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Astrology is just a tool for conscious awareness. Everything is energy.
August 14, 2022
Sun in Leo 21° 32′
Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces 21° 24′
VOC Moon sextile Pluto Rx: 3:10pm Aug 14 – 8:43pm Aug 14 UTC
New Moon in Virgo 4° 03′ 8:16am Aug 27 UTC
Moon octile Chiron Rx, quincunx Venus, conjunct Vesta, trine Lilith, S Node, opposite Mercury, sextile N Node, Uranus
Fixed T-Square. Sun 21° Leo opposite Saturn Rx, quincunx Moon. Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces trine S Node, sextile N Node, Uranus, Mars, Pluto Rx, square Pallas, conjunct Juno, Neptune Rx, VOC, Moon in Aries. Mars trine Pluto Rx. Jupiter Rx octile Mars, Saturn Rx 2-3° orb, novile Uranus, quintile Pluto Rx, Pallas. Yin Fixed Fire Water.
It’s a good day for a creative project. Or meditate. Or, sleep. Primitive naivety, easy prey, family deceit. Intoxicated, illness. Good for psychic reading but watch your purse. Nestle, nurture, protect. It’s okay, life can wait.
Moon | Cancer
Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces trine S Node, sextile N Node, Uranus, Mars, Pluto Rx, square Pallas, semisextile Saturn Rx, sesquiquadrate Ceres, Venus, quincunx Sun, conjunct Juno, Neptune Rx, VOC, Moon in Aries
You may not be able to accomplish much with a Void-of-Course Pisces Moon and 21° Leo Sun – unless you’re a disciplined creative type. Apathy, dizzy confusion, or whimsical mood swings can be awkward. Karmic dreams may be tied to past lives. Around 8:43pm UTC, you might be ready to go! Even then, you may hit a wall. Consider taking a time out to avoid accidents. Watch for oppressive illusions.
Some may be going through intense heartbreak, self-criticism, or just a really bad mood. And it may last a while – through Oct 23. If you can let feelings be, a previously dormant Inner Force may cut through deception and become an indestructible pillar of strength. With loss, something new can begin through beautiful metamorphosis.
Emotional nurturing may come through creativity, art, music, romance, fantasy, emotional connection, or caring for others.
Mars, Ceres, Chiron | Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Chiron Rx until Dec 23
Some may be feeling weak, or have weak immunity. Some may be susceptible to a quick-progressing illness or virus. Some may be in danger of being held in restraint or “moved to different places at will of another.” You might gently explore trauma but consider safety precautions for today.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Intoxication, Drugs, Sudden Disease, Quickly-Progressing Disease, Meningitis, Left Auricle. Extremities, Fingers, Toes, Third Eye through Aug 14. Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
Sun, Moon, Ceres, Juno | Cancer, Leo, Libra
Juno Rx until Oct 22
You may be a healing balm to the disturbed, or you may be honored to serve but there may be a very real danger of trusting or seeking help from people willing to harm, or envious of assets. Family can be especially deceitful. Sincere sensitivity, straightforward honesty are beautiful traits; just keep your guard up, trust no one – for today.
Venus, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Vesta Rx until Oct 5
Careless accidents in your own house can lead to injury. Certain housemates may be trying to pull a fast one. Consider creating a protected space for nurturing.
Jupiter Rx until Nov 23, Saturn Rx until Oct 23, Pluto Rx until Oct 8.
Contemporaries may be jealous of other people’s abilities or reputation. Or, a business may be easily supplanted. Stick to creative or intuitive work with determined tenacity. Otherwise, watch your back.
Technical analysis with intuitive understanding but unable to secure tangible wealth.
Through Sept 1: Professional bloodsuckers, vain displays of luxury, luckier than deserved. Gain but at what cost? Misfortune, bankruptcy. True Courage, Inner Nobility, Strong Business. Eventual recovery.
FINANCE MARKETS: Final downturn, sideways action Aug 12-Oct. Prepare, plan Aug 14-24 for downtrend or change in trend. Small sigh of relief possible Aug 25. Global illusion Aug 30. Bottom: Oct. Sell potential before Nov 8 or hodl. Potential buy March 2023. Traditional finance structures collapse and transition into REGULATED digital currency through 2025. Long term investing in ‘wonderful companies’ with consistent quality production in favor. Downtrends or volatility, in that case, may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams. Remain steady, RESILIENT.
Mercury, Uranus, Pallas | Gemini, Aquarius
Watch for people driving under the influence or immature, irresponsible intoxication. It may not be the best day for travel or socializing. Watch for accidents or people blowing their lid.