, 12° Aquarius
Contentious ambition will likely not have a good outcome, in this case. Stay chill. Children or adult immaturity may be a topic.
“Underhanded maneuvers born from neurotic jealousy.” – Janduz, 12° Taurus
In some places, there may be incidents involving increasing crime, crimes against the vulnerable, mass violence, shocking or unusual conflict or fights, political or religious wars, social equality issues, vehicular violence or collisions, vehicle theft, sanctions, cyberwarfare, biochemical weapons, fire, excess water, the ocean, gas/oil, chemicals, air pollution, or the atmosphere. Earthquakes may continue through March 22 as Venus and Mars square Uranus in Taurus. But empathy and compassion can be felt deep. Rescue work in emergency situations may be more prominent as more planets join Aries through May 10. Conflict may be especially volatile around March 21, April 5, and May 29.
Refined capabilities and, eventually, success may come through conflict, potentially by June 17.
Bans, blockades, sanctions, mandates, or lockdowns may fail or be lifted through Mar 20 (or May 10?) with exceptions along the way. Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, and May 29 this year.
Media: Watch for “holy wars,” or political cults preying on the vulnerable. Watch for misinformation which may seem true through March 27.
Edit [March 22]: “Damage was extensive in the Austin suburbs of Round Rock and Elgin, just northwest of Dallas-Fort Worth. In the southern Oklahoma town of Kingston, another reported tornado caused damage”
Edit [March 22]: “Earthquake shakes buildings in Taipei”
Edit [March 22]: “No survivors have been found as the search continued Tuesday of the scattered wreckage of a China Eastern plane carrying 132 people that crashed a day earlier in a forested mountainous area in China’s worst air disaster in a decade.”
Edit [March 22]: “Israel’s deadliest terror attack in years: 4 killed, 2 seriously hurt in stabbing attack at Beersheba mall; terrorist shot dead”
Edit [March 22]: “China Has Fully Militarized 3 South China Sea Islands: US Indo-Pacific Commander”
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Ukraine conflict from an astrological perspective.]
Mercury = Transportation
Pisces = Viral
Mercury in Pisces = Out of Touch with Reality
Aquarius = Airborne, Electric, Future Tech
Taurus = Material Property
Mars sq Uranus = Acting On Impulse, Freedom, Rebellion, Destruction
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, N Node | Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
- True Node in Taurus until July 17. 2023
- True Node novile Pallas
- Capricorn: Pluto
- Aquarius Stellium
- Pisces Stellium
- Saturn in Aquarius until Mar 7, 2023
- Saturn semisextile Mercury
- Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
- Uranus square Mars
- Uranus quincunx Moon
- Uranus octile Lilith
- Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
Making impulsive career or business decisions or acting on ambitions is not advised at this time.
If studying or learning: Watch for misinformation through March 27, 2022; however, it’s generally an excellent time to learn information related to intuitive or creative work.
Jupiter | Sagittarius
- Sun in Aries: Major uptrend Decan 2
- Full Moon in Virgo: Profit for disciplined or creative investments, downfall for some
- Mercury in Pisces: Irrational market movement due to misinformation or immature gullibility
- Venus in Aquarius: Conservative or steady uptrend, spontaneous or unexpected uptrend, digital currency, tech innovations
- Mars in Aquarius: Decan 1 downtrend, Decan 2 and 3 uptrend, Decan 3.5 downtrend
- Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
- Pluto in Capricorn: Immense underground wealth of an elite may collapse
- Pluto in Capricorn: Long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement, tightening of corporate or government regulations
- Uranus in Taurus: Digital currency, new financial structures or material assets in favor but may require long hard work or excruciating challenges
- Jupiter in Pisces until May 10, 2022: Inflation, rising interest rates, high oil prices or fortune from crude oil, fortune from creative investments, speculation exaggerated or unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, uptrend due to inflation or market bubble after a crash
- Neptune in Pisces: Speculative risk in favor