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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness. Everything is energy.
Friday – Saturday
July 22 – July 23, 2022
Sun in Cancer 29° 39°
Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus 21° 03′
VOC Moon trine Pluto Rx: 11:44pm July 22 – 5:11am July 23 UTC
Sun 29° Cancer conjunct Ceres, septile Palla; Sun, Ceres in Leo. Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus, N Node, opposite S Node, square Saturn Rx, sextile Neptune Rx, Sun, trine Pluto Rx, VOC, Moon in Gemini. Venus octile Taurus Stellium. Jupiter sextile Pallas, octile Saturn Rx, novile Uranus. Saturn Rx square Taurus Stellium. Uranus conjunct N Node, opposite S Node (July 26). Yin Fixed WaterFire.
It’s a good day for an unorthodox or atypical plan for material security. To calm panic, blend in and feel the way through. Be kind but without compromise. Excellence or pompous rhetoric. Nation-state karma. Aim high.
Moon | Cancer
Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus, N Node, opposite S Node, square Saturn Rx, octile Venus, Jupiter, sextile Neptune Rx, quintile Vesta, Mercury, trine Pluto Rx, VOC, Moon in Gemini sextile Sun
To calm fears or constant panic, consider a time out to connect with intuition beyond mental clutter. If you can find any ounce of calm, it’s possible to “blend” into a difficult situation and feel your way through. There’s a chance to salvage what was lost. In the end, all scars are healed.
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
For confidence, stay within personal power, inner knowing while the collective undergoes mass confusion, major transformations of renewal through Aug 8. You can feel confident while also unsure.
Emotional nurturingmay come through material security, sensual comforts, physical affection, devotion to home and family, the status quo
Mars, Ceres, Chiron | Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Chiron Rx until Dec 23
It might be difficult now but, believe it or not, you’ll emerge unscarred and full of courage with a gold mine of experience. Check body needs or mental desires, which may or may not be what you really need or want. Maybe your protocol goes against convention, but it feels right.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Left Coronary Artery. Nerves, Senses, Endothelial Cells, Uterus Lining, Lining of Intestines, Allergic Reactions through July 24 or Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Moon, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
You might be so magnetic and romantically irresistible, you may be subject to praise, flattery, jealousy, or enticement…. Just don’t let it go to your head! Remain detached but loyal. Dependency or emotional victimization can be vulnerable to evil influences.
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Vesta Rx until Oct 5
Calm fears or panic by aiming high for your dream home, yet remain mild, calm, and cautious – also cooperative, yet uncompromising.
You may be going through a challenging situation which can either destroy or revive career ambitions – resulting in arrogant empty promises or achieving your creative destiny. 1) Know that it’s a difficult process and 2) Try to relax and feel your way through. Learn to trust intuitive reason.
Careers, investments in favor: Business, Government.
Enterprise. Government involvement.
Professional bloodsuckers, vain displays of luxury, luckier than deserved. Gain but at what cost? Misfortune, bankruptcy. True Courage, Inner Nobility, Strong Business. Eventual recovery.
FINANCE MARKETS: Potential volatility July 21-Aug 15. Financial security is an illusion, trigger event around Aug 1. Possible destabilization Aug 7-8. Small sigh of relief possible Aug 25. Sell potential before Nov 8 or hodl. Potential buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.
Mercury, Uranus, Pallas | Gemini, Aquarius
Do you thrive on spontaneous adventure? You might be in for one! Just be sure to add caution and self-control to all of that courage. Relax and cooperate with authorities. There’s no need to be combative today; everyone feels insecure.