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Astrology is just a tool to connect with your conscious awareness.
Wednesday – Thursday
May 18 – May 19, 2022
Sun in Taurus 27° 36′
Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn 1° 6′
VOC Moon trine Sun: 11:59am May 20 – 12:53pm May 20 UTC
New/Full Moon: New Moon in Gemini 9° 03′ 11:30am May 30 UTC
Prominent Sign: Taurus
Prominent Planets: Pluto Rx
Prominent Polarity: Yin
Prominent Mode: Fixed, Cardinal
Prominent Element: Earth, Water
Prominent Aspects: Sextile, Semisextile
Retrogrades: Pluto Rx, Mercury Rx
Mercury Rx, Neptune in Signs of Rulership
Cardinal T-Square: Moon, Jupiter, Ceres, Lilith
Sun trine Pluto Rx (May 19)
Mars conjunct Neptune (May 17/18)
Sun 28° Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn square Jupiter, Chiron, trine Uranus. Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, semisextile Saturn. Jupiter square Ceres. Uranus septile Neptune.
It’s a good day for silence to calm a flustered mind. Physical senses may be sharp. Respecting emotions has invisible power to break free from tyranny of unqualified leaders, influencers, or commercialized manipulation.
Emotional Wellness
Moon | Cancer
Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn
Moon sextile Vesta
Moon semisextile Pluto Rx
Moon sesquiquadrate Uranus, N Node, Sun, Mercury Rx
Moon square Jupiter, Chiron
Moon quincunx Mercury Rx
Moon opposite Ceres, Lilith
Moon trine Uranus
It may be another rough day for mental health especially if addictions or escapism is involved; however, there’s potential to take back control of your own life. If you feel ragey, have you made choices only to make others happy? If unable to focus, consider your true priorities. Some may need time to grieve or comfort fears before it’s possible to enjoy simple pleasures.
May 5, May 15, May 20, and May 29 may be tough days for some people. The more you can relax, stay flexible, and avoiddrama, the easier it may be. Gently release buried emotions before then to avoid a bad decision. Safely check in on people who may be depressed or prone to violence. Life gets easier after May 24 and even better around June 20. Until then, consider staying focused on a meaningful project and skip those dates if you can. Simply erase them from your calendar.
Wait until June 20 for concrete clarity; until then, the mind may be playing tricks. Communications may also be off kilter.
Emotional nurturingmay come through dependable hard work or rare courage to rise to a challenge in order to support an established social structure, such as a country, home, or family. Watch for a tendency to disregard important feelings or try to prove yourself in order to “earn” love or support which is inherently unconditional.
Health And Body
Mars, Chiron | Aries, Virgo
Mars in Pisces until May 24
Mars semisextile Chiron
Chiron in Aries until June 19
Chiron square Moon
Is a competitive attitude blocking progress? If you can relax about health, diet, or personal image, a new choice can be made that allows you to ENJOY a disciplined routine. For mental health, consider solitude and silence. Pure calm is available that isn’t affected by circumstances.
Meditation in favor through May 24 – especially active meditation.
Healthcare may especially focus on: Skeletal System, Spine, Bones, Teeth, Shoulders, Joints, Muscular System, Muscle Tissue through May 20 or the Energy System, Nervous System, Migraines/Auras through June 2026
There may be internal conflict simmering between masculine and feminine energies either at home or in a political or professional organization. Look under the surface for a subtle, creative solution.
Home And Property
Venus, Ceres, Lilith, Vesta | Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Venus in Aries until May 28 [Sassy]
Vesta in Aquarius until May 24
Vesta sextile Moon
Vesta semisextile Pluto Rx
Lilith in Cancer until Jan 8, 2023
Lilith opposite Moon
Bureaucracy or red tape may be in opposition to home security but harmony is possible if someone can relax control. Consistent action can lead to security as long as a situation isn’t forced. Relax and flow.
In some places, there may be conflict, shifting earth, dust, or fires in a political location such as a capitol, or in nature. The atmosphere may feel ethereal, as if you’re suddenly in a different dimension.
If you feel out of alignment from tension, it may not be the best day for travel, media, or shopping. For stability, consider administrative organization.
International Events
Sun trine Pluto 28°
Sun 27-28° Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn square Jupiter, Chiron, trine Uranus. Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, semisextile Saturn. Jupiter square Ceres. Uranus septile Neptune.
Success in things that are hidden. Internal conflict in political parties, wage slavery, gender equality. An unqualified leader. Unconscious danger or manipulation in fashion or beauty, commercialization, ambitious influencers who lack intelligence or skill. Sexual perversion, romantic illusions, addictions. Selfish, narrow-minded opinions that change with the wind. Potential progress in art, medicine, technology, digital currency, NFT’s. Compassion or equality in environmental, animal welfare, material resources, especially food and shelter. Wisdom in judicial rulings. Silence, solitude, deep relaxation for pure calm, intuitive insight, creative solutions. Healing in nature, natural medicine, fertility. Enjoy basic material needs. Don’t take anything for granted, especially protection from allies. A need for organization or practical administration in your service to the world.
