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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Monday – Tuesday
February 28 – March 1, 2022
Sun in Pisces 10° 4′
Dark Moon in Aquarius 13° 18′
VOC Moon conjunct Saturn: 2:00am Mar 1 – 8:54pm Mar 1 UTC
Next New/Full Moon: New Moon in Pisces 12° 06′ 5:34pm Mar 2 UTC
Prominent Sign: 4th Quadrant
Prominent Mode:Cardinal, Fixed
Prominent Element: Air, Earth
Prominent Aspects: Conjunction, Octile
Retrogrades: All Major Planets Direct
Capricorn Stellium: Venus, Mars, Pluto, Vesta
Aquarius Stellium: Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Juno
Pisces Stellium: Sun, Jupiter, Neptune
Sun sextile Uranus
Sun, Jupiter octile Capricorn Conjunctions
Venus, Mars trine N Node
Pisces Steliium octile Capricorn Stellium, Feb 28 – March 1, 2022
It’s a good day for calm solitude which allows clarity, right action, and stability amidst intense pressure, tension, or obsessive intellectual activity. Isolated thinking may lead to an overconfident delusion.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
Dark Moon in Aquarius
Moon square Uranus
Moon conjunct Mercury
Moon semisextile Sun, Jupiter
Moon trine Ceres
Moon conjunct Saturn
Moon trine Lilith
Moon square Nodes
VOC Moon 2:00am Mar 1 – 8:54pm Mar 1 UTC
Moon in Pisces 8:54pm March 1 UTC
Random humor or comedy may help release tension or be a reminder that, ultimately, everything will be alright.
Subtle signals or dilemmas may inspire, force or require responsible action that may have been previously avoided. However…
Emotions may be quite repressed with a lot of inspiring intellectual activity with new or renewed alliances. When emotions are subdued, however, the potential increases for wrong choices that you don’t really want to make.
Creative solutions and clear grounded thinking are in favor this week. Subtle or intuitive insight may be on point but it may come and go very quickly. Be sure to write it down.
Excessive or grandiose dreaming may block steady productivity and create stress. Impulsive action may be triggered by an illusion. Tunnel vision can lead to overconfidence or an overoptimistic delusion, so there may be a need to slow down for clarity before taking action.
Calm solitude and grounding techniques may be needed for clear insight and successful action.
The ultimate objective is to take responsibility for your place in society in a humble yet authentic, inspired way.
Watch for a manic high followed by a crash this week. Hopium may turn to copium after a reality check, which may be discouraging but also beneficial.
Emotional nurturingmay come through social status, or belonging to a well-established, structured community, subculture, or culture that allows room for individuality or progressive ideas within its walls of security. Watch for black and white thinking, erratic emotions, or shock and awe strategies. Emotional constriction may eventually burst unexpectedly, leading to clarity or cold detachment.
Health and Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars in CapricornStellium until Mar 6
Mars conjunct Venus, Vesta, Pluto (<2° orb)
Mars octile Sun
Mars trine the True Node, semisextile S Node
Chiron in Aries until 6.19.26
Chiron sextile Juno
Chiron octile True Node
Chiron semisextile Sun
A health protocol may lack motivation unless you’re open to changes that lead to more structure or stability, especially if related to food.
Some kind of heaviness, blockage, or bloated pressure may cause concern. However, intuitive research or getting organized may put you at ease, as well as renew motivation if resources are reliable.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Glandthrough April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Home and Property
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus in Capricorn (Stellium) until Mar 6
Venus, Mars, Vesta, Pluto conjunction
Venus, Vesta trine True Node
Venus, Vesta octile Sun
Venus, Vesta quintile Pallas
Uranus, True Node in Taurus
Vesta in Capricorn
Lilith in Gemini until April 14
Lilith trine Moon
You might feel torn between living in two different places or geographical areas. One place might be more exciting, while the other might seem more safe and secure. Internal conflict may block progress or dreams of expansion which may create tension or anxiety….
This internal conflict and stress is likely due to misaligned actions or an illusion related to overconfidence or excess associated with material possessions, social status, land ownership, official regulations, or material security.
