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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Sun in Aquarius 23° 55′
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer 8° 25′
VOC Moon conjunct Mercury: 10:26am Feb 14 – 11:18am Feb 14 UTC
Next New/Full Moon: Full Moon in Leo 4:56pm Feb 16 UTC
Prominent Sign: Capricorn
Prominent Mode: Cardinal
Prominent Element: Earth, Air, Very Little Fire
Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile
Retrogrades: All Major Planets Direct
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer, Pluto trine N Node, Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn, Feb 12, 2022
It’s a beautiful day for hanging out in the city or in nature with a person or group who nurtures love, care, protection, or overall wellness. Release control or organize priorities to alleviate stress.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer
Moon sesquisquadrate Saturn, Sun
Moon square Chiron
Moon trine Jupiter
Moon sextile Uranus
Moon conjunct Mars, Venus
Stress or inner tension may be the underlying cause of health issues earlier in the day but there’s an innate ability for compassion, harmony, or kind service to care for emotional needs of self or others, and to feel emotionally fulfilled. Joy may be felt later or middle of the day.
Emotional nurturing today may come through meeting emotional needs such as gentle care, nurturing support, a sense of protection, loving affection, sensitive comfort, and warmth.
Health and Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Moon square Chiron
Chiron in Aries until 6.19.26
Chiron semisextile Jupiter
Chiron quintile Pluto
Chiron septile Ceres
Chiron octile Sun (1° orb)
Mars novile Sun
Mars conjunct Venus (1° orb)
Eris in Aries
Health may be adversely affected by a lack of emotional nurturing or emotional security, especially from intimate partnerships or a society or group of support. Rely on intuition for important insights into health, follow any subtle inclinations, organize priorities.
Trying to maintaincontrol (especially related to work, material needs, or politics) may affect your physical vitality.
For fertility health or reproductive issues, logic may be distorted; rely on your intuition for a resolution.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Extremities, Third Eye or Pineal Glandthrough April 27 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Moon sextile Uranus
Moon conjunct Mars, Venus
Lilith trine Sun
Lilith square Neptune (2° orb)
A flash of new insight can be really good for establishing material needs or a new home. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, but keep goals realistic and actions down to earth.
Organizations would do well to consider a new type of social structure to resolve homelessness (around the globe).
Travel, Shopping, Social Media, Weather
Mercury, Pallas Athena, Neptune | Gemini, Pisces
Sun semisextile Neptune (1° orb)
Mercury sextile Pallas (1° orb)
Mercury conjunct Pluto (1° orb)
Mercury trine N Node (1° orb)
Neptune septile Uranus (1° orb)
Mars novile Sun, Jupiter sextile Uranus (2° orb)
An unexpected road pattern may make travel a nuisance or put you in the dark; otherwise, it’s a beautiful, lovely day for socializing or hanging out in the city or in nature, especially with an intimate partner or trusted friend group.
There may be a minor possibility of an underground fire (volcano) or or very minor or minor possibility of unexpected nature or structural fire.
There’s plenty of stimulation for physical intimacy, especially in long term, committed relationships or relationships that provide emotional security, intellectual attraction, or a soul connection.
But you might need to surrender control to realize something important or to establish a deeper level of commitment.
A mother-figure(s) may be associated with some stress, social tensions, or internal conflict; however, global love and compassion may also be strongly felt.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, N Node | Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Professional or political alliances on a soul mission may be growing in power behind the scenes.
Surrender perceptions of control (or take a day off) to realize an important truth related to work or material resources; otherwise, it’s an excellent day for slow, steady work, research, or publishing, especially if related to new social structures or public health.
If trusted work partnerships are missing, you may want to take time to organize your priorities to ensure necessary support which can alleviate stress.
Some may feel stressed if work is going tooslow; in that case, you might need to loosen the reigns of control or drop expectations. Lighten up, yet work patiently for the long haul. (Production will happen faster after new habits are established and automated.) A strong, yet inspired work ethic along with support from intimate relationships are available and it would be wise to utilize them.
