Everything is energy. Astrology is the study of universal energy patterns which affects Earth and human behavior.
Tuesday – Wednesday
January 24 – 25, 2023
Sun in Aquarius 4° 24′
Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces 14° 02′
VOC Moon sextile Pluto 4:11pm Jan 25 – 6:48pm Jan 25 UTC
Prominent Polarity: Yang
Prominent Mode: Fixed
Prominent Element: Air, Water
Prominent Quadrant: IV
Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile, Novile
Retrograde: Pallas Rx
Domicile: Neptune
Mutual Reception: Venus, Uranus
Grand Air Trine: Sun, Mars, Ceres
Kite: Sun, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Juno
Cardinal T-Square: Mercury, Chiron, Pallas Rx
Moon square Mars, trine Pallas Rx, S Node, sextile N Node, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, conjunct Neptune
Sun sextile Jupiter 4° 47′
Jupiter novile Saturn, Uranus
Uranus septile Neptune, Vesta
Neptune conjunct Vesta
Grand Air Trine Kite, Cardinal T-Square. Sun 4° Aquariusnovile Moon. Waxing Crescent Moon Pisces sextile Uranus, Pluto, conjunct Neptune. Yang Fixed Air. [Image: astro-charts.com]
Scientific beliefs may be getting a shakeup. What is the real reality? You can trust intuition on this one, even if you can’t explain it.
Finances may be in the dark, for now, while a transition occurs behind the scenes. Government or community cooperation is advised. New ventures not advised.
Lost treasure from the past may be salvaged if you look for it.
Lovely day to organize living space or design a dream home.
“A young woman with a crown of flowers on her head admires her reflection in the water. Painting and sculpture tools are scattered here and there.” — The 360 Symbolic Degrees
Narcissism, sex affairs, or gambling, speculation can create some real problems with no easy solutions – or even lead to disease or premature death in rare cases, including demise of the planet.
However, there’s also heightened potential for creative power, especially in the production of future design.
For a rare few, conscious awakening of nirvana is possible; however, trust in the Universal Divine, self-discipline, and focus are required.
Favorable day for inner consciousness, creative imagination, home design.
People born with 4° Aquarius – especially conjunct Mercury or aspecting Mars, Uranus – may possess piercing creative brilliance.
Take specialcare: Right Fibula Nerve.
Egotistical narcissist overestimating capabilities. Strange behaviors. Sex affairs, gambling, speculation, no easy solutions: Structural collapse, electrical issues, disease, threats of premat
Creative brilliance, especially lyrical. Chanting, healing, enlightenment.
Mass violence,extreme weather, fire or firing through Jan 29. Utilize shakeups for brave progress.
🇷🇺"This war shows that Russia's air defense is one of the best in the world.Russia produces more than 3 times as many air defense missiles similar to Patriot." – Putin
The "Doomsday Clock" symbolizing the perils to humanity moved its closest ever to midnight on Tuesday amid the Ukraine war, nuclear tensions and the climate crisis. pic.twitter.com/F9oaLx7CSS
Finance scandals purged 2022 – 2026. Consider investing in practical possessions; exit stocks or hodl Oct 2022 – March 2023. Economic fears begin to dissolve Jan 12 2023, possible bounce ups Jan 12-Feb but war may escalate, overly protective misers, layoffs also through Feb 2023. Inflated bubble may pop Mar 16. Possible recession (undeniable) Q1 2023. Potential buy in March-May 2023. Market recovery, wealth potential May 2023-2024. Traditional finance, debt structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT. 2025 – 2037 (2031) Possible financial collapse, market shift to China?
December 21, 2020
Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 0° Aquarius Winter Solstice, transition from Earth element to new 800-year cycle in Air element
Massive, long term transition from exploiting earth’s natural resources and industrialized consumerism to global climate activism – as well as artificial intelligence, cyborgs, advanced car technology, space exploration, blockchain finance, and the metaverse.