Success this year is found in material stability, frugality, and physical safety. (The wise choice is a secure home or neighborhood.) Also, prioritize health. True inspiration and critical thinking is available toward that end if it isn’t drowned out by delusional dreams or desires with no foundation.
Internal friction in partnerships or an intellectualized lack of compassion may block progress as official organizations work to resolve homelessness.
Travel, Shopping, Social Media, Weather
Mercury, Pallas Athena, Neptune | Gemini, Pisces
Sun octile Venus, Vesta, Mars, Pluto
Mercury in Aquarius until Mar 10
Mercury conjunct Moon
Pallas in Aries
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10
Jupiter semisextile Moon
Jupiter quintile True Node
Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30
There may be a lot going on in the sky, such as a lot of rain, mist, chemical pollution, smoke, or lack of visibility in the atmosphere. Climate crisis may be a theme. In areas of battle, pressure, conflict, and violent explosions may increase this week. Flooding may be in the near future for some areas.
Social media may see heightened activity or conflict, or become a volatile medium for alliances to communicate. Information may change or be exchanged very quickly. Some events may dominate the spotlight, distracting from other newsworthy events.
A competitive strategy, negotiations, or contracts may be ‘in the dark’ requiring more grounded logic. Agreements may be abandoned later. Watch for overconfidence or delusional zeal which can lead to problems or unwanted consequences. Isolating an enemy from support would be a successful strategy.
An overthinking, fired up father-type figure may be in conflict due to dogmatic beliefs or delusion. Watch for hidden or manipulative religious or politicalscandals.
A mother-type figure may be trusted for more logic, nurturing, and harmony, but more structure may be needed to ease stress or anxiety.
Friends, housemates, or social alliances may be in conflict unless personal space or independent views are respected.
Intimate partnerships or relationships with deep emotional connection or established trust may enjoy the most harmony and stability.
On the international level, the potential for mass violence may be occurring in multiple events simultaneously.
Stubborn conflict may ease up March 1. However, some type of delusional zeal or mania may occur before a collapse, or a public occurrence of violence, fire, or accident around March 3-6. Treaties or agreements may be abandoned. A government or institution may lose a conflict with an unexpected ‘an alliance on a mission’ approximately around April 12. An established state leader may be rapidly dethroned around May 29.
Bans, blockades, sanctions, or lockdowns may fail or be lifted through Mar 20 and May 10 with exceptions along the way. Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, and May 29 this year.
Changing of the Gods documentary is free to watch for a limited time. Sign up here:
There may be a miscalculation about how long it will take to achieve success. As long as you’re prepared for and dedicated to the long haul, there are no worries here.
Establishing new habits may be awkward or overwhelming but mastery simply takes time. In the long term, new habits can be executed more quickly and with more skill and efficiency.
As long as you fully enjoy your work and your passion is authentic, you can trust it will be sustainable through inevitable challenges or push back.
Jupiter | Sagittarius
Moon in Aquarius: Stagnancy with potential volatility in market sentiment
Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
Venus, Mars, Vesta, Pluto conjunction in Capricorn: Tightening of corporate or government regulations
Sun in Pisces: Majordowntrend or slight uptrend
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10, 2022: Inflation, raising interest rates, high oil prices or fortune from crude oil, fortune from creative investments, speculation exaggerated or unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, uptrend due to inflation or market bubble after a crash
Pluto in Capricorn: Long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement
Mars in Capricorn: Fluctuating downtrend
Neptune in Pisces: Speculative risk
Mercury in Aquarius: Beneficial yet unexpected market movement
Venus in Capricorn: Market crash due to corporate government financial ties, but conducive for buying long term, patience rewarded
Taurus Capricorn Earth Conjunctions: Resistance to uptrends due to corporate government financial ties
Market volatility may continue through March 6. General downtrends may be the financial markets through mid March but watch for a bubble of some type after a crash around March 2-3. Hopium may deflate as scandals are exposed.
Immense underground wealth that isn’t visible to the public may lead to a structural collapse or tightened regulations. Inflation, high interest rates, high oil prices may be a theme through May 10, 2022.
The U.S. Pluto return is currently taking place through 2023 and beyond, collapsing traditional finance structures to be replaced by regulateddigital currency.
