It’s a good day to give people space to deal with their own stuff. You can be patient with difficult people who are out of self-alignment. Emotions may be off due to emotional blockages. Moods shift later in the day.
There’s a lot of activity in the atmosphere today with a lot of planets making a lot of aspects. The Moon itself forms a Grand Water Trine with the Sun. It also trines Neptune Rx, squares Mars, squares Venus, squares Jupiter Rx AND makes a potent shift into Sagittarius after a tiring void-of-course.
It’s one of those days where it’s best to be sensitive and gentle with self and others until the Moon shifts at 1:07pm Pacific Standard Time. Watch for fatalism or imagined fears which can create imaginary conflict.
At the same time, there’s more clarity around relationships. Who do you valueenough to go through the ups and downs of life together? You can gently nurture those who are important to you, as long as they’re open to it. It may require some patience and distance as well as commitment.
It would be wise to respectfully remove energy drainers. Keep intimacy sacred by utilizing boundaries.
It’s also a lovely day to nourish the body and design the work place or home in preparation for a very satisfying, productiveweek.
As long as you’re on the right track, look for lucrative ideas or flashes of insight late in the day.
Tonight and tomorrow are excellent days for foreign travel.
Reaping What You Sowed
July 19 – July 25, 2021
Monday, July 19:Sun semisextile Venus, Moon in Sagittarius
Tuesday, July 20: Mercury sextile Uranus
Wednesday,July 21: Venus in Virgo until August 16, Moon in Capricorn
Thursday, July 22: Venus opposite Jupiter Rx, Mars quincunx Pluto Rx, Sun in Leo
Friday, July 23: Sun quincunx Jupiter Rx, Full Moon in Aquarius
Saturday, July 24: Mercury trine Neptune Rx
Sunday, July 25: Mercury opposite Pluto Rx
After potential confusion or drama the last two weeks, it’s a great week to get to work and make satisfying, tangible progress on a new project or life passion, collaborating with a strong group of support.
The Sun leaves Cancer for Leo and Venus leaves Leo for Virgo this week, along with a Full Moon in Aquarius. Quincunx aspects to retrograde planets continue as Venus opposes Jupiter Rx. Mercury is the star of the show this week with clear sailing until the end of the week when it opposes Pluto Rx.
Early in the week, people show their hidden motives, the truth is revealed, and unrealistic dreams come crashing down to reality.
After making necessary adjustments – which may have been quite difficult for people on the wrong track – the Sagittarius Moon is happily inspired to move forward with new trusted alliances.
Midweek, inspiration fades but the very grounded Capricorn Moon and Venus in Virgo are ready to work, refine the details, and raise your standards of quality production with quality people.
By the end of the week at the Full Moon, any issues with family, friends, or a friend group finally get resolved with clear insight and revelations – as long as you’re willing to own yourdeeper emotions and surrender to authenticity without a need for ego displays.
Mercury is in the spotlight this week which makes for clear insight and clear communication of feelings. Overall, it’s a beautiful week to continue developing a trusted group of support or work project started at the New Moon in Taurus (May 2021).
If you were able to stay grounded, consistent, and committed through recent changes and challenges – this week is marked by progress of excellence and beautiful community.
July 2021
Moving Into The Unknown With Confidence, Or Lack Thereof
The beginning of the month starts with some powerful oppositions and square aspects which can feel tense. Stress is due to trying to move forward while still holding on to old patternsor relationships of the past.
Staying focused on a SINGULAR task or objective allows you to channel powerful energies into a worthwhile achievement. Otherwise, energies get wasted on pointless drama or distractions.
Old securities may start to crumble on July 4 when the Sun in Cancer squares Chiron, and that can feel upsetting; however, you can use painful issues as inspiration to release false securities, then establish new securities in your life that are more reliable.
Venus takes over the spotlight from Mars July 6 – 11 as Mercury squares Neptune Rx. People will either be actively developing their life passion, or lost in a FANTASY.
Make sure you’re on the right track because Mercury takes center stage July 11 while Jupiter and Neptune continue to retrograde in Pisces. You may either feel healthy optimism while accomplishing a grounded objective… or be caught in a GRAND DELUSION.
Around mid-month it will be easier (not so scary) to release the past and move into the unknown.
However, July 15 – 23 may feel unsettling unless you allow your perspective to be solidified or EVOLVE.
After the Sun positions itself in Leo on July 22 followed by an Aquarius Full Moon, you may feel a powerful shift in energy, allowing you to open up to others and expand into the future – as long as you’re confident in your own choices and perspective.
The challenge this month is to accept the UNIQUE paths of others without feeling threatened by differences in relationships. You can accept different choices of others, because they will either reinforce your own solid choices or expose cracks in your choices which need to evolve or mature. This is really the key to the whole month.
You know you’re making the right choices if you can stay steady and focused on your OWN tangible action which leads to tangible results and genuine self-pride.
By the 28th, you may be feeling more confident and capable OR feel locked in self-doubt and uncertainty. It all depends on how well you did on the test of your personal choices. You can continue to enjoy your solid, grounded choices, or make changes so that you CAN.
Conscious Choices and Life Changes
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.
Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.