May 10, 2022
Jupiter in Aries May 10 – Oct 28, 2022 and Dec 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023
Large fortunes spent on desires or weapons, war, defense. Taking bold financial risks favored over boring mundane work, but finance schemes can result in loss. Have clear goals before taking leap of faith.
Global warming. Large, uncontrolled, more than usual fires especially related to war or explosions in the sky. Caution advised.
August 20, 2022
Mars in Gemini Aug 20, 2022 – March 23, 2023
Must make decision or may fail if divided.
Witty humor, distractions, information overload, neurosis. Conflict or innovations in media communications. War propaganda, cyber attacks, data leaks. Violent protests. City crime. Stabbings. Fighting words: Utilize subterfuge, wise, measured response for harmony.
January 22, 2023
All Major Planets Direct Jan 22 – Apr 21, 2023
Finally! You can see clearly now. Clean up, relaunch, move forward, travel.
Disruption or strangeness can shake things up before changing directions to move forward. Reversals may occur around Jan 22. Rely on sensitive intuition for guidance.
January 28, 2023
Sun square Nodes, First Quarter Moon Taurus conjunct Uranus opposite S Node Jan 28, 2023
Unexpected weather events, natural disasters, eruption, wildfire. Political conflict, mass violence possible. Increased chance of illness, accidents. Rabbit hole chaos. Past in conflict with future (choose future.) Favorable day for art, property-related business.
March 4, 2023
Mars Gemini conjunct U.S. Uranus Gemini Transit March 4-8, 2023. Leo Moon opposite Capricorn Pluto Anaretic Degree. Lilith square Nodes. Sun, Mercury square Mars, Venus square Pluto March 16.
Civil unrest in the United States, possible violent conflict, attacks, resistance in town square or tech, especially concerning documents or constitution, or masculine vs feminine. Roe vs Wade?
March 7, 2023
Saturn in Pisces Mar 7, 2023 – Feb 2026
Someone or something locked up is freed.
The start of the greatest global shift of our time. Compassion and artisticskills may become officially accepted in the professional sector, or established by world-wide governments over the next 3 years. Make your life dream your career. Just make sure it isn’t a fantasy unless you’re a sucker for harsh, awkward reality checks.
Entertainment can be used to see reality from a different angle – or to escape it.
Delusion of authorities. Government-regulation (or promotion) of drugs or euthanasia may be a prominent issue. Global deaths from chemicals, medication, addictions, disease. Collective faith challenged by science, vice versa.
Alliances break apart; dividing walls collapse. Global debt dissolves. Push for one world government, global communism, or control of world economic forum using climate issue as possible catalyst – which may lead to global conflict or war around 2026.
Internal conflict, underground wealth, mass fortunes, unexpected uprisings. Vague comms, lies, obscenities, confusion, chaos. Inflated bubbles pop. Something wonderful wasted or blocked. Hard work required, deep excavation. Critical choice.
March 23, 2023
Pluto in Aquarius March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023, January 20, 2024 – September 1, 2024, November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043 then weaves in and out of Aquarius and Pisces. Pluto square Nodes July 22-28, 2023.
“Commoners” realize their people power and begin to resist enslavement to “the beast.”
Unexpected events involving things that are hidden may include plutocracy, advanced media technology, artificial intelligence, surveillance, algorithmic mind control, censorship, cyber security issues, UFO data. The dark side of technology may be exposed.
Universal basic income in the form of a central bank digital currency may be a possibility for governments to erase national debt, regain control. Immense underground wealth, hidden manipulation shifts from corporate politics to technology, digital currency.
Alliances, technology, culture, material realm…. Enjoy what you have or connect with the beauty of nature. Lend support to those in need, but for the right (authentic) reasons.
April 19-20, 2023
HybridSolar New Moon Eclipse 29° Aries: Sun conjunct Moon square Pluto in Aquarius, opposite Uranus in Taurus
Crimes of powerful elite exposed, resistance, revolutions. Breakdown or destruction of outdated social structures such as military, finance, or real estate. Utilize chaotic disruptions to reorganize.
