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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness. Everything is energy.
August 15, 2022
Sun in Leo 22° 54′
Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries 12° 28′
VOC Moon square Pluto Rx: 8:17pm Aug 16 – 2:23am Aug 17 UTC
Fixed, Mutable T-Square. Sun 22° Leo opposite Saturn Rx, sesquiquadrate Moon, Jupiter Rx. Waning Gibbous Moon trine Venus, Ceres, conjunct Jupiter Rx, Chiron, octile Mars, septile Saturn Rx, square Lilith. Mercury trine N Node, sextile S Node. Mars trine Pluto Rx. Yin Fixed Fire.
It’s a good day to sleep off a bad mood. Or be a miffed tortoise. Nothing wrong with a little cynicism when you’re the smartest in the bunch. Serving others can be harmful; keep a low-profile yet powerful presence. Fights, homicide.
Moon | Cancer
Some may feel anxious, some audacious and ready to fight the good cause. Or maybe you feel both, creating a sour mood. Rapid change or opposing forces may require powerful resilience. In quiet tranquility is where you see the light.
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
Emotional nurturing may come through emergency care, defending the vulnerable, starting a new building project, or direct expression of feelings; watch for fiery reactivity with no concern for consequences as a cover to hide self-doubt or personal need for nurturing support and comfort.
Mars, Ceres, Chiron | Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Chiron Rx until Dec 23
If you feel both tired and restless, you may want to find a safe space and keep a low profile for now. Calm, cautious endurance is the winning secret.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Appendicitis, Left Auricle through Aug 16. Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Moon, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Juno Rx until Oct 22
Serving others might sound nice, until you’re taken advantage of. Getting tooinvolved in a situation can make the whole thing worse.
Look for (or be) someone with a Cosmic aura of authority – a leader or mentor. They may have a powerful, forceful presence that saturates the atmosphere, or they may be withdrawn. But they’re full of light.
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Vesta Rx until Oct 5
An enduring home is full of love, kindness, and fun. Make sure everyone has their own personal space.
Jupiter Rx until Nov 23, Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.
Mental power combines with heightened intuition and bold, concrete purpose for wide-ranging, notable success. Can you feel your power? To succeed, you’ll need to channel higher insight into tangibleservice to the world. Business and organizations in favor.
Careers, investments in favortoday: Business, Teacher, Education, Mentor, Astrology, Prophecy, Human Science, Humanitarian, Healer, Medical, Entertainer, Actor, Comedy, Performing Arts.
Acquiring material wealth.
Through Sept 1: Professional bloodsuckers, vain displays of luxury, luckier than deserved. Gain but at what cost? Misfortune, bankruptcy. True Courage, Inner Nobility, Strong Business. Eventual recovery.
FINANCE MARKETS: Final downturn, sideways action Aug 12-Oct. Prepare, plan Aug 14-24 for downtrend or change in trend. Small sigh of relief possible Aug 25. Global illusion Aug 30. Bottom: Oct. Sell potential before Nov 8 or hodl. Potential buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.
Mercury, Uranus, Pallas | Gemini, Aquarius
Are you in the mood for spontaneous fun, romance, and ready to pursue wider horizons? It may be time, but careful now. Caution advised. Watch your purse. Stay out of fights. You don’t need to help everyone who needs help.