Jupiter | Sagittarius
Moon in Cancer: Strong or supportive market sentiment
Sun in Aquarius, Decan 3: Major uptrend
Jupiter in Pisces: Inflation, high oil prices, fortune from creative investments, speculation unreliable, large company purchases not advised, extended or mass sell offs, market bubble after a crash
Pluto in Capricorn: Long term investing, ultra slow market movement
Mars in Capricorn: Fluctuating downtrend
Neptune in Pisces (Domicile): Speculative risk in favor
Mercury in Capricorn: Market movement but may be insubstantial
Venus in Capricorn: Market crash due to corporate government financial ties, but conducive for buying long term, patience rewarded
Taurus Capricorn Earth Conjunctions/Trines: Resistance to uptrends due to corporate government financial ties
N Node in Taurus, Earth Heavy: Vienna Stock Exchange crash and Panic of 1873 due to previous bubble
Saturn in Aquarius, Earth Heavy: Vienna Stock Exchange crash and Panic of 1873 due to previous bubble
Global currency is currently undergoing a deep or hiddenstructural shift. Consider long term investing in new financial structures that are fairly solid.
This is generally not considered the best time to buy or sell. If buying, you might consider investing conservatively mid Feb during a drop in the market. Overall, think in terms of patience, integrity, consistent production, conservative investing or hodling.
It’s difficult to achieve anything without devoted emotional support.
Solid Achievement through Inspired Insight
February 7 – February 13, 2021
Monday, February 7: Mars trine Uranus, Mars square Chiron, Neptune square Lilith, Pluto trine N Node
Tuesday, February 8: First Quarter Moon in Taurus, Mars trine Uranus, Pluto trine N Node
Wednesday,February 9: Moon in Gemini, Pluto trine N Node
Thursday,February 10: Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury Pluto trine N Node
Friday, February 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury Pluto trine N Node, Sun trine Lilith, Moon in Cancer
Saturday, February 12: Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury Pluto trine N Node, Venus conjunct Mars
Sunday, February 13: Pluto trine N Node, Venus conjunct Mars
Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury Pluto trine N Node, Sun trine Lilith, Moon in Cancer, Friday Feb 11, 2021
The week begins with some conflict or blocked action before inspiration kicks into gear on Tuesday. Friday, Feb 11 is an especially fabulous day, if you can relax and flow to iron out misalignments. Overall, it’s flourishing week for new insight, progress, and steadyachievement!
Monday begins with the aftereffects of Mars trine Uranus, Mars square Chiron, and Neptune square Lilith. The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on Tuesday waxes into Gemini on Wednesday and Cancer on Friday. Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn trine the N Node in Taurus all week. Chiron is in the spotlight with week. Mars Venus (exact Feb 16) and Vesta conjunction and the Mercury Pluto conjunction form a powerful Capricorn Stellium in another Cardinal/Fixed, Earth-Heavy Week in the 4th Quadrant.
Organizing a new health protocol can alleviate stress and anxiety. Watch for public health data to be revealed that was previously hidden or censored which can bring clarity, ease of restrictions, or harmony.
To lower stress, it may be best to hold off on travel, in general and if possible, through mid February. Home is where the heart is. Are you able to learn or work at home? Home renovations or plans to relocate may resume after setbacks – with fresh inspired insights.
It may be a good week to repair public roadways or fill in potholes.
Partnerships and new reforms in partnerships are in favor all week. Authentic connections and revolutionary collabs with people that inspire you are in good prospects.
Feb 7 /8 may indicate an unexpected or fast-moving turn of events that liberates or mobilizes military or political forces. In some instances, resources may be blocked or there may not be enough material or collateral resources to move forward with an objective.
Diplomatic discussions could smooth tensions but with potential for explosive conflict. Official documents or data hidden from the public may be used to achieve an objective or inspire new reforms.
It’s an excellent time to begin publishing your new or reformed manifesto. If you enjoymastering your craft and your life passion isgrounded in reality (with realistic goals), success or fortune are likely through April (or starting in May for a few people.)