Long term investing or hodling in companies with high quality production is in favor. In this case, downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.
Delusional Zeal
February 28 – March 6, 2021
Monday, Feb 28: No Major Aspects
Tuesday, March 1: Venus, Mars trine N Node, Moon in Pisces
Wednesday,March 2: Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury conjunct Saturn, New Moon in Pisces
Thursday,March 3: Venus, Mars conjunct Pluto, Moon in Aries
Friday, March 4: No Major Aspects
Saturday, March 5: Sun conjunct Jupiter
Sunday, March 6: Venus and Mars in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Mars, Moon in Taurus
New Moon in Pisces, Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury conjunct Saturn, Capricorn Stellium, Mar 2, 2022
Unbridled ambition may push forward at all cost this week without concern for consequences. But consequences are coming.
Structural collapse continues, with the intention to be replaced by new social structures. Religious or political scandals, money laundering, cyber attacks, and manipulation may continue to be revealed. With the Mars, Venus, Pluto triple conjunction in Capricorn on Thursday, tension, conflict over land or material resources, along with casualties, war prisoners, violence, and explosions may intensify.
More plagues may be a theme with Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Pisces – or the topic of climate crisis and weather incidents such as flooding.
Simultaneously, there’s harmony and beauty in the darkness with plenty of trines and sextile aspects along with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Neptune coalition in Pisces which indicates strong compassionate support, official alliances, and humanitarianism. However…
Watch for egotistical or delusional zeal or a manic high, which may deflate into despair or some type of collapse when the Moon squares Pluto, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury at the end of the week. Hopium may turn to copium.
If you can channel any excited energy into slow, steady hard work or discipline… you can accomplish something amazing with this rare energy combination.
Intense pressure can bring out enduring strength and inspiring integrity you didn’t know you had.
An emotional release or breakthrough is favorable for new insight which can resolve a dilemma. Just remember to stay grounded and relatively sane.
Generalized Event Chart
February 24, 2022, 5am Ukraine Time
Sun in Pisces 5° 16′
Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius 5° 16′
Sun square Moon
Venus Scorpio Nodal Axis
Capricorn Stellium sextile Neptune
Mars conjunct Vesta
Venus, Mars, Vesta Triple Conjunction (<1° orb)
Jupiter octile Pluto
Saturn octile Pallas
Venus septile Jupiter
Sun octile Venus (1° orb)
Jupiter sextile Uranus (1° orb)
Neptune octile Juno (1° orb)
Mercury square Uranus (2° orb)
Uranus square Juno (3° orb)
Approximate Time of Start of Russian Full Scale Invasion of Ukraine, Feb 24, 2022
Just before dawn on February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full scale invasion on the sovereign country of Ukraine which inherently came with nuclear threats.
The invasion immediately became a sensational news story of interest around the world. Protests against the war broke out in Russia and across the globe….
A mass wave of refugees fled Ukraine into Poland, Romania, and beyond. Many expressed admiration or respect for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who was offered a chance to flee to safety but resolutely remained in Ukraine to fight with civilians to defend their land.
The E.U., the U.K, the U.S., Canada, and Allies enforced sanctions on Vladimir Putin and oligarchs before sending troops and ammunition to Ukraine in support as President Zelenskyy continued to request support from European allies as well as acceptance into NATO.
On February 27, Vladimir Putin threatened the use of nuclear weaponry against Ukraine in response to NATO sanctions and threats. The Sun was octile the Venus, Mars, Vesta Pluto Capricorn Stellium, and the near Dark Moon in Aquarius transited a series of hard aspects including a square to Uranus. It was a day of volatile tension that may be at a breaking point.
Global gas and oil prices and a European pipeline were affected, as well as financial market volatility.
What do the planets reveal?
The invasion began during a Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon, one of the most critical Moon positions squaring the Sun during a triple conjunction in Capricorn including Mars conjunct Vesta. That is a lot of audacious, ambitiousFire energy just after the Sun joined Jupiter and Neptune in the softer, more dreamy, illusory sign of Pisces. Mercury was also in a hard square to Uranus.