Issues related to a pandemic, virus, pharmaceuticals drugs, chemicals, gas, oil, or space through May 24.
Women’s rights, women’s health, or women in conflict may be a topic through May 29.
Public protests may be in the spotlight Feb 14 – Mar 17, April 12, May 15, May 29 this year.
Conflict may be especially volatile or violent around March 21, April 5, May 15, May 29.
Delays, changes, or conflict due to: Misinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories, data leaks, cyber warfare, censorship, troll or spam bots, social media issues, grammatical errors, communications, technology, trade, transportation, transfers, roads, bridges through June 3, 2022
Conflict related to religious politics, holy wars, extremists, ideologies, violence or evil flies banner of moral fight for justice, “mission from God” through May 24 and Oct 28, 2022. [Misinformation campaigns through June 3.]
Success in emergency or rescue efforts through May 24 – July 5.
Large fortunes squandered, lost, or utilized for reckless aggression, or for strategicdefense through Oct 28, 2022. [Potential fortune in finances July, August]
Disruptions or sudden shifts in supply chains, technology, digital currency through 2025. Remain conservative but shift into the future.
Refined capabilities and milestones of success may occur around April 5, April 12, May 29, and June 17 after immense challenges.
Edit [May 18]: “Hundreds of lanterns were released into the sky by Indonesian Buddhists celebrating Vesak day at the temple of Borobudur for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic hit the country” — AFP News Agency
Edit [May 18]: “The InSight spacecraft is slowly losing power because its two solar panels are covered in dust, officials announce.” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “Pentagon now reports about 400 UFO encounters” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “Sudan’s capital Khartoum, a sanctuary of lush green vegetation is a haven for over 100 exotic birds.” — AFP News Agency
Edit [May 18]: “Cannibal wasp babies eat their siblings, because nature is brutal” — Live Science, @livescience
Edit [May 18]: “The white teenager suspected of killing 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store allegedly also took part in animal abuse” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “Martin Shkreli, infamous ‘Pharma Bro,’ released from prison early” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “Lawmaker’s arrest is latest sex claim to roil UK Parliament” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “2 plead guilty in scheme to manipulate Amazon Marketplace” — ABC News
Edit [May 18]: “US Soccer announces equal pay deal for men and women teams” — AFP News Agency
Edit [May 18]: “Apple may have to slide a lot further before the market sell-off stops….” — CNBC News
Edit [May 18]: “Battle of the stablecoin giants: Circle’s USD Coin is reaping the benefits as circulation of Tether continues to decline in a wave of redemptions” — Bloomberg Crypto, @crypto
Edit [May 18]: “World Bank to provide additional $12 billion to address global food crisis” — AFP News Agency
Edit [May 18]: “Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine will push 40 million people into extreme poverty and cause food insecurity.” — US Secretary of State
[Click here for daily updates on the Russia Ukraine conflict from an astrological perspective.]
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, N Node | Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Capricorn: Pluto until Mar 23, 2023
Pisces: Mars, Neptune, Juno
True Node in Taurus until July 17. 2023
Saturn in Aquarius until Mar 7, 2023
Saturn semisextile Mars
Jupiter in Aries until Oct 28
[Jupiter Rx July 28]
Jupiter square Moon, Ceres
Jupiter septile True Node
Uranus in Taurus until July 7, 2025
Uranus sesquiquadrate Moon
Uranus trine Moon
Uranus septile Neptune
Neptune in Pisces until Mar 30, 2025
Success is likely in art, law, or medicine. Relax for clear inspiration and to avoid mistakes. Material assets or natural resources may be in conflict; but remember, it’s all energy.
Sun, Pluto, Jupiter | Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Sun in Taurus until May 20: Decans 1 and 2 Major Uptrend, Decan 3 Downtrend
Jupiter in Aries until Oct 28, 2022: Market aggression, extreme greed, acting on impulse, volatility
Pluto in Capricorn until Mar 23, 2023: Immense underground wealth of an elite may collapse, long term investing, immense underground wealth, ultra slow market movement, tightening of corporate or government regulations
Taurus Scorpio Nodal Axis: Long term investing, material integrity and stability in favor
Uranus in Taurus: Digital currency, new financial structures or material assets in favor but may require long hard work or excruciating challenges
Neptune in Pisces: Slog but speculative risk in favor
Inflation may begin slowing down but fear may turn to greed. Financialvolatility doesn’t have to be upsetting if you invest in or buy ONLY what you absolutely love. Recovery after May 24. Stability or potential fortune after June 17.
You may want to wait to buy back or buy in around June 20, 2022. Otherwise, hold on for the ride.
The U.S. Pluto return is currently taking place through 2023 and beyond, collapsing traditional finance structures to be replaced by regulateddigital currency.
2022: Long term investing or hodling in companies with high quality production is in favor. In this case, downtrends or volatility may be bullish or corrective, purging schemes and scams.