Get The Job Done

Black and White Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels
Black and White Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels


Friday, May 28, 2021

  • Sun in Gemini
  • Waning Full Moon in Capricorn, VOC 5:35pm May 27 – 2:23am May 28, UTC
  • Prominent Planets: Mars
  • Prominent Mode: Mutable
  • Prominent Element: Earth, Air
  • Prominent Aspect: Trine
  • Retrogrades: Saturn Rx, Pluto Rx, Juno Rx
  • Mercury conjunct Venus

It’s a good day to break out of your “comfort zone,” work hard for the impossible, and stick with people of the same caliber.

As a slowing Mercury conjuncts with Venus, a near full moon in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus.

A Capricorn Moon may find it difficult to relax and focus, and may be insensitive to others due to unintegrated emotions such as resentment or a fear of rejection – especially when it’s in a square to Chiron. Ignored emotions can create unnecessary problems or setbacks.

However, this Cap Moon also trines Uranus, Vesta, and Ceres. There’s a need to break free from an old comfort zone and simply allow yourself to feel good, even in the midst of setbacks or disappointments.

What excites you when you think about it? What do you feel good about even if it has some flaws or imperfections? Stick to THAT even if it looks impossible and GET MOVING.

A Cap Moon LOVES to stay busy, active, and productive. Take responsibility to get organized and tackle your list of mundane tasks. It feels especially good now to get the job done.

Relationships: It’s a good day to either take a relationship to a deeper level, or look for more genuine connections.


Confusion and Conflict Based on False Beliefs

May 24 – May 30, 2021

  • Monday, May 24: Moon in Scorpio
  • Tuesday, May 25: No Major Aspects
  • Wednesday, May 26: Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
  • Thursday, May 27: Venus square Neptune, Moon in Capricorn
  • Friday, May 28: No Major Aspects
  • Saturday, May 29: Mercury conjunct Venus, Mercury stations Retrograde
  • Sunday, May 30: Moon in Aquarius

It may require more effort to move forward this week as Saturn and Mercury retrograde and a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurs on Wednesday.

Those resisting change or in denial of changes happening may find themselves in conflict both with life and with others.

Be aware of conflict based on ethical beliefs or religious beliefs or from family or loved ones trying to hold onto beliefs of the past.

Some may try to hold onto the past by defending belief systems or by spreading bad information, creating unnecessary conflict or suffering. Question the usual beliefs, click bait news, or manipulative promises, as they are based on false premises.

Also, watch for inner conflict or mental confusion as something new tries to come into your life, if you haven’t yet released the old.

As long as you actively release perceptions of control and dare to move into your new life, you can make steady, grounded progress – as well as avoid confusion and conflict.


May 2021

Let Change Happen

Life changes (which began around the time of the Aries New Moon) speed up during the month of May. These are beneficial shifts happening and overall, it’s a smooth-flowing month.

ENERGIES LIGHTEN UP this month, as planets transition into Gemini.

But resistance to change can create unnecessary stress, anxiety, or panic for some people.

There’s no need to fret if you stay in flow with life’s natural, beautiful change of seasons. It may not be easy, but there are plenty of benefits if you can relax and allow organic change to take place in your life.

Growing tension from this year’s Saturn Uranus square may feel like WANTING change but RESISTING change at the same time.

You can utilize this vital energy pattern by doing the usual operations but in a new, inspired, more authentic way. Aslo, take change SLOW in order to avoid harsh reality checks along the way.

With major planets aspecting Neptune throughout the month, watch for tendencies of escapism. If you deny the need (and desire) for change, or try to ignore changes occurring… resistance can result in missed opportunities or missing out on favorable events.

Mercury retrograde at the end of the month can play out in mental anguish or frustration concerning plans and contracts or those aforementioned reality checks due to escaping with “coping mechanisms” or delusions of fantasy.

Generally, it’s best to have contracts finalized before May 20, then stay low key until Mercury is direct around the end of June. If anxiety is an issue, consider committing to a strenuous daily workout or daily work routine, and/or a serious meditation practice.

Overall, it’s a good idea to stay clear and focused, but also relaxed. Allow life to shift and life will work out just fine. If you can stay in the game (instead of checking out) and go with the flow, you’ll be glad you did!



Conscious Choices and Life Changes

After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.

Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.