May 5, 2023
AppulseLunar Eclipse Full Moon 14° Scorpio opposite Uranus
Drama, crises, revolutions. Powerful, deep shifts. Sudden change. Good things are ahead! Especially for finance. Clean out the last of the past. Let it all go to rise again.
May 16, 2023
Jupiter in Taurus May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024. Jupiter sextile Saturn through July. Jupiter conjunct Uranus.
Inspired optimism joins hard-working financial security for economic stability and wealth potential, prosperity through hard work. Tangible results are favored over financial risks.
Invest in commodities such as metals, minerals, copper, agriculture, real estate, regulated digital currency, tech, electrical components. Stock pantry for food shortages.
May 17, 2023
Fixed T-Square Jupiter square Mars opposite Pluto 0° May 17, 2023 – May 21, 2024
Powerful environmental incidents such volcanic eruptions or wildfires may be possible.
July 18, 2023
Nodal Shift: North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra July 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025
War and conflict may escalate. Relationships of the past may have been established on a false sense of peace, equality, or romance. Partnerships may desire or benefit from more independence. Schisms in diplomatic alliances or governments make space for new structures.
July 22, 2023
Venus Retrograde Leo July 22, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023, Sun opposite Pluto Rx, square Nodes, Mercury trine Chiron
It may not be the best time for relationship commitments or weddings. Needy for attention. Rethinking relationships, realizations, backspin if wrong choice made Oct-Nov 2022.
August 2023
Multiple planets in 4th Quadrant at 27° success degree.
International alliance may reach a powerful or successful agreement such as a formal acceptance into a diplomatic worldpower.
October 14, 2023
Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury. Mercury opposite Chiron.
Stabilize relationships and heal old wounds through communications.
October 28, 2023
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio opposite Moon conjunct Jupiter Taurus. Sun octile Venus, Jupiter octile Neptune.
Cutting, incisive conflict related to finance. Tension, broken communication. Caution advised with travel, knives, sharp tools.
November 1, 2023
Pluto 27° Capricorn (Last Pass)
Completion of transformation related to career, government, underground wealth, or brand new security structure after collapse. Joy and celebration of success over fears, obstacles through knowledge.
November 13, 2023
New Moon in Scorpio. Sun, Moon, Mars Triple Conjunction opposite Uranus
Sudden, unexpected explosions or out of control rage related to finance, property ownership, or close relationships.
November 27, 2023
Full Moon in Gemini. Sun conjunct Mars Sagittarius opposite Gemini Full Moon.
Surgical precision cut or rooting out. Explosive fights. War.
Venus Rx Leo July 2023. Mars, Uranus, Neptune Conjunctions Russia, Saturn Neptune Capricorn conjunction Aries July 2025, Pluto Aquarius
Sudden or unexpected events may lead to schisms, undermining, or the evaporation of President Vladimir Putin‘s control of Russia as ‘the people’ realize their power — followed by violence, continuation of war, Ukrainian invasion, or new birth of Russia. Significant Russian assassination possible. [Saturn-Neptune conjunctions historically critical for Russia. Venus Rx Leo typically pivotal for President Putin.]
Pluto Aquarius
Internal collapse or internal conflict possible for groups or alliances. Civil war may be another possibility.
Uranus Gemini. Uranus trine Pluto opposite Jupiter July 17, 2026
Major cultural shift. Transition to automated electric vehicles may begin completion by 2034. Unexpected events in public square, public transportation. Unpredictable weather. Airborne virus’ may peak 2027. ‘Smart’ cities: Digital I.D.’s. needed for access, facial recognition, AI, fiber optic cables, robotics, metaverse. Social credit scores. Digital currency chaos.
Underground power of China may unexpectedly prosper through future technology, space exploration, transportation of the future, social media dominance, surveillance through civil unrest. Possible ending of Xi Jinping rule, or surprising transformation of leadership. Potential deterioration of U.S. China relations 2026, potential U.S. China confrontation or proxy war: 2028-2035.
Pluto Neptune
Surprising advancements in future technology and higher intelligence bring together new alliances. Hyperinflation 2030-32.
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