The Capricorn conjunction may indicate a rare type of powerful bravado of political alliances that is characteristic of remarkable strength that can endure for long periods of time under great pressure. However, it can be associated with karmic consequences or a violent end. Also, the Pisces planets may indicate more of a delusional zeal with an excessive amount of explosive energy, but with no real structure or container – or end game.
The Pisces bunch may also relate to the outpouring of heartbreak and compassion toward people suffering in the Russia Ukraine conflict, especially persons who are associated with innocence such as young, confused Russian soldiers or Ukrainian civilians throwing molotov cocktails at a nuclear superpower to defend their smaller country.
Venus was also in close conjunction with Mars and Vesta in Capricorn indicating intense conflict over political or state controlof land. And Pluto, the planet of intensity, hidden power, or immense hidden wealth of an elite or government officials… wasn’t too far away in an octile to Jupiter.
Uranus, the planet of shock or unexpected events was also triggered by a square to Mercury. In fact, the invasion caught many by surprise.
The critical turning point of the Sagittarius Moon along with Jupiter in Pisces may be associated with explosive fire in the air, rockets, and missiles… (which may not have precision target aim until the Moon in Aquarius Feb 27.)
The Capricorn Stellium may be associated with geopolitical events, heavy machinery, violent assault, war and political conflict that is focused on material resources such as land. It may also indicate a collapse of an old sociopolitical structure (with the intention to establish a new order, possibly a new world order) along with a possible unexpected dethroning of a head of state around March 18-22. A powerful country or government may lose a conflict with an alliance that turns out to be unexpectedly more powerful or able to rally global support sometime around April 12.
War propaganda, media disinformation, fake news stories that manipulate emotions, or hidden transfers of wealth may powerfully change the tide of public opinion or official decisions in a lasting or historical way.
The Pisces planets may symbolize chemicals, air pollution, nuclear pollution, fire in the sky, ocean, oil, gas, or inflation.
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus may give details about failed negotiations, communications technology, drone technology, cyber attacks, mobility of people (refugees), machinery, vehicles, air vehicles, or firefights on the ground.
Saturn in Aquarius octile Pallas in Aries may relate to a battle strategy that breaks the rules without concern for consequences or, war crimes.
Plenty of major planetary Square and Octile aspects involving empowered planets in conjunction occurred while the Sun and Jupiter were softened and unable (unwilling?) to deter conflict. Or, the excessive fiery aspect may indicate global alliances or the public may have even participated in instigating or fueling an invasion…. Pisces can be an invasive sign when hosting the powerful Sun and ambitious, zealous Jupiter with a conflicting Moon in Sagittarius.
Either way, these aspects may explain why the start of the invasion occurred at this Cosmic point in history. If so, conflict may intensify the first week in March and the persons in battle may not see relief until Venus and Mars ingress Aquarius March 6. However, volatileconflict continues with Venus and Mars square Uranus March 18-22, as well as reality checks and karmic consequences with the Saturn Mars conjunction April 4/5, unbridled conflict and explosions of a Jupiter Mars conjunction in Aries May 29, and of course, the Eclipses throughout the year.
March 3 may be the date of most intensity in violence with a Mars Venus Pluto conjunction with 3 stelliums (powerful events) on an international level or in global focus. March 5 may involve an explosion, or a gas, chemical, or nuclear event during a Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces. March 6 may witness the most conflict with an exact Mars Venus conjunction. There may be 2 – 3 different international events occurring simultaneously during this week, but all involve governments, control of land or property, material supply chain issues, issues of social equality, and emotional triggers of compassion.
Aside from war and violence, there’s a potential for deep intimacy, unity, harmony, and unique courage, relentless determination, or achievement on a grand scale – as long as disciplined hard work and grounded common sense are involved. This powerful energy in alliances can be used for different purposes. It’s vital now to keep your head clear and avoid conflict, if possible.
