Direct Your Energy

Trees Photo from Pixabay
Trees Photo from Pixabay


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

  • Sun in Leo 5° 48′
  • Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries
  • VOC Moon: 1:12am July 28 – 9:57am July 28 UTC
  • Prominent Spheres: Sun
  • Prominent Mode: Fixed, Mutable
  • Prominent Element: Fire, Very Little Water
  • Prominent Aspect: Sextile
  • Retrogrades: Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx, Juno Rx, Pallas Rx
  • Mutable T-Square
  • Fixed T-Square
  • Mars opposite Jupiter Rx
  • Venus square the Nodes
  • Jupiter Rx in Aquarius until Dec 28

It’s a great day to express yourself authentically or achieve victory in a health or fitness goal. A lot can be accomplished with any objective if you’re focused and committed. Conflict only creates more conflict.

It’s a powerful day in the Cosmos. As Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius, empowering Saturn Rx, Mars at a critical degree in Leo is moving into an opposition with Jupiter. Adding fuel to the fire is an Aries Moon trining the Leo Sun and Mercury. There’s the ongoing mutable T-square with Venus as it squares the Nodes and Juno Rx along with an exact Fixed T-square with Jupiter and Mars squaring Ceres.

For some, it can feel like a whole new reality. It can be a day of major achievement or major internal upheaval. Those who aren’t hard at work, focused on achieving their personal objectives – or are simply unhappy in their life – may project internal conflict on an external environment or relationship.

Watch for social unrest or angry, outspoken protests as it may only create more conflict. Disagreements have no solutions in this atmosphere. External hostilities may be fueled by underlying past trauma, especially if it concerns survival needs not met by the mother in an authentic way.

Mother issues or issues of genuine, committed nurturing may be playing out behind the scenes. It may be necessary to give self and or others time to fully open the heart in trust. In the meantime, you can strengthen the process by consistently expressing your love and care to a loved one, as long as it’s authentic.

Oversacrificing or giving with strings attached sends the opposite message and is not real love at all.

If you’re well-established in your own life, this is the time to stay resolutely focused on your own personal achievements. Hard work starts paying off and tangible accomplishment feels deeply satisfying as well as inspiring for the long haul.

Hard work and undying commitment in the face of very real fears may not be easy at times, but – as long as you’re on the right track with the right people, and you know deep within if you areinspired hard work is the life force energy behind a deeply fulfilling life experience. Keep going!


Reality Checks or Major Achievement

July 26 – August 1, 2021

  • Monday, July 26: Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Tuesday, July 27: Mercury in Leo until August 11, Mercury quincunx Jupiter Rx
  • Wednesday, July 28: Jupiter Rx in Aquarius until December 28, Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries
  • Thursday, July 29: Mars opposite Jupiter Rx, Venus square the Nodes, Mars in Virgo
  • Friday, July 30: No Major Aspects
  • Saturday, July 31: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus (square Saturn Rx)
  • Sunday, August 1: Sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury opposite Saturn Rx

Reality checks continue this week with sharp realizations or finally acknowledging inconvenient truths. It can be a rough week for some or a highly rewarding week for others – depending on your level of integrity and unwavering commitment.

Three major planets change signs this week marking major energy shifts in the collective or your own life. With a Mars opposition to Jupiter Rx and a Mercury opposition to Saturn Rx, you might notice more external conflict than usual – or relentless distractions from people and agendas that only use you or drain you.

Thursday may be a particularly upsetting day if you’ve been wasting your energy on the wrong people or life choices.

In the humble background, Venus in Virgo continues to strive for high quality production with high quality people. Clearing out the clutter of people, resources, or health choices not worth their weight allows you to focus on what truly satisfies and keeps you happy, healthy, and secure.

You can’t expect to hit your target unless you have unwavering focus and you can’t stay focused unless you’re confident and inspired about your objective.

Just be sure to burn the RIGHT bridges while preserving valuable alliances.

If you can tenaciously maintain your standards AND up your game, it can be a powerful week to accomplish goals you were unable to previously achieve.


July 2021

Moving Into The Unknown With Confidence, Or Lack Thereof

The beginning of the month starts with some powerful oppositions and square aspects which can feel tense. Stress is due to trying to move forward while still holding on to old patterns or relationships of the past.

Staying focused on a SINGULAR task or objective allows you to channel powerful energies into a worthwhile achievement. Otherwise, energies get wasted on pointless drama or distractions.

Old securities may start to crumble on July 4 when the Sun in Cancer squares Chiron, and that can feel upsetting; however, you can use painful issues as inspiration to release false securities, then establish new securities in your life that are more reliable.

Venus takes over the spotlight from Mars July 6 – 11 as Mercury squares Neptune Rx. People will either be actively developing their life passion, or lost in a FANTASY.

Make sure you’re on the right track because Mercury takes center stage July 11 while Jupiter and Neptune continue to retrograde in Pisces. You may either feel healthy optimism while accomplishing a grounded objective… or be caught in a GRAND DELUSION.

Around mid-month it will be easier (not so scary) to release the past and move into the unknown.

However, July 15 – 23 may feel unsettling unless you allow your perspective to be solidified or EVOLVE.

After the Sun positions itself in Leo on July 22 followed by an Aquarius Full Moon, you may feel a powerful shift in energy, allowing you to open up to others and expand into the future – as long as you’re confident in your own choices and perspective.

The challenge this month is to accept the UNIQUE paths of others without feeling threatened by differences in relationships. You can accept different choices of others, because they will either reinforce your own solid choices or expose cracks in your choices which need to evolve or mature. This is really the key to the whole month.

You know you’re making the right choices if you can stay steady and focused on your OWN tangible action which leads to tangible results and genuine self-pride.

By the 28th, you may be feeling more confident and capable OR feel locked in self-doubt and uncertainty. It all depends on how well you did on the test of your personal choices. You can continue to enjoy your solid, grounded choices, or make changes so that you CAN.



Conscious Choices and Life Changes

After the year 2020 uprooted foundations and outdated material securities, 2021 is the year for exciting change, especially as it might concern your career or relocating to a new home. Multiple new beginnings and new cycles present opportunities for major structural change.

Final choices made by the end of the year establishes new life experiences for the long term – so choose wisely. You might not know exactly what’s ahead but that’s okay. Dare to follow your true heart and enjoy exciting new opportunities that come your way.