The markets are favorable for an uptrend this week and potentially a major uptrend. It may be a good week to trade crude oil, precious metals, or assets from under the ground. Assets that are mined may see market movement.
Just remember to keep investing or adding to your portfolio conservatively this whole year during a drop, committing to high quality companies that are both revolutionary and sustainable. Watch for behind-the-scenes manipulation.
When dreams are built with committed and consistent hard work, success is inevitable.
February 2022
Harmony And Achievement
Feb 1 – New Moon in Aquarius
Feb 03 – Mercury Direct
Feb 04 – Mars sextile Jupiter
Feb 04 – Sun conjunct Saturn
Feb 04 – Mars square Chiron
Feb 08 – Mars trine Uranus
Feb 11 – Mercury conjunct Pluto
Feb 11 – Mercury trine N Node
Feb 12 – Pluto trine N Node
Feb 14 – Mercury in Aquarius
Feb 15 – Sun square N Node
Feb 16 – Venus conjunct Mars
Feb 16 – Full Moon in Leo
Feb 17 – Jupiter sextile Uranus
Feb 23 – End of Mercury Shadow
Feb 23 – Mars sextile Neptune
Feb 24 – Venus sextile Neptune
Feb 24 – Mercury square Uranus
Feb 24 – Mercury sextile Chiron
Full Moon in Leo T-Square and Venus conjunct Mars, Feb 16, 2022
Unexpected harmony, revolutions, and forward movement mark this lovely month. Although the month may have a rough start in the area of social conflict, the light at the end of the tunnel has officially arrived.
Mercury, Mars, and Uranus are in the spotlight this month along with sextile aspects and the 4th Quadrant. All planets are Direct through April 2022 after Mercury stations Feb 3 and heavy Earth energy shifts to Air mid month. Conjunctions: The Sun conjuncts Saturn, Mercury conjuncts Pluto, and Venus conjuncts Mars at the Full Moon mid month. Mars in Capricorn (Exalted) makes harmonious aspects to Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, and Neptune. The month begins with a New Moon in Aquarius and culminates with a Full Moon in Leo on Feb 16. Mid month, the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto aspect the N Node in Taurus. Late in the month, Venus and Mars sextile Neptune. The month ends with a Mercury square Uranus.
Feb 5-7 Chiron square Mars
Feb 23-24 Chiron sextile Mercury
Feb 3-6 Mars sextile Jupiter
Feb 7-9 Mars trine Uranus
Feb 12-28 Mars conjunct Venus
Feb 22-24 Mars sextile Neptune
Feb 16 Full Moon in Leo
Feb 1-7 Lilith square Neptune
Feb 11-12 Lilith trine Sun
Allowing yourself to dream big and follow your inspiration can take care of basic material needs, in general. There’s no need to stress over the details. Are you enjoying life?
Dreams plans for the home may hit roadblocks until after Feb 7. Steady, patient action is bound for success.
Body and health issues may also hit roadblocks early in the month unless you’re open to a revolutionary new health protocol. Surprising events may encourage this health revolution. Stay true to what you know in your own body.
Excessive water conditions such as snow storms or flooding may begin to phase out. Mid month may be more conducive to start traveling again.
Feb 1-28 Juno in Aquarius
Feb 1-4 Venus trine Uranus
Feb 10-12 Mercury conjunct Pluto, trine N Node
Feb 12-28 Venus conjunct Mars
Feb 23-25 Venus sextile Neptune
Feb 24 Mercury square Uranus
It may be a month of steamy desire, although relationships may benefit from some space this month so that individuals can work on their own career goals, friend group, or position in society.
Support your lover as they take on the world.
Communications may finally clear up mid month. It’s an excellent time for intellectual attraction and deep convos, although words may be blocked Feb 24. Enjoy silence together.
Dreamy romance may be in the cards Feb 23-25.
Censorship may continue to be a topic through Feb 14.