March 2022
International Events
New York Time:
Mar 02, 00:05 am – Sun sextile Uranus
Mar 02, 11:32 am – Mercury conjunct Saturn
Mar 02, 12:34 pm – New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter
Mar 03, 03:43 am – Mars conjunct Pluto
Mar 03, 12:55 pm – Venus conjunct Pluto
Mar 05, 09:06 am – Sun conjunct Jupiter
Mar 06, 02:12 am – Venus conjunct Mars, Venus and Mars in Aquarius
Mar 10, 05:45 am – 1st Quarter Moon in Cancer
Mar 13, 07:42 am – Sun conjunct Neptune
Mar 17, 08:13 am – Mercury sextile Uranus
Mar 18, 03:17 am – Full Moon in Virgo
Mar 18, 03:37 pm – Sun sextile Pluto
Mar 19, 07:16 am – Venus square Uranus
Mar 21, 02:06 am – Mercury conjunct Jupiter
Mar 22, 04:43 pm – Mars square Uranus
Mar 23, 01:43 pm – Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mar 25, 01:37 am – Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn
Mar 26, 06:34 am – Mercury sextile Pluto
Mar 28, 03:27 pm – Venus conjunct Saturn
Important Dates March 2022
Mar 2-3 New Moon conjunct Jupiter, Neptune; Mercury Saturn conjunction; Triple Conjunctions in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces; Mars Venus Pluto conjunction 27° Capricorn octile Pisces stellium: Crisis, raging fury, violence, mass shootings, crime, government overreach, protests, international conflict, cyber attacks, delusional zeal, manic high before a collapse, beginning of financial bubble burst, spiritual scandals, religious conflict, old contracts collapse or new contracts implemented, intimate relationships tested or deeper commitment, careers and materialism must have higher meaning
Mar 2 – 18 New Moon in Pisces – Full Moon in Virgo: Potential market downtrend
Mar 4 Sun conjunct Jupiter: Potential bullish market movement or investment opportunity (Note: potential bubble burst Mar 6-8)
March 5 Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces: Potential for an explosion, fire, gas, chemical, or nuclear event
March 6-8 Mars, Venus conjunction in Aquarius: Mass need for freedom or revolution, potential bubble burst, market correction, international events or conflict in governments, control of land or property, material supply chain issues, social equality issues in the news
Mar 17 Sun sextile Pluto, Full Moon: Potential market uptrend but potential down Mar 18
Mar 18-22 Venus, Mars square Uranus: Volatility, sudden or unexpected conflict
Capricorn stellium octile Pisces stellium, Mar 3, 2022
March opens with a bang, as in a literal bang, and it may not be pretty. And it may last all month long.
Dystopian nightmares are made of this, but the world will get through this, and will potentially come out humbled but more authentic and self-empowered.
The theme is destruction or structural collapse, which makes way for a new way of life that is more liberated, healthy, and true.
A rare configuration of three Triple conjunctions in the 4th Quadrant (international events) signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are octile, meaning they are in conflict, along with a Venus Mars conjunction square Uranus, which indicates unexpected volatility.
The objective is to transcend toxic material desires and their associated crimes in favor of a healthy relationship with materialism in order to fully enjoy life in the human body. However, if you experience a liberated awakening or nirvana itself, you might find your socioeconomic requirements, cultural traditions, or political powers don’t support liberation so much.
Protests, revolutions, violence, crime, wars, financial and structural collapse tend to occur when humans are fed up and ready for a major change in their governance, social relationships, or their world. Deconstruction must occur before a new structure can be implemented. And nature would probably agree.
Existential questions may come into play, as well as questions about death and life after. If you’re asking those kinds of questions, you’re on the right track, even if it isn’t easy. The time is ripe for a conscious awakening and asking honest questions can get you there.
Life becomes MUCH easier – even blissful – after April 12. So, if you’re having a rough time, hang in there.
