Enjoying Hard Work

Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez from Pexels
Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez from Pexels


Enjoying Hard Work

April 19 – April 25, 2021

  • Monday, April 19: Sun and Mercury in Taurus, Sun conjunct Mercury
  • Tuesday, April 20: First Quarter Moon in Leo
  • Wednesday, April 21: Saturn trine North Node
  • Thursday, April 22: Moon in Virgo, Saturn trine North Node
  • Friday, April 23: Mars in Cancer,Venus conjunct Uranus, Saturn trine North Node
  • Saturday, April 24: Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra, Mercury conjunct Uranus, Saturn trine North Node
  • Sunday, April 25: Venus square Saturn, Mercury square Saturn. Mercury conjunct Venus, Saturn trine North Node
  • Monday, April 26/27: Full Moon in Scorpio

As the pile up of planets leave bold, audacious Aries for sensible, placid…Taurus, actions begin to recede.

Aries was the ambitious fire to start something new. Taurus says, “Okay, but how will we pay for it? What needs to be sacrificed?

It’s an excellent week to slow down, enjoy people and things you love, refine the plan, and GET TO WORK.

If you were able to accept change rather than resist it, inspired action carries you forward so that you can FULLY ENJOY hard work. Otherwise, you might feel unmotivated or stuck in a rut.

Toward the end of the week, Mars in Cancer is a little irritable and defensive, potentially turning domestic finances, possessions, and relationships into an inquisition. Who or what is PROVEN to be truly dependable and creditable? This is important to know. Look into conflict to see the fear and insecurity driving it, then become aware of what gives you TRUE security.

Overall, this week is best for chilling out, enjoying a glass of wine with loved ones, and getting the job done. Revel in the calm steady routine that is your BEST LIFE.


April 2021

Moving Forward Consciously Into The New

The overall theme for this month is becoming aware of who or what you really love and value. True passion is the energy force to break out of old ruts and embark on a new life track.

All planets are direct with an Aries stellium as they transition into Taurus. This is an excellent opportunity to move forward with new projects, plans, or relationships, even if you don’t know all the details. Channel nervous energy into courage to make the jump!

But it’s important to jump into the new – cautiously – and avoid spinning your wheels while Mars is in Gemini until April 23. There will be plenty of reality checks along the way as multiple planets trigger the Saturn Uranus square throughout the month. It’s okay to feel uncertain. Break free from old patterns, but avoid mindless risk-taking.

Simply take things one step at a time.

When Mars is in Cancer April 23, watch for unnecessary conflict caused by hidden or buried anger. Consider channeling anger or rage into new projects to express your own thoughts, ideas, and emotions that have been lying dormant. Respecting your own thoughts and feelings brings awareness to TRUE relationships so you can connect with the right people.

A Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26 may feel especially intense and confusing as the Moon opposes or squares influential planets in Taurus. Establish boundaries so you have space to meditate or go within. This allows you to experience a beautiful transformation that liberates you – yet also establishes new, more authentic commitments.



Conscious Choices and Life Changes

After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.

Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and you’ll be glad you did!