Feb 1-23 Pluto trine N Node in Taurus
Feb 3-6 Mars sextile Jupiter
Feb 4-5 Sun conjunct Saturn: Need a new approach
Feb 7-9 Mars trine Uranus
Feb 10-12 Pluto conjunct Mercury
Feb 12-28 Mars conjunct Venus
Feb 13-22 Jupiter sextile Uranus
Feb 15-16 Sun square N Node in Taurus
Feb 22-24 Mars sextile Neptune
Feb 16 Full Moon in Leo
The jobs market according to official stats may continue to shift or transform through Feb 14.
It’s a fortunate month for creative careers as well as financial advancements, especially after mid month – and, if you can embrace a new renegade approach Feb 4-5. But keep investments modest.
Investments with a long term focus as well as conservative new investments during a drop may be advised through mid Feb 2022. General leveraging or overbuying is not advised in 2022. Take your time and relax! Stress is so last year.
Holding Strong
Jan 14. Mercury Retrograde, Ceres Direct
Jan 18. Uranus Direct, Taurus/Scorpio Nodal Shift
Jan 29. Venus Direct
Feb 3. Mercury Direct
Feb 17. Jupiter sextile Uranus
Feb 22. United States Pluto Return
Mar 1. Venus, Mars, Pluto, Vesta Stellium in Capricorn
Apr 4/5: Mars conjunct Saturn
Apr 12. Jupiter conjunct Neptune
Apr 29. Pluto Retrograde
Apr 30. New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Taurus
May 3. Jupiter sextile Pluto
May 10. Mercury Retrograde
May 16. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse [Total] in Scorpio
June 3. Mercury Direct
June 4. Saturn Retrograde
June 28. Neptune Retrograde
July 19 Chiron Retrograde
July 25. Juno Retrograde
July 28. Jupiter Retrograde
Aug 24. Uranus Retrograde
Sep 9. Mercury Retrograde
Oct 2. Mercury Direct
Oct 5. Mercury, Mars, Neptune T-Square
Oct 8. Pluto Direct
Oct 23 Saturn and Juno Direct
Oct 25. New Moon Solar Eclipse [Partial] in Scorpio
Oct 30 Mars Retrograde
Nov 8. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse [Total] in Taurus
Nov 9. Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Saturn T-Square
Nov 10. Mars, Venus, Pluto Yod
Nov 23. Jupiter Direct
Dec 3. Neptune Direct
Dec 23 Chiron Direct
Dec 29. Mercury Retrograde
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 16, 2022 Before Retrogrades
After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 was the year for exciting yet possibly difficult change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. 2022 is the year to establish new physical and material foundations.
As the nodes retrograde from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, any structural shifts may appear more disruptive than they really are thanks to Jupiter in Pisces and this year’s U.S. Pluto Return.
You can remain steadyandcalm through global events used for fear-mongering through news and social media networks. If you established new foundations in the new world last year, there’s simply no need to worry, as you make your mocha latte just how you like it.
2022 is an excellent year to become well-grounded in new habits that harvest joy and earthy fulfillment, especially as it might relate to organic home gardening, natural herbal medicine, interior design, wine and art galleries…. But avoid overindulging. Relax with a natural bath spa to maintain optimal energy levels.
Consider focusing on your relationship with nature and caring for the planet, which may feel especially satisfying this year. Oil spills are a possibility through May.
Disturbing dreams are illusions; there’s no need for concern but consider removing fear propaganda from your newsfeed (through May 2022.)
Pandemic drama may finally diffuse around June 2022, although personal health choices continue to reap consequences according to laws of nature through 2024. If you naturally takecare of your body, including mental health, you can relax and enjoy a happy healthy life.
It’s a wonderful year to commit and enjoy beautiful romance, date nights, and relationships that give you a sense of security, including material security. Express your love to those who are faithful, and look for tangible ways to enjoy life (or work) together.
Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto through March 3 may dredge up painfulissues in government-regulated relationships (such as marriage) or relationships built on traditional social structures. Consider looking for more organic connections that allow freedom for soul love to thrive (N Node and Uranus in Taurus.)