Holding Strong
Jan 14. Mercury Retrograde, Ceres Direct
Jan 18. Uranus Direct, Taurus/Scorpio Nodal Shift
Jan 29. Venus Direct
Feb 3. Mercury Direct
Feb 17. Jupiter sextile Uranus
Feb 22. United States Pluto Return
Mar 1. Venus, Mars, Pluto, Vesta Stellium in Capricorn
Apr 4/5: Mars conjunct Saturn
Apr 12. Jupiter conjunct Neptune
Apr 29. Pluto Retrograde
Apr 30. New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus
May 3. Jupiter sextile Pluto
May 10. Mercury Retrograde
May 16. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse [Total] in Scorpio
June 3. Mercury Direct
June 4. Saturn Retrograde
June 28. Neptune Retrograde
July 19 Chiron Retrograde
July 25. Juno Retrograde
July 28. Jupiter Retrograde
Aug 24. Uranus Retrograde
Sep 9. Mercury Retrograde
Oct 2. Mercury Direct
Oct 5. Mercury, Mars, Neptune T-Square
Oct 8. Pluto Direct
Oct 23 Saturn and Juno Direct
Oct 25. New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Scorpio
Oct 30 Mars Retrograde
Nov 8. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse [Total] in Taurus
Nov 9. Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Saturn T-Square
Nov 10. Mars, Venus, Pluto Yod
Nov 23. Jupiter Direct
Dec 3. Neptune Direct
Dec 23 Chiron Direct
Dec 29. Mercury Retrograde
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 16, 2022 Before Retrogrades
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 was the year for exciting yet possibly difficult change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. 2022 is the year to establish new physical and material foundations.
As the nodes retrograde from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, any structural shifts may appear more disruptive than they really are thanks to Jupiter in Pisces and this year’s U.S. Pluto Return.
You can remain steadyandcalm through global events used for fear-mongering through news and social media networks. If you established new foundations in the new world last year, there’s simply no need to worry, as you make your mocha latte just how you like it.
2022 is an excellent year to become well-grounded in new habits that harvest joy and earthy fulfillment, especially as it might relate to organic home gardening, natural herbal medicine, interior design, wine and art galleries…. But avoid overindulging. Relax with a natural bath spa to maintain optimal energy levels.
Consider focusing on your relationship with nature and caring for the planet, which may feel especially satisfying this year. Oil spills are a possibility through May.
Disturbing dreams are illusions; there’s no need for concern but consider removing fear propaganda from your newsfeed (through May 2022.)
Pandemic drama may finally diffuse around June 2022, although personal health choices continue to reap consequences according to laws of nature through 2024. If you naturally takecare of your body, including mental health, you can relax and enjoy a happy healthy life.
It’s a wonderful year to commit and enjoy beautiful romance, date nights, and relationships that give you a sense of security, including material security. Express your love to those who are faithful, and look for tangible ways to enjoy life (or work) together.
Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto through March 3 may dredge up painfulissues in government-regulated relationships (such as marriage) or relationships built on traditional social structures. Consider looking for more organic connections that allow freedom for soul love to thrive (N Node and Uranus in Taurus.)
Social conflict may be fuzzy (who’s side are you on?) and political resistance may continue through mid Feb. Attempts to harmonize may see more failure than progress during this time. Look for more harmony in March or late April.
The Triple Conjunction of March 2
March 2, 2022 marks a rare and powerful New Moon Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces that is octile a powerful Mars Venus Pluto conjunction in Capricorn during another powerful Mercury Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Uranus is sextile the Sun Moon Jupiter conjunction, semisextile Chiron, and square Juno. Chiron in Aries is semisextile the Sun, Moon, Jupiter conjunction, septile Mercury Saturn, and quintile Mars Venus Pluto. Juno is semisextile the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, sextile Chiron.
March 2 indicates inspiring, surprising global support for financial transparency and new revolutionary health protocols will be in collective discussion organized by data scientists on censored communication platforms. These discussions (or protests) may be in conflict with governments or job security. Although these surprising yet inspiring protests may erupt from deep internal pressure and instigate intense challenges, disruptions, and conflict among official or political partnerships – or reveal hidden government financial ties – they may ultimately unite people through love, compassion, and service… culminating March 2, 2022.
Small business and humble startups may expect to do well with determined effort and consistent growth through 2022. Real estate assets may grow even stronger (before a downturn within a few years) as well as farmer’s markets, small farms, or local agriculture. A small but high quality design business, especially restaurant or home office interior design, may also be a solid investment of energy or finance.
However, Uranus in Taurus (May 15, 2018 – April 25, 2026) indicates unexpected or lightning fast changes toward regulated digital currency in current socioeconomic systems. Digital art including NFT’s may start reaping rewards beginning April 2022. Investments in clean energy (carbon, biomass, geothermal), electric vehicles, and sustainable technology may likely do well.
