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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Sun in Taurus 6-7°, Taurus Stellium quintile Pisces Stellium, Mercury sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile N Node, trine S Node
It’s a beautiful day to feel the satisfaction of steady hard work to make a life dream tangible. Lack of discipline or mental escapism can have especially damaging effects but quality anchors can inspire creative genius and joy.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
Waning Crescent Moon in Pisces
Moon octile Pluto, Pallas
Moon semisextile Chiron
Moon quintile Mercury
Moon sextile Uranus
Moon septile Sun
Moon sextile N Node
Moon trine S Node
Moon conjunct Venus, Neptune, Jupiter
Moon sextile Mercury, Pluto
After tough, relentless challenges, the Cosmos indicate harmony, creative inspiration, and good things in general going forward. There might be some unknowns or internal conflict along the way, but they come with opportunities to make a dream real.
A creative project may be the best therapy.
For mental grounding and productivity, be discerning and selective in what you feed your mind. Demand quality in your information sources or entertainment.
Emotional nurturing may come through creativity, art, music, romance, fantasy, emotional connection, or caring for others
Health and Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars in Pisces (Stellium) until May 24
Mars novile Pluto
Chiron in Aries until June 19, 2026
Chiron semisextile Moon
Chiron semisextile Uranus 1° orb
A health protocol may be undergoing a deep transformation, requiring an emotional release of the past, as well as new creative inspiration or expanded awareness about health and wellness.
Relax for a realization that allows a new cycle to begin. This realization may be humbling, but also liberating.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Glandthrough April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
A social alliance, partnership, or information source may be undergoing change which can have a verybeneficial effect on your service to the world and material security – as long as you’re anchored in reality.
An intimate partnership may also benefit from a transformation, but a new start may dredge up emotional trauma or conflict of the past. Relax and release.
Internal conflict with a mother figure may be related to emotional needs met (or not met) through material provisions.
It may require extraordinary courage but you can trust your life passion to find people who provide emotional and material security. Consider the unconventional.
Home and Property
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus in Pisces until May 2 [Material Resources and Public Service]
Venus conjunct Moon
Venus trine S Node
Venus sextile N Node
Lilith in Cancer until Jan 8, 2023
Vesta in Aquarius until May 24
It’s all about community and enjoying quality design and material provisions, including food and a home that makes basic life needs convenient. You’re just going to have to trust your dreamhome.
The atmosphere may feel dreamy or enchanting, notwithstanding heavy internal conflict in some places.
A personal strategy may be in conflict with deeper emotions, or perhaps someone is stuck in the past. The world is evolving and it’s a good idea to evolve with it.
To enjoy travel or social connections, look for reliable alliances or information sources who take their job seriously. Consider muting or blocking manipulative influences.
Avoid overindulging today at all cost. Avoid shortcuts.
It may be a good time to update passwords or backup important data; otherwise, the day may be full of compassion, joy, and grace.
International Events
Sun in Taurus 6-7°, Taurus Stellium quintile Pisces Stellium, Mercury sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile N Node, trine S Node
Love or Lust
Happiness or Danger
Effortless love and happiness unless lust, overindulgence, or moral depravity: In that case, danger of a violent death or barbaric cruelty. Suffering may involve a woman or women.
Communications, technology, trade, vehicles in favor unless gullibility or lack of discipline
Warning: Overindulgence or moral depravity may meet a violent end or barbaric cruelty.
Intensified empathy or compassion through May 10. It may be difficult to tell the difference between your own thoughts and feelings, and that of others. Exemplifying compassion is in favor.
Incidents related to a pandemic, drugs, chemicals, gas, oil, or space through May 10.
Success in emergency or rescue efforts after May 10.
Bans, blockades, sanctions, mandates, or lockdowns may fail or be lifted through Mar 20 and May 10, with exceptions along the way.
Plagues, Aggressive Virus through May 10. Freedom from lockdowns after May 10.
Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, and May 29 this year.
Conflict may be especially volatile around March 21, April 5, and May 29.
Supply chain disruptions through 2025.
In some places, there may be incidents involving increasing crime, crimes against the vulnerable, mass violence, shocking or unusual conflict or fights, repeat crimes, theft, political or religious wars, social equality issues, immigration issues, vehicular violence or collisions, explosions, downed aircraft, vehicle theft, issues in transferring artillery or material resources, sanctions, cyberwarfare, biochemical weapons, oil, gas, chemicals, air pollution, or the atmosphere… through June 17.
Refined capabilities and milestones of success may occur around April 5, April 12, May 29, and June 17 after immense challenges.
Edit [April 18]: “A second Global COVID-19 Summit will be held virtually [May 12] for countries to discuss efforts to end the pandemic and prepare for future health threats” — Reuters[Jupiter Pisces to Aries May 12]
Edit [April 26]: “Beijing enforces lockdowns, expands COVID-19 mass testing…. No deaths have been reported.” — ABC News
Edit [April 26]: “Finland’s President Niinisto, 73, examined in hospital due to COVID” — Reuters
Edit [April 26]: “Vice President Kamala Harris tests positive for COVID-19. She has no symptoms.” — ABC News
Edit [April 26]: “China has announced plans to build an asteroid monitoring and defence system to help address the threat of asteroids colliding with Earth” — Insider Paper
Edit [April 26]: “Ex-Radio 1 DJ Tim Westwood accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women, in joint investigation by BBC and Guardian” — BBC
Edit [April 26]: “Woman suicide bomber carried out attack on Chinese nationals: Pakistan separatist group (BLA)” — Insider Paper
Edit [April 26]: “U.S. stocks fell sharply on Tuesday continuing a vicious April sell-off after a one-day breather as investors dumped shares on fears of an economic slowdown. Tech stocks led the decline….” — CNBC News
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Ukraine conflict from an astrological perspective.]
There has never been a better day to follow your passion – as long as your life dream is anchored with steady hard work.
Jupiter | Sagittarius
Sun in Taurus until May 20: Decans 1 and 2 Major Uptrend, Decan 3 Downtrend
Full Moon in Libra until Apr 30: Conflicting or indecisive downtrend
Jupiter in Pisces until May 10, 2022: Inflation, rising interest rates, high oil prices or fortune from crude oil, fortune from creative investments, speculation exaggerated or unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, uptrend due to inflation or market bubble after a crash
Pluto in Capricorn until Mar 23, 2023: Immense underground wealth of an elite may collapse, long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement, tightening of corporate or government regulations
Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
Uranus in Taurus: Digital currency, new financial structures or material assets in favor but may require long hard work or excruciating challenges
Neptune in Pisces: Slog but speculative risk in favor
Currently, finances may be favorable for making a bold change before April 30. Some may want to sell before April 30 during a rise, and buy back end of June during a low. Ultimately, consider hodling investments with integrity. Financial scams collapse while solid, stable investments ultimately pay off.
Potential for material loss or stock market loss around April 27 due to opportunism, mistakes, or gullibility. Caution is advised, especially for those who lack discipline or true passion.
Immense underground wealth that isn’t visible to the public may lead to structural collapse or tightened regulations. Inflation, rising interest rates, high gas and oil prices may be a theme through May 10, 2022.
The U.S. Pluto return is currently taking place through 2023 and beyond, collapsing traditional finance structures to be replaced by regulateddigital currency.
2022: Long term investing or hodling in companies with high quality production is in favor. In this case, downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.