Social conflict may be fuzzy (who’s side are you on?) and political resistance may continue through mid Feb. Attempts to harmonize may see more failure than progress during this time. Look for more harmony in March or late April.
The Triple Conjunction of March 2
March 2, 2022 marks a rare and powerful New Moon Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces that is octile a powerful Mars Venus Pluto conjunction in Capricorn during another powerful Mercury Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Uranus is sextile the Sun Moon Jupiter conjunction, semisextile Chiron, and square Juno. Chiron in Aries is semisextile the Sun, Moon, Jupiter conjunction, septile Mercury Saturn, and quintile Mars Venus Pluto. Juno is semisextile the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, sextile Chiron.
March 2 indicates inspiring, surprising global support for financial transparency and new revolutionary health protocols will be in collective discussion organized by data scientists on censored communication platforms. These discussions (or protests) may be in conflict with governments or job security. Although these surprising yet inspiring protests may erupt from deep internal pressure and instigate intense challenges, disruptions, and conflict among official or political partnerships – or reveal hidden government financial ties – they may ultimately unite people through love, compassion, and service… culminating March 2, 2022.
Small business and humble startups may expect to do well with determined effort and consistent growth through 2022. Real estate assets may grow even stronger (before a downturn within a few years) as well as farmer’s markets, small farms, or local agriculture. A small but high quality design business, especially restaurant or home office interior design, may also be a solid investment of energy or finance.
However, Uranus in Taurus (May 15, 2018 – April 25, 2026) indicates unexpected or lightning fast changes toward regulated digital currency in current socioeconomic systems. Digital art including NFT’s may start reaping rewards beginning April 2022. Investments in clean energy (carbon, biomass, geothermal), electric vehicles, and sustainable technology may likely do well.
You might also consider work-at-home technology, communications or friend payments technology, or fintech investments. Biotech may do well in the future – but is not necessarily advised; it may be more talk than established products or companies with integrity. Sports, leisure travel, traditional religious organizations, or social justice causes may be overbought or old news by the next decade – as well as government regulated education. However, what do you really value? Consider investing there conservatively during a drop.
For those who were brave enough in 2021 to mentally shift to the future will likely see solid profit margins through 2028; others will stay stuck in the past through 2022 and have nothing but reruns and regurgitations of the usual problematic debt and federal bailout cycles – or just the same boring traditional structures in general, missing out on new fiscal and business opportunities.
Feb 17 and April 12 may be noticeably fortunate times to make a bold change in career or finances. End of April may indicate dreams coming true and success through conflict, mid June.
Up through April 12 may be especially favorable for the value of crude oil investments.
Businesses may finally open back up and supply chains may be back to normalleading up to April 12 after 2 years of pandemic lockdowns and closures.
It may be a fortunate year for yoga or meditation start ups or establishments, but watch for cult-like business scams.
Business scams, corporate government ties, and influencer manipulation may lead to a market crash early January 2022 and throughout the year, especially during Q1.
Take special care through March 3 to avoid ponzi schemes, pump and dump, whale-like investments, as well as sharp sell offs ; instead, consider buying in at a drop conservatively starting early to mid Feb 2022.
Inflation may be an issue through May, along with extravagantfortunes.
Investments in art or art collabs, especially digital art, made before Dec 29, 2021 may meet with a large pay off before 2026.
Ideally, you already have a solid portfolio established in 2021 as you hodl through market fluctuations through 2022. General leveraging, overbuying, overselling, etc are not advised.Investing in high quality companies wins the day. Look for financial advisors with integrity.
Long term hodling in sustainable companies, blockchains, and technologies amidst volatility likely meet a nice payoff through 2028 – as long as you naturally possess the determination to consistently add to a reputable portfolio with steady hands. Short term profiteering may not survive the fear market through Q2 2022 and even through 2023.
2022 is the year for long term investing in companies that exemplify consistent production.