It’s a good day to blaze a new trail. Entertain revolutionary ideas to break free. A short fuse is a signal to stop sacrificing yourself to coercive people, channels, or belief systems; maintain your standards.
After Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, Mercury shows up to square the electrical mechanisms of Uranian energy. The Gemini Moon also squares Venus.
For some, unsettling realizations can shake you up mentally. What you thought was logical may not be so logical. Certain facts you relied upon may not be as factual as you might have assumed.
If a belief system starts to crumble, insecurities or fears can get triggered. The world can really start to look bleak as you face news that was previously ignored. Some may want to go into hiding and ever come out….
However, if you can allow yourself to be as you are, there’s an opportunity to “snap” and break free from the whole mind game altogether.
Instead of making choices based on conditioned beliefs, you can learn from direct experience. Conscious awareness allows you to make better choices which makes your life better on all levels. Learning from direct experience is far more reliable than programmed beliefs, yet this mode of operation may not be common or popular.
It takes some guts to break free from a deeply embedded, popular belief system, but that belief system wasn’t working for you anyway.
Yes, there’s a risk in going against the crowd or the usual… but in this case, you’ll be glad you did – as long as it affirms your standards.
Disruptions and Liberation
August 2 – August 8, 2021
Monday, August 2:Sun opposite Saturn Rx, Moon in Gemini
Wednesday,August 4: Sun trine Chiron Rx, Moon in Cancer
Thursday,August 5:
Friday, August 6: Sun square Uranus
Saturday, August 7: Moon in Leo
Sunday, August 8: New Moon in Leo
Everyone’s squaring Uranus this week and it may be a week of rebellions and disruptions.
Pressure may finally reach breaking point.
Perhaps you receive some unexpected news that throws you a little off balance. But you sort of knew this information already. It can no longer be ignored now.
Decisions up until last week determine your next 20 year cycle (roughly) but the rest of the year focuses on shiftingyouinto those decisions which means…
Disruptions may occur in relationships this week – especially your relationship with society or groups of the past.
Some may feel unsettled or anxious, depending on how easily you adapt to the new and different.
The overall objective this week is liberation from expectations – whether expectations from self or authority figures such as parents or people in the spotlight who set the standards for everyone else.
As far as relationships are concerned, vulnerable, humble communication can be beneficial. Power struggles can create unnecessary drama.
This week’s waning Cancer Moon opposes Pluto before Sunday’s New Moon in Leo which opposes Saturn and also squares Uranus. The Moon is having a rough week and may want to sleep from exhaustion after all the freedom fighting.
August 2021
Clarityand Calm
The month of July may end with unresolved issues or mental unrest. However, August provides various opportunities to become mentally calm and clear.
The key to this month is to become aware of what you feed your mind and how it affects your quality of life. False information or media programming can keep you trapped in unnecessary confusion, stress, anxieties, or other forms of suffering.
To keep your mind clear, it’s imperative to be extremely selectivewith information or media sources you’re exposed to. Don’t be afraid to turn off the TV, leave a social media platform, or get fed up with the political, religious, or Hollywood agenda used to control your mind, and your life.
A regular meditation practice may help some. Or, you might keep your intellect busy with research that makes your life better. Clearing out distractions that don’t align with your personal objectives can also support mental clarity and relaxation. Take time to care for your mind.
Those who are off track may experience an actual crisis or emergency this month; however, a clear mind can allow you to sail right through it.
After removing information sources and media entertainment that don’t serve your personal objectives and your well-being… now you can relax. Also, your natural creative inspiration and intellectualbrilliance can flow through your actions, allowing you to achieve your best potential.
The whole month provides different opportunities to break free from mental tyranny so you can ENJOY your life and work, rather than get lost in social indoctrination or misled beliefs that make you suffer.
Conscious Choices and Life Changes
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.
Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.