You might also consider work-at-home technology, communications or friend payments technology, or fintech investments. Biotech may do well in the future – but is not necessarily advised; it may be more talk than established products or companies with integrity. Sports, leisure travel, traditional religious organizations, or social justice causes may be overbought or old news by the next decade – as well as government regulated education. However, what do you really value? Consider investing there conservatively during a drop.
For those who were brave enough in 2021 to mentally shift to the future will likely see solid profit margins through 2028; others will stay stuck in the past through 2022 and have nothing but reruns and regurgitations of the usual problematic debt and federal bailout cycles – or just the same boring traditional structures in general, missing out on new fiscal and business opportunities.
Feb 17 and April 12 may be noticeably fortunate times to make a bold change in career or finances. End of April may indicate dreams coming true and success through conflict, mid June.
Up through April 12 may be especially favorable for the value of crude oil investments.
Businesses may finally open back up and supply chains may be back to normalleading up to April 12 after 2 years of pandemic lockdowns and closures.
It may be a fortunate year for yoga or meditation start ups or establishments, but watch for cult-like business scams.
Business scams, corporate government ties, and influencer manipulation may lead to a market crash early January 2022 and throughout the year, especially during Q1.
Take special care through March 3 to avoid ponzi schemes, pump and dump, whale-like investments, as well as sharp sell offs ; instead, consider buying in at a drop conservatively starting early to mid Feb 2022.
Inflation may be an issue through May, along with extravagantfortunes.
Investments in art or art collabs, especially digital art, made before Dec 29, 2021 may meet with a large pay off before 2026.
Ideally, you already have a solid portfolio established in 2021 as you hodl through market fluctuations through 2022. General leveraging, overbuying, overselling, etc are not advised.Investing in high quality companies wins the day. Look for financial advisors with integrity.
Long term hodling in sustainable companies, blockchains, and technologies amidst volatility likely meet a nice payoff through 2028 – as long as you naturally possess the determination to consistently add to a reputable portfolio with steady hands. Short term profiteering may not survive the fear market through Q2 2022 and even through 2023.
2022 is the year for long term investing in companies that exemplify consistent production.
Important Dates 2022
Dec 19, 2021 – March 3, 2022 Venus retrogrades Dec 19, 2021 – Jan 29, 2022, conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: Manipulation of financial market may cause deliberate downturns. Take special care to avoid ponzi schemes, pump and dump, whale-like investments, as well as sharp sell offs; instead, consider buying in at a drop conservatively starting early to mid Feb 2022
Dec 31 – Jan 2: Market bottom
2022: Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: HODL, keep adding conservatively to financial portfolio during a drop
Jan 2 New Moon: Potential market downtrend
Jan 17 Full Moon: Potential market uptrend
Jan 19: N Node in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius: Market crash, Vienna Stock Exchange crash before global Panic of 1873 and period of economic downturn
Jan 28 Venus (station) trine Uranus: Potential market uptrend
Jan 30 Sun square Uranus: Crisis that triggers unexpected or rapid growth
Jan 30 – Feb 8: Sun in Aquarius, Decans 2 and 3: Potential market uptrend
Feb 1 New Moon: Potential market downtrend
Feb 3 Jupiter sextile Mars: Potential market uptrend
Feb 3 – 7 Mercury Direct, Jupiter sextile Mars, Uranus in easy aspects: Potential market uptrend
Feb 6 – 12? Buy conservatively during a market drop through Mar 3. Avoid manipulation or drastic buys/sells
Feb 8-9 Mars trine Uranus: Potential unexpected market uptrend
Feb 9-18: Sun in Aquarius, Decans 2 and 3 Potential market uptrend, downtrend at Virgo Moon
Feb 10 Mercury conjunct Pluto: Major news event, possible market crash
Mid Feb – Mid March: Fall in financial market until 15° Jupiter Neptune conjunction
Feb 14 – Mar 17 Mars Pluto conjunction, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn and Nodal Axis: peak date March 3, major international events, government overreach, polarized conflict, war, war crimes, security threats, military, guns, violence, police, fire, firefighters, major accidents, alliances, coercion, urgent or extreme actions, dictators, widespread news coverage, misinformation, propaganda, secrets of the elite revealed
Feb 17-18 Jupiter sextile Uranus, Midpoint 11 Aries 13 Favorable for making a bold change, especially in finances, tensions released suddenly or unexpectedly
Feb 22 Jupiter sextile Uranus: Potential market uptrend
Feb 23 Venus sextile Neptune: Potential market uptrend
Feb 24 Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon square Pisces Stellium; Mars, Venus, Vesta triple conjunction; Mercury square Uranus: Unexpected full-scale military invasion
Feb 27 Pisces Stellium octile Capricorn Stellium: Nuclear threats, delusional zeal, global compassion
Feb 28 – Mar 1 3 Stelliums octile in 4th Quadrant: Powerful events on an international or global level
Mar 2-3New Moon conjunct Jupiter, Neptune; Mercury Saturn conjunction; Triple Conjunctions in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces; Mars Venus Pluto conjunction 27° Capricorn octile Pisces stellium: Crisis, raging fury, violence, mass shootings, crime, government overreach, protests, international conflict, cyber attacks, delusional zeal, manic high before a collapse, beginning of financial bubble burst, spiritual scandals, religious conflict, old contracts collapse or new contracts implemented, intimate relationships tested or deeper commitment, careers and materialism must have higher meaning
Mar 2 – 18 New Moon in Pisces – Full Moon in Virgo: Potential market downtrend
Mar 4 Sun conjunct Jupiter: Potential bullish market movement or investment opportunity (Note: potential bubble burst Mar 6-8)
March 5 Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces: Potential for an explosion, fire, gas, chemical, or nuclear event
March 6-8 Mars, Venus conjunction in Aquarius: Mass need for freedom or revolution, potential bubble burst, market correction, international events or conflict in governments, control of land or property, material supply chain issues, social equality issues in the news
Mar 17 Sun sextile Pluto, Full Moon: Potential market uptrend but potential down Mar 18
Mar 18-22 Venus, Mars square Uranus: Volatility, sudden or unexpected conflict
April 1 New Moon: Potential market downtrend
April 4-5 Saturn Mars conjunction: Reality checks and karmic consequences, major difficulty, potential market reversal
April 12 Jupiter Neptune conjunction, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn 23°, Sun and Nodes 22°: A government or country may lose conflict to an organized alliance, financial markets may begin to stabilize, favorable for finances, potential market reversal April 12-15, favorable for making a bold change, relaxing control, a new stable structure, existential questions, searching for truth or higher consciousness, transcendence of materialism and survival fears, enlightenment, life feels lighter, trust the benevolent universe, watch for escapism, chemical addictions, cults, water or ocean pollution, flooding
April 16 Full Moon Potential market upturn
April 20 – May 1 Venus Jupiter Neptune triple conjunction in Pisces: Dreams coming true, sell before Eclipses, buy back end of June at the low
April 30 New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus, Venus 27° joins Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces: Spirit and matter come together. Awakening to the beauty of nature. Watch for overindulgence or sugarcoating. Rebellion. Potential market downturn, fed involvement in markets May – June.
May 10 Jupiter in Aries: Dreams turn into bold action
May 13-16 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse: Potential market downturn?
May 24 – 31 Venus, Uranus, N Node in Taurus: Potential market uptrend
May 29 Jupiter Mars conjunction in Aries: Unbridled conflict, civil war, protests, fire, explosions, well-established leader or head of state may be quickly dethroned, no longer able to compromise, untamed impulsive courage for adventure especially in business or career, previous commitments abandoned for liberation or something new, potential market reversal
June, July, August: Moving forward with new creative projects
June 13 – 22 Mercury, Venus, Mars Rare Domicile: Success through Conflict
July 31: Uranus N Node conjunction and Mars in Taurus: Unexpected or volatile ambition to restructure home or material possessions; new innovations, breakthroughs in technology, virtual reality, digital currency, new way of storing money. Watch for intense sex desire and risky bad choices, unwise spending may lead to poverty
Sept – Oct Saturn Uranus Square: Traditional Currency Gov Bailout may result in future crash 2031.
2022 – 2026 Finance scandals
2032 – 2037 Potential financial collapse, market shift to China?